Found: Romance with autistic(?) female MC

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Found: Romance with autistic(?) female MC

Apr 6, 2023, 3:39 am

Looking for this book I read sometime in 2018/19. It’s part of a series about billionaire brothers who have one sister, and this book is the sister’s story.

Her name is Quinn (I might be wrong) and although she’s not explicitly labeled autistic, she does seem to have autistic characteristics such as taking things very literally, stating things explicitly and being oblivious to social undertones. She also has a special interest in cybersecurity and software, and collects trivia.

At the start of the book, she’s looking for someone to have sex with, as she wants to ‘lose her virginity’, but guys are either put off by her straightforward approach or scared of her brothers or something else ruins everything.

I can’t remember much of the story, but I think she got with a guy her brothers didn’t like, and whom she met at a pool party. He didn’t know who her brothers were at the first meeting, and I think he was a musician. Also, I think she had red hair? And she was their half-sister?

Her brothers are really well-known and powerful in the town, and there is a close knit relationship between all the women in the family (read the female MC and her brother’s partners).

Not sure if any of this is specific enough but it’s all I’ve got.

Apr 6, 2023, 7:07 am

Found it!
It’s Talk Nerdy to Me by CM Owens

Apr 6, 2023, 10:55 am