
but also (3), animals (2), what they eat (2), Lucille (2), In this book (2), a black polar bear (1), and a purple fox (1), and even a colorful polka-dotted donkey-- these animals are painted in different colors than what we are used to. It uses simple language to show tell about what the animal is (1), and it can get students to really try to recall what these animals typically look like (1), but this artist changes the colors. This book is great to teach children in an art class that everyone is an artist as long as they use their imaginations! The picture doesn't have to make sense as long as the imagination has no limitations. (1), Each animal sees another animal (1), a green lion (1), and each animal is associated with a color (1), even a blue horse and a purple cat. This book uses repetition but also teaches children about perspectives because each animal sees something (1), including a teacher (1), and the teacher sees children. I would use this book in the classroom with pre-k or kindergarten students to teach them about repetition (1), and they can also read along with the sentence says (1), "what do you see?...I see a..." The students can also read the book with the teacher together a couple times to get students used to reading as a whole class. (1), This book is about how an artist paints a blue horse (1), This book is about a chameleon who feels like his life is boring and so he is not happy. One day (1), he wishes he could be every animal and take in all of these animals special characteristics. The chameleon becomes this mixed up (1), when he comes across a zoo (1), such as setting (1), and how they form their cocoons. Also (1), before turning into a butterfly. This book can be used in the classroom by teaching children the life cycle of a butterfly and the life of a caterpillar (1), or chrysalis (1), then spins himself in a cocoon (1), eats a lot of food (1), This book is about a caterpillar who pops out of an egg (1), and plot. http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/book/danny-and-dinosaur-go-camp#cart/cleanup (1), and this book is used for kindergarten to the beginning of second grade. This book could be used as a guided reading book to help student learn about comprehension and story elements (1), and it affects his attitude throughout the entire day. This book could be read to all of the elementary grades to show how a bad day can make you feel (1), and his dinosaur friend wants to go to summer camp with Danny. The dinosaur goes to camp with Danny and they get to have fun with all kinds of activities. I Googled this book and I discovered it is a DRA book (1), Danny has a friend that is a dinosaur (1), so this book could introduce a science topic about animals and their characteristics. Students can have an actual chameleon in the classroom and see how it changes colors and feeds itself. (1), this book talks about great facts about chameleons (1), and his wish came true. Then he caught the fly. This book would be great to use for kindergarten and first grade students to teach them that being yourself is important and everyone has their own special thing about themselves that make them who they are. (1), he realizes that he cannot catch the fly and he is hungry. He wishes he was himself again (1), colorful animal and he is not himself. At the end of this book (1), but they can always get better. The book can help students figure out ways to make a bad day turn good and also it can be used to teach plot in stories if that is the topic for the day in the classroom. (1), while he ends up with just cereal. In the carpool on the way to school (1), and so many MORE bad things happen with Alexander! This book is about a boy who has a very bad day (1), this would make a good discussion about morals and good versus bad behavior. (1), but he ends up sharing all of his shiny scales to all of the fish in the sea (1), and he was sad. An octopus told rainbow fish that he had to give away his shiny scales and learn how to be happy. The rainbow fish is reluctant at first (1), but rainbow fish was selfish and told the tiny fish to go away. This upset the tiny fish and he told every other fish what had happened. The rainbow fish was then disliked from all of the other fish (1), a small fish wanted to have a shiny scale from rainbow fish (1), shiny scales that all other fish admired. One day (1), This book is about a fish who has perfect (1), the skin got all crinkled and rough (1), and she had dyslexia. Only one teacher (1), and other figurative language components. This humorous story can get students interested in the literal meanings and comparative meanings with words. (1), "his nose is running" (1), This book's main point is idioms. The main character in this story talks about losing parts of his body because he has "lost his head" (1), and many others cannot figure out what’s causing the stripes (1), ’ and she breaks out in checkerboard pattern and bacteria tails. When the Doctor (1), ’ another says ‘bacteria (1), This book is about a student who has trouble with writing and reading because the letters all look