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- 1001 Books to read before you die, 999 Challenge, Alphabet Challenges, Atheist Fiction, Awful Lit., BBC Radio 3 Listeners, Book reviewers, Bookcases: If You Build/Buy Them, They Will Fill, BookMooching, Brits, Cats, books, life is good., Children's Fiction, Classical Music, Combiners!, Cookbookers, FantasyFans, Folio Society Devotees, Food History, Happy Heathens, INTPs, Myers-Briggs: All Types, Open University, Pagans inc, Pedants' corner, Science Fiction Fans, Scottish LibraryThingers, Someone explain it to me..., Tea!, The Bohemians, The Witches of LibraryThing, Unique Library Thing Book Group, Virago Modern Classics, What Are You Reading Now?
- Aggiunto
- Sep 10, 2006
- La mia biblioteca
- The library is growing by the day and reflects a long term interest in fantasy and classic fiction.
I'm working on '1001 books' and other reading lists, any gaps (when I've got them all in) are because of some omnibus editions.
Some of the books, tagged Faith and Sam, originally belonged to one of my daughters but have been here so long now that they probably count as mine.
And then there's all that Handel!!
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