Personaggi dei libri per trebsnikpoh

Personaggi nei libri della biblioteca di trebsnikpoh

Ada Byron Lovelace

Alex Osborn

Alexander Fleming

Alexandre Lion

Alfred Russel Wallace

Antonio Damasio

Arthur Koestler

Benjamin Franklin

Bill Clinton

Bill Gates

Carl Wilhelm Scheele

Cass Sunstein

Chad Hurley

Charlan Nemeth

Charles Babbage

Charles Darwin

Christiaan Huygens

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Langton

Cloudesley Shovell

Clowdisley Shovell

Cuneus di Leida

Damon Darlin

David Frasca

Dean Von Kleist

Deke Slayton

Dmitri Men

Dorothy Thomas

Doug Engelbart

Edmund Halley

Elizabeth Vrba

Erasmus Darwin

Ethan Zuckerman

Francis Bacon

François Jacob

Friedrich August Kekulé von Stradonitz

Galileo Galilei

Geoffrey West

George Anson

George Johnson

Greg Jones

Hani Hanjour

Harold C. Urey

Harry Samit

Henri Poincaré

Herb Kelleher

Hoover Adams

Horace Walpole

Howard Gruber

Hugo de Vries

Humphrey Ditton

Isaac Newton

Jack Welch

James Carville

Jaron Lanier

Jawed Karim

Jean Dominique Cassini

Jeff Hawkins

Jeremy Thacker

Jerry I. Porras

Jim Collins

Johannes Gutenberg

Johannes Werner

John Ashbery

John Barth

John Battelle

John Bell

John Carew

John Flamsteed

John Harrison

John Locke

John Mason

John Milton

John Poindexter

Jonah Lehrer

Jonathan Rosen

Joseph Hooker

Joseph Priestley

Karen Wood

Ken Williams

Kevin Dunbar

Krishna Bharat

Lance Armstrong

Lee De Forest

Lord Byron

Louis Daguerre

Louis XIV, King of France

Luca Pacioli

Malcolm Gladwell

Marissa Mayer

Martha Clarkson

Max Kleiber

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Mohamed Atta

Noam Chomsky

Nora Ephron

Odile Martin

Orkut Büjükkökten

Osama bin Laden

Otto Lowei

Paul Begala

Per Georg Scheutz

Pi Sheng

Pliny the Elder


Ramzi bin al-Shibh

Ray Ozzie

Robert Darnton

Robert Hooke

Robert Mueller

Robert Thatcher

Ron Howard

Ross Perot

S. Korschinsky

Samuel Fyler

Stanley L. Miller

Stephen Jay Gould

Steve Chen

Stewart Brand

Stuart Kauffman

Stéphane Tarnier

Susan Rosenberg

T. R. Malthus

Thomas Henry Huxley

Thomas Kuhn

Tim Berners-Lee

Timothy Prestero

Tom Kolditz

Ullrich Wagner

William Chardack

William James

William McKeen

William Ogburn

William S. Burroughs

William Stanley Jevons

William Whiston

Wilson Greatbatch

Zacarias Moussaoui

Zakaria Mustapha Soubra