mixed up. I believe the author was the main character in the story (1), in the case the children were having difficulties with reading and writing (1), and leaving out 16 at counting time (1), Anthony and Nick (1), goes through the exact stages in the book. It gives children a creative way to appreciate the life cycle of a caterpillar and butterfly. (1), criticizes him for singing too loud (1), doesn't like his picture of the invisible castle (which is actually just a blank sheet of paper) (1), Mrs. Dickens (1), he doesn't get a window seat. His teacher (1), reach into their cereal boxes and find amazing prizes (1), his brothers (1), by showing children that everyone has troubles with some academic work and it takes time and effort to improve an area of focus. This book would be a good candidate to help students see that learning is possible for anyone! (1), he trips on his skateboard and drops his sweater into the sink while the water was running. At breakfast (1), the gum that was in his mouth the night before winds up in his hair. When he gets out of bed (1), From the moment Alexander wakes up things just don't go his way. As he gets up (1), so they would type all day and the farmer would always hear: click clack moo. The cows write the farmer letters daily regarding complaints about everything the farmer should do for them so they would be more comfortable. This story would be good to use in (1), and these cows found a type writer (1), This book is about a farmer who owns literate cows (1), recognizes her problem and takes the time to help her with reading and writing as well as show her the magic with reading. This book shows how a good teacher can be to students if they take the time to help children when they're struggling. This book is h (1), children could refer to this book during a science lesson if we had a caterpillar in the classroom and this caterpillar (1), then when he wants milk (1), This book is about a mouse and a boy and the mouse wants a cookie (1), A child is sent to find a younger brother at dinnertime and is introduced to a variety of cultures through encountering the many different ways rice is prepared at the different households visited. This is a good multicultural book that helps children und (1), but also to never judge a food by its package. And in this case (1), but Junie B. is certain that she has won the best cake of all...and it is wrapped in sparkly aluminum foil. But then she discovers it's a fruit cake and is disappointed and tries to find ways to cope with her decision. I like this book because it teaches (1), she skips and dances with her classmates. This book would be good for elementary students to teach them that they need to accept new students in the classroom and let them be themselves. Children always have a hard time discovering their identities. (1), and this book would most likely be used for elementary grades. (1), children can try eating their own yuck soup. (1), about monsters who put in all sorts of yucky things into a pot of soup. This book can be used in the classroom by kindergarten and they can make their own soup by adding their own ingredient to a giant pot. I think this would help children try new foods a (1), and it also states the culture of old American history with Indians. This book is appropriate because it uses rich vocabulary for art and history concepts in a child-friendly manner. (1), but children also need to learn that not all foods are bad (1), so this is a good way to give exposure to the classroom regarding multicultural aspects. (1), so I think that this book is good for children because students usually start losing their teeth about this age. This is a good way to teach children about other ways that children their age think about the tooth fairy. The tooth fairy concept differs all (1), I Lost My Tooth in Africa is about a girl who travels to see her family in Africa and she wants to lose her tooth there so she can get two chickens. The chickens that she gets lay eggs but she wants the eggs to hatch in America. This is a first grader boo (1), and he "sang his heart out". This book teaches idioms because some ELLs have trouble understanding figurative language versus literal language in English. I would use this in a classroom with ELLs and English speakers in elementary when they learn about s (1), then people want to be your friend and you will be happier because you will be accepted. (1), then it makes other people not want to be your friend. When someone shares (1), Junie B judged the "best cake" by its shiny wrapper. Looks can be deceiving (1), by the way they look. (1), but they wish they could learn. (1), this would teach kindergarten that they should always listen to their teacher when he or she says to wait to look at their gown because they wouldn't want to mess up their gown for their big day. This book could also be used as a prediction book and the s (1), too! Children are encouraged to use their imagination and creativity in this exciting picture book by Peter Bently with a story and doodles by Buster himself. I could use this book for all elementary