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La mia biblioteca
Most of the books I've added here consist of books I've read for my own leisure between the summers of 2014 and 2017 (when I joined LT), as well as favourites and other "significant" books.

No library limits now? Nice! Maybe I will start adding books from 2020 forward...
Informazione su di me
Love Goodreads and heard of LibraryThing, so here I am trying it out... that is, mainly the social and group aspects of LibraryThing...

When I was small, I never liked reading. Later I came to tolerate it, and in high school I began to read more interesting books and at the university level, I was introduced briefly to Victorian literature as a collective period. Then life came around, plucked me from the liberal arts I had grown up with, and dropped me down into the heavy sciences.

My main LT thread: Majel-Susan sleeps late in 2021
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