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La mia biblioteca
This will largely be the classics I've accumulated in various ways, the knitting books I've bought, and various similar odds and ends. Anything in my library (with the possible exception of Shakespearean plays--mineminemine) I would probably be happy to put up on BookMooch to be mooched. So if you see something you want, feel free to ask; the worst that could happen is I'd say no, and there's a good chance I'd say yes.
Informazione su di me
I obsessively read nearly anything. I am also devoted to my local library system (it's excellent), so most of what I read comes in and goes out. Most of what I read, and have read recently, is non-fiction, but I have taken the time from my busy schedule to become addicted to M. C. Beaton's Hamish Macbeth series. My favorite fiction genres are mystery and children's literature from when it *was* still literature--pre-1970s or so--though I also dabble in classic literature of the more common kind.

As for non-fiction, I read everything--quite literally. I have read math theory and math history and more conventional history (though for some reason I dislike biography. Right up there with horror stories for Things I Don't Read--don't ask why), travel books and travel guides, craft books of all varieties (though knitting is most common--wow, revelation), do-it-yourself of all descriptions (in particular color and decorating), science, business, theology, health, political commentary, cookbooks (another fave category), music, grammar, foreign languages--I have, in fact, read so much in so many subjects that I am prepared to say that I have read something from each broad category of the Dewey Decimal system (that is, the hundreds), and I am at least approaching having read something from each 'decade' (like, 210, 220, 230, and so on.... I just made the term up spur of the moment).

You can see why the library is my dear, dear friend. That and BookMooch.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
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