Sci fi brain/consciousness uploading of a boy

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Sci fi brain/consciousness uploading of a boy

Mar 28, 2019, 12:13 pm

I’m trying to figure the name of a book but I’m not sure if I remember all the story correctly. it’s a science fiction about a boy or maybe two they might be twins or maybe just brothers. But there’s something that makes a scientist or professor or someone want to study them or “help them excel” I think they or at least one of them goes off to boarding school or something with this guy and he winds up uploading their brain/consciousness to a computer and maybe they didn’t realize it had happened for a while? I think he tries to contact his family through technology and I want to say someone finds his brain floating in a tub still alive connected to a computer or something.

Apr 3, 2019, 1:58 pm

This has some similarities to The Adoration of Jenna Fox.

Mag 22, 5:39 pm

Shadows by John Saul?