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La mia biblioteca
I enjoy fantasy, sci-fi and romance. These books are just the ones I have gotten recently (within the last six years)and the ones I have really enjoyed. No book rating only a single star from me will ever get on this library.
Informazione su di me
So, hey, we all enjoy a good book, right? Well, I took the concept and overdid it. Totally, completely, and to the point of insanity. I have read well over a hundred books this year alone,and have been in trouble for reading in class many times. Not comic books either. I can read about 550 words per minute, and can finish 400 page books in less than a day. The really impressive thing? I'm only fifteen years old. The library is my favorite place to be, but ours is pitifully small. What a cruel joke, putting me in the one place in the world without a decent library. Seriously, my library has like, 300 books, tops. It's just sad.
Planet Earth, Milky Way
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