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The Best One-Dish Suppers (The Best Recipes)…
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The Best One-Dish Suppers (The Best Recipes) (edizione 2011)

di Cook's Illustrated (A cura di)

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A one-of-a-kind collection of one-dish suppers. Do you wish you could make dinners like a hearty, authentic Bolognese sauce and linguine or chicken pot pie with a fluffy biscuit topping, without hauling out an arsenal of pots and pans and spending hours in the kitchen? Let The Best One-Dish Suppers show you how. We already know how to make a perfect chicken pot pie, but could we make it in a single pot--biscuits included--and without taking all afternoon? Stir-fries are a great weeknight meal, and while we utilize the test kitchen's perfected skillet method, we also wanted a method that didn't require constant monitoring. So we put a sheet pan and the oven to work to come up with a nearly hands-off version.  With an appealing mix of family favorites and meals elegant enough for entertaining, The Best One-Dish Suppers will help you get dinner on the table without breaking a sweat.… (altro)
Titolo:The Best One-Dish Suppers (The Best Recipes)
Autori:Cook's Illustrated (A cura di)
Info:Cook's Illustrated (2011), Edition: 1st Edition, 352 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:cookbook, one dish cooking, Cook's Illustrated

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The Best One-Dish Suppers (The Best Recipes) di Cook's Illustrated

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Some of the dishes were overly fussy and complicated for my tastes but the tips were good as well as some of the recipes. ( )
  Half-elf28 | Jun 1, 2016 |
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A one-of-a-kind collection of one-dish suppers. Do you wish you could make dinners like a hearty, authentic Bolognese sauce and linguine or chicken pot pie with a fluffy biscuit topping, without hauling out an arsenal of pots and pans and spending hours in the kitchen? Let The Best One-Dish Suppers show you how. We already know how to make a perfect chicken pot pie, but could we make it in a single pot--biscuits included--and without taking all afternoon? Stir-fries are a great weeknight meal, and while we utilize the test kitchen's perfected skillet method, we also wanted a method that didn't require constant monitoring. So we put a sheet pan and the oven to work to come up with a nearly hands-off version.  With an appealing mix of family favorites and meals elegant enough for entertaining, The Best One-Dish Suppers will help you get dinner on the table without breaking a sweat.

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