historical Romance - English girl saved from marrying evil lord by neighboring lord

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historical Romance - English girl saved from marrying evil lord by neighboring lord

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Gen 7, 2013, 1:33 am

I can't sleep because this plot is running through my head and I can't remember the title. The book starts with an English? daughter of a lord is sent to Scotland to marry a Lord. On her journey, her camp is invaded. All of her father's men run away but she stays. I think to save her maid? The invading lord forces her to marry him as a spite against the lord she is supposed to marry. I remember getting a kick out of the fact she stands there saying "oh Lord, oh Lord" over and over again inadvertently making the invading men think she is praying. She marries the invader, moves the marriage bed to a space a far away from camp as possible stating it is custom for the bride to set up the marriage bed. The lord she marries is fascinated when she braids her hair - calling it tying it in 'knots'. The heroine is very bad at speaking Scottish. On the way to the husband's home they stop at a friend's castle where the heroine saves a little girl from falling down a steep flight of stairs. Once home - the couple are sent the heroine's horse that had been mutilated by the evil lord she was supposed to marry. The heroine's family tries to send the younger sister in the heroine's place. The younger sister escapes that fate by following a monk out of the castle by dressing like a junior monk. The whole story comes to a head at a monastery where the heroine tells her brothers she was married in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by flowers. It is driving me nuts that I can remember so much detail but NOT the title!!!

Modificato: Gen 7, 2013, 2:02 am

This is by Julie Garwood- I think it's The Wedding.
"1119 AD. Journeying from England to Scotland to wed a highlander, Lady Brenna had resigned herself to the arranged match. But when a band offierce, painted warriors captured her en route, she fearlessly met their demand to marry their leader -- the quick-tempered laird Connor MacAlister.She couldn't know that her capture was merely the first act of vengeance against her betrothed, Connor's sworn enemy. Brenna harbored no illusions that her husband was in love with her; after a hasty forest wedding,MacAlister assured her she could return home once she had borne him a son.But she could not deny that she had once proposed to MacAlister -- ten years ago, when she was just a child, and the visitor to her father's castle charmed her with his dazzling, unexpected smile. Now, as she sets out to win the brave chieftain whom she has come to adore, a legacy of revenge ensnares Brenna in a furious clan war -- and only her faith in her gallant hero can save her...."

Gen 7, 2013, 10:10 am

Sueelleker - That's it! Thank you!

Gen 7, 2013, 11:07 am

That was a great book! I should re-read it