Looking for a book

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Looking for a book

Mag 14, 11:19 am

Hello, I am looking for a book I read over ten years ago but someone misplaced it during a book exhausted so I never got it back.

The premise is that these two best friends (a guy and a girl )who grew up together had big dreams and plans to leave their small town but things got derailed by the girl deciding to go to their schoold dance with some guy who ended up getting her pregnant . So she stayed behind to raise her daughter . The girls dream was to always run /own a bed& breakfast/ guest house but due to things happening she had to hold off her dream . The guy went abroad and built a life there while she stayed behind. They stayed in communication but they always missed each other in some way (in terms of being together). Either he had a girlfriend or she had other responsibilities etc. The story was told through the letters or emails they sent to each other throughout their lives . There was barely any narration from each side but it made sense. She eventually got her bed and breakfast after her daughter became independent. The book had a purple cover?

I don't know if this is enough details for anyone to recognise it but I would appreciate the help either way.

Mag 14, 11:33 am

>1 jojoz:

you are more likely to get the help you need if you follow the Posting Guidelines: https://www.librarything.com/topic/329521

Do not start a new thread, but ask for a subject line change here: https://www.librarything.com/topic/349163

Mag 14, 12:30 pm

>1 jojoz: I haven't read the book but the movie was good, Where Rainbows End by Cecelia Ahern (movie under the title "Love, Rosie").