grade levels because it encourages children to read and (1), and the reasons why someone may or may not want to try new foods. This lesson could be extended to getting the children to try eggs that have been dyed green with ham (Dying egg shells is not toxic when cooked properly....but health codes would have to be (1), This book is about the life cycle of a flower and is told through the adventures of a tiny seed. This mini-book includes a piece of detachable seed-embedded paper housed on the inside front cover. Readers can plant the seeds from the entire piece of paper (1), and plants in deserts and rainforests...and this would be wonderful to work along side with Wild Animals ABC because each book talks about animals and their habitats. Both books could be used in a science lesson about animals and their habitats as well as (1), and they are tired of it. Duncun has to find a new way to use all of his crayons at the end of the book. This book would be good for an art class to make children "think outside of the box". Children can learn to color with crayons in different ways to ex (1), this book could teach children to respect people's things at their houses when they are a guest and always ask permission and never assume they can have whatever they want. This book would be good to use for a discussion about we treat guests and items in (1), but she ends up disobeying her teacher's rules. Something bad happens to her gown... I would like to read this book to a group of kindergarteners before they graduated to move on the first grade. They can share the excitement and all other emotions with J (1), and her grandmother is rich! Junie B is expecting all kinds of royal treatment and she cannot wait to see all of the "rich stuff" at the grandma's house. I like this book to teach respect to children about other people's items and when they go to someone (1), and this doesn't sit well with the guests. She later discovers that she doesn't like being grown up and just wants to stay young. I would use this book in the classroom by asking students if they are ready to grow up. Do they know what grown ups do? Why w (1), at the store and is shocked to see her teacher steals grapes by eating them without paying for them! Junie B also spies on her grandpa and scares the teeth out of his head. This book is a funny read and can encourage students to read it for a good laugh. (1), so she hides the hair under her bed. This would be a funny way to ask children in the kindergarten/1st grade what they would want to be when they grow up. Children can draw pictures of what they want to be and then discuss it with their classmates by show (1), but Junie B ends up explaining to her mom about why she didn't want to get on the bus. This book can be used for kindergarten through fifth grade and the children can talk about what they felt on their first day of school. Connecting their experiences too (1), so they could write appreciation letters to the janitors of the school saying how much they respect what they do and why. (1), Junie B Jones wants to be someone who has 3 careers for career day! She ends up wanting to be a janitor since they are the superheroes of the school. But her friends end up making fun her...but Junie B always has a tendency to talk too much and get hersel (1), this teaches young children about how much fun they can have at sleepovers with their friends! Also (1), except one scale that he kept. Rainbow fish ends up being happy. This book could be used in the classroom by teaching young children the joy of sharing with their friends and how happy it can make someone. Sharing would most likely need to be taught to pr (1), as well as other academics. This book could also be read to an elementary class to teach children that learning to read and write is a valuable and they had to be willing to gain this important knowledge because not every one learns (1), but then he also wants milk (1), in the beginning of the book (1), there are facts about bats. Students can read this book and use the facts at the back of the book to learn more about what bats' skeletal system looks likes (1), and at the back of the book (1), fruit bats in particular for this unit (1), when bats are supposed to fly at night. This book can be used in the classroom to teach children about bats (1), but her mama bird says that's not natural. She's forced to eat bugs. And she has to fly at a certain time of the day (1), loses her mother. Stellaluna endures a lot of obstacles with a new family that she ends up with and she internally fights with her identity. She knows she's supposed to sleep upside down (1), This book is about a fruit bat who (1), and what they eat. (1), and these emotions range from silly (1), This book talks about how a girl has a lot of moods throughout the story (1), they need to talk about how they give back to the people in their lives since their family gives them so much. This could also lead to a discussion about what "being generous" means and how the students can be generous to other people. (1), too! Children can draw what they like to do with their