Y.A Book, Car crash and a guy dies trying to help a girl, by touching a live wire in a puddle

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Y.A Book, Car crash and a guy dies trying to help a girl, by touching a live wire in a puddle

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Modificato: Set 9, 2016, 11:46 pm

Been wanting to re-read this for a while, can't remember the title or author for the life of me.
From what I remember, the story starts like the title, then flashback to the narrator, years before this. She and the guy (I think his name is Jesse, or some other ambiguous guy-or-girl name) are long time childhood friends. Their mothers are both single moms that have been friends for years and they're neighbors. All is swell and the moms are sure they're gonna end up together until late junior high/middle school, where the girl starts falling out with their common friend group. She was a cheerleader and friends with the head cheerleader, but she thinks they're too preppy/perfect for her, and starts hanging out with the goth/emo kinda peoples. Meanwhile, childhood friend guy is still with the old friend group and wondering why they aren't close anymore, and I'm pretty sure he's on the football team. She ends up dating the "Leader" of their clique for basically the duration of highschool. Until he ends up cheating on her, and they break up. (Jesse) becomes her crying shoulder, and they become close again. His girlfriend (who was also a victim of some form of rape or abuse) is away on some trip, but returning soon. Main character girl and (Jesse) end up having sex and letting out all those feelings they've kept hidden for years. He leaves to go pick up his girlfriend from the airport and let her down easy, so he can be with Main Character girl. On the way, it starts raining. He picks her up, tells her the news. Either wasn't paying attention to the road well enough, or because of the rain, he crashes and she flies through the windshield. He gets out, walks towards her body, and doesn't see the live wire in a puddle. He dies, she lives with relatively few injuries. Main character girl finds out, tries to kill herself, fails, then finds out she's pregnant with his kid. She finds the will to live for the kid, cue inspiration, and end book.

{Edit} Solved; If He Had Been With Me by Laura Nowlin

Set 7, 2016, 2:55 pm

Dang, there's a lot great details in your memory, but I'm afraid that plot rings no bells with me.

Do you have a rough idea when you might have read this? Recently? Ten ago? Back in the 80s?

Set 7, 2016, 5:57 pm

I also may be confusing a book or two within that, but I'm 90% sure I'm not. I read this anywhere between 2009-2014. No idea of the publication date.

Modificato: Set 8, 2016, 4:28 pm

Set 9, 2016, 11:41 pm

Ahh thanks, that's definitely the one!

Set 12, 2016, 11:13 am

You're welcome.