Serial Killer Romance - Survivor turned cop

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Serial Killer Romance - Survivor turned cop

Mag 15, 2:21 am

As I recall, there is a female cop who's maybe just been promoted to detective. She was previously kidnapped and held by a serial killer, who is still out there, stalking her.
She'd been kidnapped from maybe her family's estate, or maybe a college campus, but it seems like she was walking through woods, or a park, adjacent to one of those two. She had left a party, where she would have possibly had an argument with her fiance (who is a neighbor as I recall of her wealthy family, and also now I think a partner in her father's firm perhaps), to walk home, or to her dorm, and was kidnapped at that time. Her becoming a cop is absolutely frowned upon by her wealthy family. They still have family dinners every Sunday were her ex-fiance is still invited. There's a lot of passive aggression there. I recall her having siblings, I don't remember how many or whether there were sisters or brothers or both, and as I recall she gets along better with her father than her mother, but I could be wrong on that. I believe both parents are living. At least most of the time. It's possible one of them dies at some point. Or not?
The first book opens with her already being a cop, and maybe having just been promoted, or possibly demoted, because that happens in there somewhere. She's apparently a bit of a hot head.
I can't really remember much of the story, or her name, although I do feel like it was something perhaps a little bit ironic, or at least meant to be, but I couldn't guarantee it.
I call it serial killer romance because there's a serial killer and yet still somehow there's also some romance in there, not with the serial killer, but just in spite of it. Though honestly, I couldn't tell you who she had a romance with. It was like there were several different people, certainly her partner, her previous fiance, and possibly her boss in the running at some point. And I couldn't tell you at which point in the series any of that happened. Because I definitely read two or three of these and, just absolutely no idea.
As I recall there was a serial killing truck driver, a serial killing Park Ranger maybe, a serial killing living doll maker, and at some point she does confront her own abductor.
At some point she jumps off a bridge into a river to save somebody who was drowning or to apprehend somebody who was running. And maybe that's a theme with her, like constantly going way overboard taking her life in her own hands trying to prove herself. Or it's possible that there's some hazing going on?
Somehow or other she ends up with her own sort of team, but I don't know if that's punishment or reward or if it's a secret something or other, regardless it takes place in the basement of the police station. And she ends up with a couple of experts or helpers of some sort, one that is good with computers I'm sure and one that is good with bodies of some sort. There's probably a profiler too. Because of course! Although, for real, I don't remember that being the case. Maybe there's no profiler.

This is a storyline that happens in the real world. There are no fantasy type plot points or characterizations. It's not science fiction, I don't even think there's like future science, or wishful thinking science, though there may have been some mistakes or exaggerations in the forensic sciences. As I recall, the most fantastic of all the plot points is that she's quite young, quite wealthy, and still somehow becomes a cop. Not that that can't be a thing, I just think it probably isn't very often.

I want to say it took place in the southeast portion of the US, perhaps the Carolinas? Maybe somewhere else. Definitely modern day, although maybe I read these as much as 10 years ago, I have a very hard time knowing about time. It passes at different speeds at different times. Time is weird.

I would say this is probably written by a woman. I frequently read women authors, they have less of a tendency to kill off the main characters. I have enough people dying in my real life that I don't need it in my escapism. And I would say that probably this was a first series, or even a first book of this particular author, because generally if I like a book, I will go and get all of the others, and I don't even recall this author's name. There may just not have been more. Or I suppose maybe I didn't actually like it, and I just can't get it out of my head right now. Time is indeed weird. And clearly so am I. I have no idea how many books there were. And I have no idea if there are more that I haven't read.

Modificato: Mag 15, 3:48 pm

>1 camerashycoco: I'll look into this more later, but the "previously kidnapped" part makes me think of Allison Brennan's Lucy Kincaid series that starts after she was kidnapped (that happened in another series); it starts with Love Me to Death. It's the FBI, not police, and it's in DC I think.

Mag 15, 8:43 pm

>2 vorkosigan: I am very familiar with the Lucy Kincaid series, and everything else Allison Brennan has written, because she's awesome.
This is not that. I would say it's a little bit more quirky, but that may just be in my memory. There's some kind of subtle humor going on, maybe?
But yes, I guess a similar storyline, except for that in the Lucy Kincaid universe everybody's kind of in law enforcement of some sort, or government, or military, and in this case, with this particular detective, she is definitely a sort of fish out of water type.

Honestly, I probably started reading these because I was out of things to read by Alison brennan.

Mag 16, 12:25 am

>3 camerashycoco: Ha! Sorry, I'll look again. I saw AB at Left Coast Crime in Sacramento years ago, and I've read most of her books since.

Mag 21, 11:38 pm


Mag 23, 5:04 pm

Mag 31, 11:10 am

>6 lesmel: I did. No luck. But thanks for the idea. I'm sure I will use that in the future.

Giu 1, 11:55 pm

maybe the Ellery Hathaway series? Starts with The Vanishing Season

Ieri, 11:34 pm

>8 keachachu: so it's not those. However, I will be looking at those. They might be right up my alley.
Thanks for trying!