Progress in 2023

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Progress in 2023

Gen 10, 2023, 10:39 pm

Ten days into the year, and I seem to be making a positive start.
I’ve read 14 of my own books. Admittedly, I’m starting with some slender volumes. But I’m trying to conquer the floor piles.

I’d guess that half of my library is unread.
I’ve been weeding for the past few years and tossed about a thousand books. It appears I can dispose half of what I’ve read so far.

School and other obligations start tomorrow, so I won’t be keeping up with this pace.

Gen 11, 2023, 12:14 pm

In that same amount of time I'm no more than a third of the way through Rousseau's Confessions, so by my standard you're amazing.

Gen 11, 2023, 12:23 pm

You are doing much better than me - I've read 9 books so far this year, only 1 from my shelves (and it is a very slim book)...

Gen 11, 2023, 12:46 pm

I'm not making net progress. I've only finished reading two books (both borrowed), while I've acquired four and wishlisted two more.