
religion (1), Or what the tulip said;But it wasn't in the chicken-run (1), Or the ham in a temperance hotel?Does it's odour remind one of llamas (1), Or has it a comforting smell?Is it prickly to touch as a hedge is (1), Or soft as eiderdown fluff?Is it sharp or quite smooth at the edges?O tell me the truth about love.Our history books refer to itIn cryptic little notes (1), It's quite a common topic onThe Transatlantic boats;I've found the subject mentioned inAccounts of suicides (1), And even seen it scribbled onThe backs of railway-guides.Does it howl like a hungry Alsatian (1), And Brighton's bracing air.I don't know what the blackbird sang (1), Or underneath the bed.Can it pull extraordinary faces?Is it usually sick on a swing?Does it spend all it's time at the races (1), And when I asked the man next-door (1), Or fiddling with pieces of string?Has it views of it's own about money?Does it think Patriotism enough?Are its stories vulgar but funny?O tell me the truth about love.When it comes (1), will it come without warningJust as I'm picking my nose?Will it knock on my door in the morning (1), Or tread in the bus on my shoes?Will it come like a change in the weather?Will its greeting be courteous or rough?Will it alter my life altogether?O tell me the truth about love. (1), Someone give me mah revolutionary man! (1), very subtle portrait of modern israel (1), sometimes not entirely thought through arguments but good. (1), I still don't know what to think.... (1), And said it wouldn't do.Does it look like a pair of pajamas (1), Some say it makes the world go round (1), "Whether I am the hero of my own life or whether others deseve this title (1), and they need to take care of each other. For bears are often clumsy (1), I pity the children who have to grow up without Emil (1), " Auch ich bin ein DIng von vielen Seiten (1), die oftmals nicht zusammen passen" (1), "what is happiness? is it sitting outside of a house by the lake in the evening of your life and watch the sun go down? Is it the chewing of a dog on his bone? is it the child at a mother's breast? what do you want?"- "I want more than that" (1), my first book 2007 and it was fantastic (1), will he want me now?"- " There are squirrels and bears in this world (1), and sqirrels are often easy prey in this cold world" (1), O Tell Me The Truth About LoveSome say that love's a little boy (1), but sometimes you become a drag... (1), " what do they teach children at schools these days?" (1), who knew that wrestlers write the most sensitive prose? I do now. (1), So much better than the movie. Witty (1), Faunia fawley is the coolest name on earth (1), " She would wake up with my tongue in her cunt"- a hilarious book about an indian in the london of the 70s (1), marry me! you are so delieciously cynical (1), oh when that april with its shoures"- the first travel book ever (1), Oh so beautiful language. Sentences like warm blankets if you are sitting out in the cold (1), and have the most intimate tender friendship one can imagine. and so beautifully written (1), and somewhere behind me I heard his ghastly laughter. I knew that all the hundred thousand pieces of life’s game were in my pocket . . . I would traverse not once more (1), and if it is applicable to life. (1), "war is peace and peace is war" (1), so powerful! and true! sadly enough this book is still valid... (1), smart and still emotional. And where does he come from? Southern Germany. (1), the man who was so fat that he couldn't run away from the nazis. too much lying in the loggia? (1), I understood it all. I understood Pablo. I understood Mozart (1), the hell of my inner being. One day I would be a better hand at the game. One day I would learn how to laugh. Pablo was waiting for me (1), he's convinced that whatever decision he makes must be good bc. he is a god man. Most of the wars in the world are caused by people who think they have God on their side. Always stick with people who know that they are flawed and ridiculous." (1), and no matter what anyone may tell you (1), books and words do have the power to change your life (1), the life of those around you and the world. (1), "and it is the wind of wishes that I want to evaporate from my books!" (1), "mrs. Dalloway said she wanted to buy the flowers herself"- never has there been a better start for a novel. (1), Vikram seth bravely breaks the rules of all genres and has created a sensitive book about himself (1), What it isIt is nonsensesays reasonIt is what it issays loveIt is misfortunesays calculationIt is nothing but painsays fearIt is hopelesssays insightIt is what it issays loveIt is ridiculoussays prideIt is carelesssays cautionIt is impossiblesays experien (1), I still wonder about the concept (1), bc. he makes good decisions.Next thing (1), An idealist with the dreamer's disease. (1), I love the second chapter where they descrive the party preparations (1), one of the few surprises of last year. Found it among andrew's things and was so bored that i picked it up. It is captivating (1), the language is as clear as a source in the mountains (1), "And so I stood next to hi and held his hand (1), because that's what friends do when they are in need." (1), and the 20th century in general. (1), If one ever wonders about colonialism. How stupid can one be to play tennis in the afternoon in a subtropical country? There is a reason why they lost their empire. (1), and the oranges in particular. ANd of course the eyes of TJ eckelburg (1), pride is the one which will conquer you. A man starts off deciding he is a good man (1), what an interesting life story! What an educated person! (1), a true masterpiece of jewish humour and coping with pain. written in German in 1973 (1), then translated into English and published in America it finally came out in 2003 in Germany. (1), and forced all my friends to buy and read it. (1), but a good passage:"I don't feel good' (1), she said.'Bloody good thing to do' (1), the old man said. 'Never feel good. The corruption of the good by the belief in their own infallible goodness is the most bloody dangerous pitfall in the human spectrum.Once you have conquered all yor sins (1), A girl looking for the laws that govern human life. And a reader who could checkmark every sentence (1), two friends cling to each other (1), overrated. but not bad. (1), "I went into the woods..." yes (1), but often (1), and Mozart too. (1), stupid people love stupidly (1), violent people love violently (1), weak people love weakly (1), neutralized (1), very subjective (1), and heartbreaking. (1), very opinionated (1), but a great story. (1), not her best (1), not really a good book (1), better than the end of faith (1), And some say that's absurd (1), His wife got very cross indeed (1), I wish I knew... (1), and it is a gem. (1), And some say it's a bird (1), with an outlook on society (1), intelligent (1), cried (1), guilt (1), whimsical (1), I love you anyway (1), Don't try to be Bob Dylan (1), people... (1), these pages must show" (1), Yay for top five lists!! (1), sethe" (1), "Il faut cultiver son jardin" (1), well (1), and I might not be smart (1), but I am here!" (1), " I might not be pretty (1), Who looked as if he knew (1), he has the sun in his stomach (1), frozen in the glare of the lover's inward eye . (1), My favourite book ever! mindboggling (1), Oh my kurt (1), and you understand me!!! (1), up to date (1), life (1), walter Benjamin (1), "If I can find a why I can put up with any How" (1), with biblical figures and telephone entries (1), oh der niebelunge not!! (1), a tale of hubris and realisation (1), Döblin is just the best. end of story (1), " You yourself are your best thing (1), her best. " The women spread their legs (1), so I hum." " Dreams are just nightmares with lipstick"-"sex is the clown of love"-" the ocean is my man now". (1), Love is never any better than the lover. Wicked people love wickedly (1), but the love of a free man is never safe. There is no gift for the beloved. The lover along possesses his gift of love. The loved one is shorn (1), angst and memories. (1), "Ich weiss keine bessere Welt" (1), his aunt and uncle (1), Yes you are!:-) (1), sooo good. (1), of pandemonia and politics (1), of love and death (1), and all the time I thought (1), " and I went through the fire (1), and boy did I burn (1), what better start for a year? (1), heuchlerische Krokodilbrut!" (1), "Rip it out" (1), Unity of time (1), place and action (1), laughed (1), laughed again (1), I read it in one afternoon (1), "Menschen - Menschen! falsche (1), Or boom like a military band?Could one give a first-rate imitationOn a saw or a Steinway Grand?Is its singing at parties a riot?Does it only like Classical stuff?Will it stop when one wants to be quiet?O tell me the truth about love.I looked inside the su (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Feb 8, 2007