
r:yearsago (89), mystery/suspense (65), crapaddictive (56), british and brit authors (46), memoir (43), identity (38), relationships (37), r:2005 (35), families (33), mystical (31), r:2003 (26), bildungsromans (25), american landscape (23), trauma (22), graphic novel (20), new york (20), r:winter05/spring06 (20), los angeles (16), r:april06 (13), southern (13), r:jan07 (12), love (12), anorexia (11), addiction (11), florida (10), ireland (10), r:march07 (10), historical (10), essays (9), r:may07 (9), r:july08 (9), motherhood (9), friendship (9), r:dec06 (9), religion (9), crazypeople (8), depressing (8), psychological (8), sisters (8), r:sept07 (8), r:nov07 (8), r:august06 (8), r:april08 (8), crime (7), r:june06 (7), r:july06 (7), r:may06 (7), r:nov06 (7), humor (7), r:2004 (7), r:august08 (7), r:nov08 (7), r:june08 (6), r:oct07 (6), r:july07 (6), r:feb07 (6), WWII (6), r:april07 (6), r:june07 (6), satire (6), suicide (6), r:dec07 (5), r:jan08 (5), mental illness (5), art (5), bloggy (5), suburban ennui (5), d.c. (5), r:sept06 (5), worstever (4), r:dec08 (4), books reading (4), r:march06 (4), anthology (4), southwest (4), literary (4), drugs (4), food (4), native american (4), r:feb08 (4), journalism (4), 9/11/01 (3), fathers (3), r:oct06 (3), london (3), africa (3), childhood (3), pop-culture (3), roman a clef (3), rehab (3), christianity (3), science (3), r:may08 (3), southeast asia/middle east (3), secret societies (3), nannies (3), mythology (2), r:sept08 (2), islam (2), death (2), courtroom/legal thriller (2), jewish (2), disturbing (2), early-reviewers (2), mystery (2), r:march09 (2), disappointing (2), professional (2), academia (2), gender/sexuality (2), europe (2), grief (2), r:2002 (2), illness (2), hawaii (2), short stories (2), reread (2), high school (1), judaism (1), poetry (1), race (1), economics (1), medical (1), society (1), writing (1), r:march08 (1), r:jan09 (1), r:aug08 (1), r:oct08 (1), r:jan09. northern europe (1), spirituality (1), italy (1), dogs (1), autism (1), r:aug07 (1), r:july2008 (1), military family (1), northern europe (1), political (1), diet porn (1), vapid (1), china (1), organization (1), martha's vineyard (1), las vegas (1), cookbook (1), mormon (1), self-help (1), middle earth (1), mcsweeneys (1), music (1), australia (1), civil war (1), YA (1), abortion (1), business (1), cancer (1), faery (1), paris (1), fake memoir (1), shoplifting (1), eastern europe (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Apr 22, 2006
La mia biblioteca
I list books as I read them, with the exception of recently remembered books read long ago. I don't use library thing to catalog all the books that I own, nor do I own all the books that I read.
Seattle WA
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