Books added on August 12 don't show up in search but do show up on series page

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Books added on August 12 don't show up in search but do show up on series page

Nov 2, 2021, 12:42 am

I have a strange one (for me). I added some books on August 12:

Baseball Joe on the School Nine: or, Pitching for the Blue Banner (Baseball Joe, #2)

Baseball Joe at Yale: or, Pitching for the College Championship (Baseball Joe, #3)

Baseball Joe in the World Series: or, Pitching for the Championship (Baseball Joe, #7)

Today I added 3 more. They show up promptly under search and on the series page.

The August 12 entries will not show up in any search (title, author, tag) but they will show up on the series page with the friendly green checkmarks when logged in as me.

Baseball Joe series.

As near as I can tell, the books from August 12 are in the right groups (Your Library, series books, Stratemeyer Syndicate), the "private" checkbox is NOT clicked, the words "Baseball Joe" appear twice in each title and in the tags.

I should be able to search for one of the three instances of "Baseball Joe" in each of the three books. I have done the usual things like clearing cache, shift-reload, etc.

Only 7 of the 10 books I have in the series will appear for any search I can devise.

They do not show up on the iOS app search either, nor in a second browser. I use Chrome daily and Firefox when a second opinion is needed.

I am at the limit of what I can diagnose from this end.

It is very important that I be able to get an accurate reflection of our collection when I am buying books on the road. It is the whole reason I started putting my books on LT so many years ago.


Nov 2, 2021, 9:04 am

>1 Keeline: There's a number of libraries we needed to reindex a short while ago, who added books on/around August 12. Looks like yours might have been missed somehow (I've come across a few others since). I'm reindexing your library now, and will check to see if that fixes things.

Nov 2, 2021, 9:57 am

Update: your reindex is taking longer than expected. timspalding is going to reindex the batch of members who added books around 8/8-8/12 again, so that should help things on the larger scale. I'll need to wait for ccatalfo to return tomorrow before I can check back on your specific reindex, Keeline. Thanks for your patience in the meantime. (It also may run/finish before then!)

Nov 2, 2021, 7:57 pm

I think the reindex had completed. A search for "Baseball Joe" is showing the shy volumes added on August 12. Looking at the message link, I can see that I replied to it back on, of all things, August 12. However, somehow my catalog was missed on the reindex.


Nov 3, 2021, 9:17 am

Wonderful! Glad the reindex came through this time. Marking as fixed.