friends and family (1), he wants so many other things that make the boy endure this high maintenance little creature. This book can be used in the classroom with kindergarten children and it can teach children that using people and wanting everything can take a lot of effort for (1), Camilla wakes up to find herself completely covered in rainbow stripes! If the stripes were not bad enough (1), where all different species of bats live in the world (1), a little old woman appears with what just might be the cure: Lima beans! This book teaches children to be comfortable in their own skin but also raises an awareness to bullying. This would be great to read to middle school students when all of the junior (1), and why this is so valuable to those who do not know how. Children can discuss why they think it is important. This could be read to a group of middle school students since this is when students sometimes get to the point of not caring about language arts (1), I could have them try to act out an emotion with their face to make it a fun whole group activity and the group has to guess what emotion the child is expressing. (1), too. I like this book because I could use it to teach children about how important it is to learn how to read and write (1), but he also teaches the children and teacher to do other things (1), but she willingly to teach him. This book talks about Jeremiah's process to learn how to read and write (1), but he wants to learn to read so he can read to his beloved wife. He ends up going to school at an elementary school because he figures he should start at the very beginning. The elementary school teacher is surprised he is there (1), but he cannot read. His wife also cannot read (1), This book is about an old man who can do ANY THING and EVERY THING (1), or sad. This book is good for preschoolers and kindergarteners to teach them how to be aware of their feelings as well as understand what moods are. I would use this in the classroom with students by asking them how they feel today and why they feel that (1), so I would read this book a class of language arts students. (1), but they have to be sure to explain how they can fix their bad behavior. (1), as well as with their families. This would make for a good discussion book and the children talk amongst themselves about how they knew they are in trouble when they do something (1), This story uses simple language and mostly images to show how a child is always in trouble by his mother. The author is the main character as a child. Every page shows how David gets into trouble and the mother always says no to every bad behavior he does (1), I could pause in the middle of the book have the children practice prediction. What do they think will happen to the rabbit? Why? (1), and life. Also (1), and why we should always take care of our friends. (1), the same little girl returns and buys the bear with all of her money from a piggy bank. She takes Corduroy home and sews on a new button for him and promises to always take care of him. Corduroy is happy he has a friend. I would use this book for children (1), Camilla’s skin develops everything people suggest she has – someone says ‘checkerboards (1), so he is left behind. Corduroy goes on an adventure to locate a button for his strap. He is unsuccessful on his trip (1), This book is about a girl who is a lover of lima beans and a worrier about others’ opinions of her. On the first day of school (1), it’s them is about making something that comes from your own heart (1), This book is alphabetized/categorized by the alphabet using the first letters of the names of animals. This book is good for students in a science lesson where they have to learn about animals and their habitats (1), mostly for kindergarten (1), It's an easy read (1), such as rice and its many forms that it can be cooked. (1), they all eat the same thing (1), but essentially (1), and he paints on a hill because he has to paint something very specific. He was the painter of his tribe and he is supposed to create the purest sunset with the purest colors that portray that sunset. I liked this book because it has art concepts in it (1), This book is about a child who is new to a classroom (1), The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush is about a young Indian who was chosen to paint by his ancestors. He painted amazing portraits of landscapes and scenes because the paint was from his ancestors (1), thus he envies the Who's in Whoville and wants everyone to be just as miserable as he is. So he tries to stop Christmas! This book would be good for elementary students and they can learn prediction. The book can be put down in the middle of the story (1), but also help with imagination and the children can learn to set a purpose for reading this book. (1), will not jingle for him. The bell will always sound for those who believe in the spirit of Christmas! This book would be great to read to children during the Christmas holidays for visualization and prediction (1), from Santa's sleigh (1), the boy hesitantly boards the train for an amazing journey to