
Fiction-Overall (2), friendship (1), Christopher Award- This book is a really positive book to read and emphasizes on symbolism. So many times (1), and adventurous. In the story of Madeline (1), she is fearless at the zoo as well as walking along the edge of a bridge. She encourages the others to eat (1), brush their teeth and to sleep through the night. When Madeline becomes sick and needs her appendix out (1), the others have a hard time adjusting without their leader. They all still do their same routines but they can’t eat (1), brush their teeth and cry when they fall asleep. Miss Clavel tells the girls that they should be thankful they are well when they tell her they want their appendix out too. Students should read this book because even though you look to someone as a leader (1), you can still branch out without them. (1), people focus on skin color rather than values and traits of a person. We are all human beings that may have a skin color (1), Fiction-Madeline is a really great children’s book to read. As children we unconsciously have leaders and followers. As leaders (1), but that doesn’t make up who we are. We are individuals and shouldn’t be looked down upon because the color of our skin. This book does a great job of looking beyond a color (1), but looking into the child’s eyes (1), heart and his soul. The child wonders throughout is he a color too since his mother is white and his father is black. He’s a person like everyone else. He describes when in a crowd of people (1), everyone makes up a colored rainbow (1), that’s how different we all are. In the book (1), it also describes how the boy wants to find a word that fits like a shoe box to describe who he is. However; we can’t find a word that fits into a shoe box that describes who we are because the color of our skin shouldn’t matter who we are. It doesn†(1), Fiction-This book was really good for students to read especially those who need to learn the importance of responsibility. When we are growing up (1), our parents want to start giving us responsibility (1), we lead our friends and they follow what we do. Children look up to the peers as leaders who are fearless (1), Emma really wanted to be in the play Wizard of Oz which she has always wanted to be Dorothy. She started ignoring Dixie and not playing with her best friend. She wanted to do her best to get the part and Dixie had a hard time with that. Students should re (1), Arthur’s mom asks him to take the bus to swim lessons at the pool. She tells him he will take the bus to the pool and gives him money to get there. She also lets him know that she will be there to pick him up from the pool. Arthur asks his friend (1), he received his quilt. He was poor on the outside and full of richness and happiness on the inside. I would recommend this book because it is a great book for students to teach the importance of giving and to not be selfish. (1), but he finds friendship in his dog named Mudge. This is a great story for students to read about growing up and valuing the importance of friendship. Many students could relate to this book since they may live where there aren't any children their age in (1), CCSS- Frog and Toad stories are always great stories to read. This is a great series for new readers. The theme throughout the chapter book is that Frog and Toad are great friends who do everything together and are always going on an adventure. It is impo (1), Poetry- This book full of poetry is a great imaginative read for students. This book’s theme is full of descriptions about animals that are underneath the sea. Readers would find the poem full of great imagination. It is important for students to have a (1), and working together would be considered to be the theme of the book. The four members of the club had to agree on ideas and problems together as a club. They were all friends before the club began and remained friends when they had to make decisions. We (1), on the porch was kitten’s bowl of milk. I think this book is a great way for students to see that you can be brave even if you are trying to get a bowl of milk. Anybody can be brave and persistent and it’s a great way to teach students. I would recomm (1), Non- fiction-I really enjoyed this book! I think this is a great non-fiction for elementary students. Throughout the book it described in full detail the process from becoming a caterpillar and developing into a butterfly. When the caterpillar turns into (1), there are many different kinds of butterflies of all shapes and sizes as well as located in certain parts of the world. I think this book is a great book to have in a classroom library or would recommend to young readers because so many children love to r (1), CCSS book- I always really enjoy reading the Little Bear short stories. This book is made of short stories that are very imaginative. These stories are some stories students can relate to when growing up especially ones about imagination. The short storie (1), sleeps late and is care free. The story changes when Mae invites all her brothers over for a party. Wally was worried what to do about Mae and didn’t think it would work out. However; he had a great time in Mae’s apartment and suddenly wanted to be fr (1), Fiction-This book is a positive book that can bring a family together through reading and learning. Family is really important growing up and helps us learn every step of the way. Family helps us also remember special memories by talking about what we hav (1), little bear’s family member also enclosed a message about cherishing what they did together. Students should read this book because as children we need our family to share special memories and grow. This book really emphasizes the importance of what fam (1), Fiction-This book was a good way for two different people