music journalist researching mysteriously disappeared blues singer, southerner/biologist met on musi

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music journalist researching mysteriously disappeared blues singer, southerner/biologist met on musi

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Mar 1, 2014, 7:31 am

Hi, I read this book ages ago (perhaps 5-6 years ago) and loved it. The woman is a journalist/author who is researching the life of a blues singer who mysteriously disappeared in the 40s/50s - she meets a man via music forums from her home town and he offers her the use of his bungalow. This town also happens to be known to her because her mother had spent a summer there in the 60s. The mother is now dead and she wants to know more about her. Turns out the blues singer is her grandmother - through a series of beautifully revealed mysteries. It is a lovely story and I would love to read more from the author - does anyone have any ideas?

Mar 1, 2014, 10:49 am

I did a worldcat search and found In the Midnight Rain, by Barbara Samuel writing as Ruth Wind:

"Ellie Connor is a biographer with a special talent for piecing together fragments of the past. Her latest project, though, promises to be her most challenging–and personal. Not only is she researching the life of a blues singer who disappeared mysteriously forty years ago, but Ellie is also trying to find the truth about the parents she never knew. The love child of a restless woman who died young and an anonymous father, Ellie has little to go on but a faded postcard her mother sent from a small East Texas town–the hometown of her latest subject."

Mar 5, 2014, 3:21 am

you're a gem - I tried searching google but came up empty - as per usual it is the questions you ask that are essential to getting the right answers. Thank you.

Mar 5, 2014, 8:12 am

You're welcome. I got lucky with the keyword combination I tried.