Premi per i libri di honeybearrecords

Premi assegnati ai libri nella biblioteca di honeybearrecords

Riassunto: 19 Premi e riconoscimenti

500 Great Books by Women

Anisfield-Wolf Book Award

Audie Award

Carey McWilliams Award

CounterPunch's Top 100 [and a few more] Non-fiction Works of the 20th Century

Dennis Judd Best Book Award

Deutscher Memorial Prize

Harenberg Buch der 1000 Bücher

National Book Critics Circle Award

New York Drama Critics' Circle Award

Notable Books List

NPR: Books We Love

Prix La ville à lire

Quintessential American Fiction, According to the Rest of the World

San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of the Year

San Francisco Chronicle list of The 20th Century's 100 Best Nonfiction of the American West

Top 10 books about Manchester

UC Berkeley Summer Reading List

Village Voice Favorite Books