Nome vero
Cherie Stokes
La mia biblioteca
I'm in the process of adding my physical library to the database, and it may take some time.
Informazione su di me
Once had a private Blog, but find that sites like LibraryThing/Goodreads/Amazon are used by many of the readers, book clubs and authors I know, so I prefer to share in a place where people actual go to look for and share reviews and recommendations.

Avid reader of all genres, personal preference veers toward fantasy, sci-fi, YA and erotica.

I have 12 year old twins and am involved in teaching the importance of books/reading/literature to them and their classmates.

As my children enter high school next year I will futher my education by going back to Uni and learning librarianship.

I am a book club member, and a kindle owner.
Brisbane, Australia
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