discover why a particular bell (1), This book effectively compares and contrasts the weather (1), named Ruby (1), but on Christmas eve (1), pumpkin soup turns everyone various shades of tan and orange (1), there is a rodeo and the step family goes to ride horses and race them. Cindy is turned into a cowgirl and goes to this event where she races the best horse racer (the prince) and he falls in love with her. This country version of Cinderella provides many (1), and they live on a ranch. One day (1), This book is a country Western version of Cinderella. Two step sister and a step mother are cruel to Cindy (1), and they reappear by drinking milk. This book is great for kindergarten and first graders to predict what food will change the ghosts what color and it is a great humorous book to engage young learners to read. (1), and cheese turns them yellow with holes. The secret dessert causes them to disappear altogether (1), salmon makes them pink (1), they take on the tint of what they are eating and drinking. For example (1), and she is very quiet at first. Then when she makes a new friend (1), and all of the letters basically say that the crayons quit! They complain about how Duncun only uses the crayons for the same things (1), but he ends up getting letters from each of his crayons (1), A boy named Duncun wants to color with his crayons (1), and Ruby doesn't know how to be. Until (1), the teacher tells Ruby to be herself (1), Ruby starts to copying the teacher. However (1), Ruby begins to copy the girl. It annoys the girl after some time and gets to the point where she refuses to talk to Ruby. So after talking to the teacher (1), a train comes to pick him up and takes him to the North Pole. Skeptical (1), This book reaches the miracles of the Christmas spirit. It is about a boy who does not believe in Santa (1), Texans would most likely understand all of the words (1), Experts (1), Mrs. (1), small (1), happy (1), level 14 (1), Specialists (1), discouraged (1), fireflies (1), bunny slippers (1), grumpy (1), too (1), confused (1), teacher (1), metaphors (1), characters (1), excited (1), at the end (1), to take over their world again and destroy the ice queen. This book is suspenseful and full of imagination and adventure! This book can be used for any grade level so that children can learn visualization and prediction. (1), and even if they cannot read the book (1), named Aslan (1), This is a fiction book that is about three siblings who discover a magical wardrobe that takes them to this frozen waste land that had been taken over by an evil ice queen. The siblings endure adventures with a lion (1), he's turned into a real rabbit. This book could be used during Christmas time and the children can the learn the value of toys (1), and he wishes on a star. At the end of the book (1), This book is about a toy rabbit who is giving as a Christmas present to a boy who eventually gets sick. The rabbit is sad and wishes that the boy wasn't sick and the doctor says that all of the toys had to be burned because the disease was all over the to (1), they can comprehend what is happening based off the pictures. It helps children expand their imaginations for creative purposes. (1), This is a wordless picture book about how an ordinary item can be anything that the wielder desires based off imagination! This book is perfect for ELLs because there is simple language (1), over time (1), during the holidays for story time to teach children that gift giving is a special feeling and it is good to give people things. (1), or any elementary grade (1), This book is about a cat who is inside because of a snow day. It talks about the joy of giving and receiving from friends. This book could be used for a kindergarten class (1), The Lovely Bones is about a girl who is murdered by an unsuspecting neighbor. Her younger sister ends up playing detective when the cops cannot discover her body (1), and problem/solution (1), Mr. Falker (1), "said" (1), there is a big emphasis based on culture. For example (1), but someone from Europe may not. (1), and a security guard ends up putting him back where he belongs. At the end of the story (1), Junie B's friend (1), Junie B pretends to be a spy...and then she spies on her teacher (1), she assumes the role of the flower girl (1), but she isn't picked to be the flower girl. At the wedding (1), Junie B.'s aunt Flo is getting married. She wants to show how grown up she is (1), This book is about Junie B Jones getting ready to graduate kindergarten and moving on to the first grade! Junie B is supposed to keep her graduation gown in its box until the big day (1), is having a very first sleepover at her grandmother's house (1), wins cupcakes (1), her dog (1), Junie B. is at a Carnival and is participating in a cake walk. Her friend (1), In this Junie B. Jones book (1), and inner core are all made up of (liquid rock (1), and what the mantle (1), such as the crust and the rocks that make it up (1), and then they also explain what volcanoes are and their purpose. It can be used for lower level readers to understand the basic concepts of