Serie dei libri per jonesandy31

Serie a cui appartengono i libri della biblioteca di jonesandy31

Riepilogo: 64 Serie

12 Rules for Life

Adolf Hitler

American Encounters/Global Interactions

Batsford British Battles

Battleground Europe

Battleground Europe: Somme

Blackboard Books

British Museum Objects in Focus

Cambridge Military Histories

Campaigns and Commanders

Century of Conflict

The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes

The Coming of the Great War

The Complete History of World War II

Defining Moments [Thunder Bay Press]

Department Q

Great American Quote Books

Great Battles of History

Harry Hole

History in an Hour

A History of the Asia-Pacific War

Hitler [Ullrich]

Illustrated Directory

Infographics [Guillerat]

Inspector Erlendur

Kurt Wallander

A Layman's Guide

Liberation Trilogy

Little Histories

The Lord of the Rings

Macmillan Wars of the United States

The Making of the Modern World

The Making of the Nuclear Age

Martin Beck


Modern War Studies

Nazi Germany and the Jews

New Perspectives in SE Asian Studies

The Night Trilogy

A Novel of World War II


The Origins of Totalitarianism

Osprey Campaign

Osprey Weapon

The Oxford Oral History Series

Pacific War Trilogy

The Penguin History of Europe

A People's History

Politics of Place


Storia da cancellare [Einaudi]

Studies in Macroeconomic History

Texas A&M University Military History Series

The Third Reich trilogy

Three Days

Total War - New Perspectives on World War II

United States Army in World War II

United States Army in World War II - The European Theater of Operations

The United States in the World

US Army in the Pacific War

A Very Short Introduction

The War -- and Peace -- Memoirs

The War in the West

World According to Clarkson