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Dryad Handicraft Instruction Leaflets 2-125 [hardback]

di Dryad Handicrafts

Serie: Dryad Leaflet (set)

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Aggiunto di recente daSylak
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During the 1940s Dryad periodically bound together batches of their leaflets as the book titled above.
Although they tried to keep them as similar as possible, substitutions were frequently used and copies of the book could range anywhere between 30-45 leaflets in size.
My personal copy containes 45 leaflets - although one (No. 125) was a duplicate (technically an edited repeat of leaflets No. 13 and No. 51).

Bound within my copy I found the following numbers (other copies of this book may vary)

  • (No. 2) Art, Handicraft and Education
  • (No. 13) To make the two-rod three-stroke plaited border (with complete instructions for a bread basket)
  • (No. 16) Re-caning a stool or chair seat
  • (No. 17) Pattern making with simple shapes
  • (No. 22) Stencilling on paper and fabric
  • (No. 31) Glove Making
  • (No. 39) New vases for old
  • (No. 43) Stool seating
  • (No. 51) To make the two-rod five-stroke plaited border (with complete instructions for a tray)
  • (No. 57) Stickprinting with a note on potato printing
  • (No. 74) Two methods for marbling
  • (No. 78) Embroidered flowers
  • (No. 83) Spinning wool
  • (No. 85) Rug weaving
  • (No. 86) More patterns for stool seating
  • (No. 89) How to weave on four way table looms
  • (No. 90) How to weave on foot power looms
  • (No. 91) Hand-weaving on two-way looms
  • (No. 92) Netting
  • (No. 93) Making papier mache
  • (No. 94) A plea for Freedom
  • (No. 95) Drafted patterns for elementary weaving
  • (No. 96) Painting for children
  • (No. 100) Card loom weaving
  • (No. 101) The craft of quilting
  • (No. 103) Colour printing by the screen process
  • (No. 104) More uses for coloured felt
  • (No. 105) Gold and colour tooling for bookcrafts, bookbinding and leatherwork
  • (No. 106) Linoleum cutting and printing incl. Fabric printing
  • (No. 107) Combined pattern papers
  • (No. 108) Pattern making with cut paper
  • (No. 109) Printing with rubber
  • (No. 110) Cross-stitch
  • (No. 111) Tablet weaving
  • (No. 112) Rush baskets and mats
  • (No. 114) Slippers fromfelt or suede
  • (No. 115) Some uses for coloured felt
  • (No. 118) Painting white wood ware
  • (No. 119) Felt flowers
  • (No. 120) Seven little novelties froma bundle of felt
  • (No. 121) Work with "Perspex)
  • (No. 122) Knitting for the services
  • (No. 123) Doll making with the professional touch
  • (No. 124) More felt flowers
  • (No. 125) Three canework borders with complete instructions for a Bread Basket and a tray
  • ( )
      Sylak | Jan 13, 2015 |
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    The Dryad Leaflets were first introduced twenty years ago and have been the means of encouraging a general revival of English crafts.
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