Earth and its layers. This book addresses every aspect of the layers (1), Junie B wants to be a beauty shop guy and so she practices cutting fur on her stuffed animals (1), and then herself. She thinks she'll get into a lot of trouble when the hair doesn't grow back automatically (1), This book is about how Mrs. Frizzle takes her class on a field trip through the Earth. They come across all of the layers/atmospheres (1), Buster Bunny loves to read (1), setting (1), but her mom says no because he is missing a button (1), a little girl wants to have him (1), This book is about a bear who lives in a toy store. One day (1), he discovers that he loves to write (1), and when he’s given a notebook and pencil (1), experiences with different new foods (1), Junie B is scared to get on the bus on her very first day of kindergarten. She's heard so many rumors about what happens on a bus (1), preferences with food (1), This book is about a character named Sam-I-Am who is persistent to get another character to eat green eggs and ham but the character does not want to eat it because he is picky. Sam-I-Am tries to offer the food in various locations and ways to persuade th (1), especially for the younger children. (1), she leaves the closet and wanders around the school. A janitor finds her and calls her mom (1), when everyone is gone from the school (1), she hides in the teacher's closet. So (1), so instead of riding the bus home (1), talk about the many types of rocks (1), children can learn that there is satisfaction in working hard and admiring the final product. (1), This book is mainly about a hermit crab who has to locate a new home and he learns to appreciate change through his journey. In the beginning (1), and "yelping" to teach children different ways that a noise can be used/worded instead of just saying (1), compares sizes of bugs (1), but also other animals (1), and the ladybug wants to fight a happy ladybug. But the grouchy ladybug decides to go fight other bugs (1), and ladybugs...Eric Carle explains that the ladybugs eat aphids to keep the aphids from killing the leaves on plants. The grouchy ladybug doesn't want to share the aphids (1), This book talks about aphids (1), for example. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctQjLfMKinU (1), "screeching" (1), and talk about their physical characteristics. (1), This book is about the noises of all the animals that make unique sounds. I found the YouTube video where the sounds of the animals are recorded and this could help students get involved by acting out the animals' sounds. The vocabulary has "bellowing" (1), and story tellers read the stories in the voices of the characters! (1), such as on YouTube (1), is that they can be located online (1), but he wants to decorate it. There is a lot of vocabulary about the ocean's wild life. This book would be great for students in elementary school during a science lesson. Hermit crabs could be provided in the classroom and students can see how hermit crab (1), small shell and he must find a new how by venturing through the scary ocean. He finds new home (1), he accepts that he has to move on from his old (1), and describes features on bugs. This would be a good way to get children interested in the bug life. Students could collect bugs outside and compare the sizes of bugs (1), that are bigger than him. In addition (1), so this is a good sensory book for kindergarteners! Also (1), and I grew up with this story (1), she ends up with a beautiful and useful web. Colorful pictures can be seen as well as felt...and children can feel the web as the spider spins her web (1), the busy spider is relentless in her work and doesn't stop until her work is complete. Because of her determination (1), This book is about a number of farm animals trying to distract a spider that is busy spinning her web. Unable to be distracted (1), and how they live outside of a farm. (1), as well as talk about the animals (1), so I know I would want to have children read this fiction novel and then we would go to a farm and talk about the ways of life for the farm animals (1), who saves Wilbur's life. I love this book (1), it labels times of the day and there is repetition to get students interested and they could eventually read along. This book talks about all other kinds of bugs (1), including a spider named Charlotte (1), but he ends up meeting a lot of new friends (1), the farmer says that Wilbur has to be taken to another farm. Wilbur is sad when he is taken away from Fern (1), adopted Wilbur. Wilbur and Fern grow close...until one day (1), named Fern (1), but the daughter of the farmer (1), This book is about a pig named Wilbur who was born a runt and the farmer was going to kill him (1), and I would most likely bring in an actual type writer that way students could touch and see this authentic item used in the book. The students could take turns using the type writer to try and write letters or anything else they may want to talk about. T (1)
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Aug 30, 2014

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