Managing a multi-volume set


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Managing a multi-volume set

Mag 17, 2:27 am

Hi there, my apologies if this is the wrong group to post. I'm new to LT after over a decade of tracking this collection in an excel document. I have a multi-volume set which showed up under the search with all four volumes as a single entry. In this collection, I want to list each individual volume as a separate entry and connect them as a series. I did not find this option in searching under other copies and editions of the entry I had found before, so I tried to enter in the information manually. However, that connected my manual-entry book back to that entry! When I double-click the "series" space for that volume, it warns me that editing that space will change information for all LT users.

I don't want to mess up anything for other users of the site, but I really need these books connected as a series! Is there a way to disconnect my manual entry from the global entry, or to set the series only for my specific copy/edition of the entry, or some other solution? Please help!

Thank you so much.

Mag 17, 3:04 am

Yes there is! You can separate your copies on the edition page of the work (lefthand menu on a desktop computer), and then add them to a new series, and add the 4 volume set to the series as a collection. Labeling them clearly and creating the series should prevent them being joined again.

LT tends to initially join things with similar titles - especially if the title is the same before a colon; you didn't do anything wrong.

Mag 17, 3:55 am

To prevent things being wrongly combined later you should add 'Work Relationship' for each of the individual works. This is on the main work page along with series.

Mag 18, 1:33 am

>2 Aquila:
>3 MarthaJeanne:
Thank you both so much for your replies and assistance! With your help I have solved this issue (: