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Silver Orphan

di Martine Lacombe

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An endearing tale of unlikely friendship and compassion between two diametrically opposed individuals - a vibrant young woman and an elderly frail man - Silver Orphan illustrates that giving of yourself reaps untold benefits.The subject matter covered in Silver Orphan is disturbing from a collective point of view. How we treat our elders, how we discard them - both in life and death - mirrors how we fare as a society. The old will soon outnumber the young - a chilling prospect treated with compassion in Silver Orphan. Interwoven in the stark reality of our superficial ethos is a story of love, redemption, and compassion. Silver Orphan should be included in ethics class curricula nationwide.A chance encounter; an unusual request; two lives inexorably transformed. When self-absorbed Brooke Blake uncharacteristically sheds her narcissistic armor, she discovers that the hand we lend may pave the way to our own redemption. Silver Orphan is a perplexing hall of mirrors where every image reflects agonizing - though liberating - secrets.***Includes Group Reading Guide***… (altro)
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This novel is a story of an unlikely friendship between a self-absorbed, successful young woman and a frail, elderly man who lives alone. A chance encounter leads Brooke Blake to befriend Frank Moretti; when she discovers that he lives alone, and does not drive, she becomes a caretaker of sorts. When Frank dies months later, she is the one contacted to take care of the usual matters that concern a death, and it is up to her to find out if Frank has any living family members. At the beginning of the story, Brooke is not a very likable person, she seems to be quite full of herself, but along the way, as she takes Frank to the grocery store and other errands, and later, trying to find his family, she begins to grow and change in positive ways. We also learn of Frank's back story along the way, and how he came to be living alone in Florida.

This story is also a commentary on how the elderly are treated in this country, and how most communities are not prepared to deal with a growing aging population. According to the author, there are 11 million seniors living alone, and about 15% of those who need care have no family support. Frank is a representative of just one of those "silver orphans". It's an issue we all should pay attention too; even the young; because, unless there is an early death for various reasons, we are all going to be old some day.

I really enjoyed this story; it was heartbreaking at times, but also sprinkled with gentle humor, and I liked the message that a little compassion can make a big difference in someone's life.

Besides taking care of our elderly, I think this story shows that we need to treasure them also; they have stories to share that we should listen too. All my grandparents had passed away by the time I was 7 years old; I loved them, but it saddens me that they were all gone before I was old enough to truly appreciate them.

If you belong to a book club, I think this would be an excellent book for discussion. ( )
  mom2acat | Mar 7, 2013 |
An endearing tale of unlikely friendship and compassion between two diametrically opposed individuals - a vibrant young women and an elderly frail man - Silver Orphan illustrates that giving of yourself reaps untold benefits.

The subject matter covered in Silver Orphan is disturbing from a collective point of view. How we treat our elders, how we discard them - both in life and death - mirrors how we fare as a society. The old will soon outnumber the young - a chilling prospect treated with compassion in Silver Orphan. Interwoven in the stark reality of our superficial ethos is a story of love, redemption, and compassion. Silver Orphan should be included in ethics class curricula nationwide.

A chance encounter; an unusual request; two lives inexorably transformed. When self-absorbed Brooke Blake uncharacteristically sheds her narcissistic armor, she discovers that the hand we lend may pave the way to our own redemption. Silver Orphan is a perplexing hall of mirrors where every image reflects agonizing - though liberating - secrets. ( )
  Martine_Lacombe | Nov 28, 2012 |
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An endearing tale of unlikely friendship and compassion between two diametrically opposed individuals - a vibrant young woman and an elderly frail man - Silver Orphan illustrates that giving of yourself reaps untold benefits.The subject matter covered in Silver Orphan is disturbing from a collective point of view. How we treat our elders, how we discard them - both in life and death - mirrors how we fare as a society. The old will soon outnumber the young - a chilling prospect treated with compassion in Silver Orphan. Interwoven in the stark reality of our superficial ethos is a story of love, redemption, and compassion. Silver Orphan should be included in ethics class curricula nationwide.A chance encounter; an unusual request; two lives inexorably transformed. When self-absorbed Brooke Blake uncharacteristically sheds her narcissistic armor, she discovers that the hand we lend may pave the way to our own redemption. Silver Orphan is a perplexing hall of mirrors where every image reflects agonizing - though liberating - secrets.***Includes Group Reading Guide***

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