to develop a friendship that usually doesn’t happen. Friendship is very important for kids especially when fitting in. Usually (1), we tend to be friends with people who look like us (1), act like us and are similar to us. However; in this story (1), a bear and a rabbit become friends over time. The rabbit has a house with an apartment that he wants to rent out since it is too large for him. He advertises apartment for rent and is looking for a quite roommate (1), however; a bear named Mae is interested. They are very opposite; Wally is a neat freak who gets up very early (1), Mae is a slob (1), but it takes situations for us to understand what responsibility means. In this book (1), to come along to keep him company on the bus. On the way (1), CCSS- This wordless picture book was full of imagination. The theme throughout this book is that the little old lady has great determination and optimism. She has always wanted to eat the breakfast of her dreams and is trying everything possible for that (1), but he tells her that she’s the one that has been brave. I think this is a great book that can relate to so many children in this country. For many years (1), yes. After that (1), they became known as the jumping jellybeans and became best friends. They became such great friends because they all had different strengths. I would really recommend this book to students especially girls (1), who are worried about making new friends. (1), Non-Fiction- This book is great for students who have loved ones who are currently serving our country at war. In the book (1), Natalie finds out that her dad has to leave to serve our country. Natalie doesn’t want her father to leave and knows she has to be brave. Her family is supportive and reminds her always to be brave. She loves her father very much and throughout everythi (1), she always is thinking about him. When her father returns (1), she tells him how brave he was and how proud she was of him (1), our country has been at war and many of our loved ones have gone or are preparing to leave for war. I would definitely recommend this book for students to read and help them cope while their loved ones are serving our country. Many children can have mixed (1), but how all people are different. Just because Emily was a dancer (1), but to remind them it’s important to be brave. (1), Historical Fiction-This book was a really great book that took place during the time of World War II. In the book (1), Mama had to leave for Chicago to fill men’s jobs leaving Ada Ruth and grandma behind. Ada Ruth misses her mother every day and waits patiently for a letter to arrive. One day a kitten arrives on her door step and she thinks it will fill the absence of h (1), Historical Fiction- Little House in the Big Woods is always a great novel for readers. This historical fiction novel is about a family in Wisconsin who lives a pioneer’s life. They have to catch all their food and plant their harvest. They only go into (1), they have to make all of their presents and enjoy Christmas with music and family. I would recommend this book for readers because it helps them understand a different perspective especially during the Christmas season. It will also help students understa (1), Concept Book- This book is a great concept book for young readers. It is simple (1), yet great illustrations. I would definitely recommend this book to young readers who are beginning counting. (1), Realistic Fiction- This book can potentially be a controversial book for readers. It has good information for readers who may have a family like Tango’s. This book is about penguins that live in the central park zoo. All the male penguins mingle with th (1), didn’t mean that only her friends liked to dance. The girls in the dance class all had different strengths and only Emily enjoyed dancing. Emily was starting to become discouraged because she was the only one who enjoyed dance. Her mom took her to the l (1), Fiction- This book was a really fun book especially for girls to read. This book talks about not only the importance of friendship (1), Arthur and Buster fall asleep and get off at the last stop (1), her mom gave her a story book from Korea and a jade bracelet. The jade bracelet is very special to her mom because it once belonged to her mother and brings good wishes and true friendship. When Yoon went to school the next morning (1), but they are lost. They are very hungry and spend the last of their change on snacks. The story begins to change when Arthur and Buster very politely tell the bus driver that they spent their money (1), they are lost and want to return home. He was the nicest bus driver they met and he drove them home for free. Arthur’s mom was very worried (1), but she was also very proud that he was able to figure out what to do in order to return home. A point in the book that was very important was that Arthur and Buster spent the last of their money on snacks (1), instead of for the bus. That’s a very valuable lesson especially when kids like to eat snacks (1), but they don’t understand they need to use their money to return home. I would recommend this book to students because there are many valuable lessons and family experiences students should not only learn about but they could relate to as well. (1), Multi-Cultural- This story is a great story that will teach students the value of friendship and those who pretend to be our friends. Yoon moved to America from Korea and all she wanted to do was fit in with the girls in her class. For her birthday (1), all she wanted was a jump rope so she could fit in with her classmates. Instead (1), a girl in her class asked her to sit next to her and then play jump rope on the playground. Yoon thought the bracelet finally brought her good luck (1), they can come to us. I think students would really like this story and could share their thoughts with their classmates. (1), however; the girl asked her to share her bracelet. Yoon was skeptical but she loaned her the bracelet because she wanted a friendship so much. The teacher knew something was wrong and in the end the teacher gave back the bracelet to Yoon. Yoon and her mom (1), CCSS- Over in the Meadow is a really great poetry book that takes an old counting song and makes it fun for readers. It is important for readers to have fun and imagination while reading. The illustrations help tell the story and make it very imaginative. (1), CCSS- I really enjoyed reading this book. In this book (1), Mr. Popper is a house painter in Stillwater. During the winter (1), painting season is over and he settles in for the season. He always dreamed of going to Antarctica and read many travel books about Antarctica. One day (1), he receives a penguin package from Antarctic explorer Admiral Drake in the South Pole. Mr. Popper and his penguin were seen walking around town and it became very controversial. Later (1), Mr. Popper received another package with a penguin named Greta. Mr. Popper installed a large freezing plant in his basement to keep his penguins happy. Soon 2 penguins turn into 8 penguins. He wasn’t sure what to do will all of the penguins (1), so he taught them how to perform. They became known as The Popper Performing Act. I would recommend this book to students because it is a great funny story. Sometimes when we really wish something happening (1), but her pets ruin her dream breakfast. She realizes her neighbors are cooking breakfast and joins them. I would recommend this wordless picture book because I think students would really enjoy it and they get to use their imagination. (1), Jacob and Sarah eventually get married. I think this is a great book for students to read. Many students lose a parent and can relate to the book. I would highly recommend this book for students to read to help with coping and grieving. (1), CCSS- This book was a really great book to read. There are instances in the book that students could relate to about growing up. Henry lives on a street with no children his age (1), kitten was very hungry and wanted a bowl of milk. The moon was full that night and kitten saw the moon as a bowl of milk. She was very persistent (1), Non-Fiction- This book provides children with America’s freedom rights. I think this book has great information for students to learn about what our rights are and how great it is that we have freedom rights. However; I didn’t like some of the illustr (1), I would still recommend this book to students. It is important as Americans that we know our freedom rights. (1), CCSS- Green Eggs and Ham is always a great Dr. Seuss classic to read. Throughout the book (1), Sam I Am tries to get him to eat Green Eggs and Ham. Sam I am tries everywhere until he agrees to try them if Sam lets him be. Finally on a boat (1), he tries and likes Green Eggs and Ham anywhere. I think this is a great book to recommend because children enjoy all Dr. Seuss books. I would also recommend this book because it allows students to be adventurous and not be afraid to try new things. (1), - CCSS/ Caldecott Medal- I think this book would be a good (1), easy read for young students. Throughout the book (1), brave and hungry. She tried to climb to the tallest tree and tried to jump but she couldn’t reach the full moon. After (1), and land. This would be a great poem for students to read to help understand America’s diversity of all the land. I would recommend this poem to elementary students to encourage multi-cultural ism and diversity. (1), unlucky attempts to get her bowl of milk (1), she returned home. When she returned home (1), - Folktale- This book is a great classic for students to read. This book teaches students the importance of following directions and not to be scared. New readers may find the wolf scenes to be scary (1), but all students should read this story. This version of Little Red Riding Hood is considered to be multi-cultural and would be great to use in a classroom. Little Red Riding Hood was distracted by the scary wolf as he told her a lie so he could run to he (1), imaginative book for children to read. This book also has great illustrations and helps to tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood. (1), Book of the year winner- I really enjoyed reading this book and there is so much imagination to this story. Learners who read this story would benefit from the theme in this book. Students want to fit in with their friends and always want to have the best (1), the king finally agrees to give away all his belongings in exchange for happiness. Once he gave away all his belongings (1), CCSS book- this is always a great classic book for children to read. Growing up (1), Fiction- This chapter book was a great book for older elementary school students. In this book (1), the theme is about the diversity of the people (1), the mother went to find food for the baby. However; he was already born before she returned and he started to wonder because he wanted to find out who his mother was. The turning point of the book was after asking so many if they were his mom; a truck ret (1), Buster (1), problem solving (1), noble (1), wildlife (1), graphs (1), sigh (1), siblings (1), two families (1), one parent (1), Poetry- I really enjoyed this poem about diversity in America. Throughout the poem (1), honorable (1), Black Eyed Susan Award- I thought this book was a really good book for kids. So many times (1), kids go through phases of wanting to fit in and don’t want to be different. They want to be like all of their friends and have what everyone else has. This book really emphasized that it is ok to be different. Especially when sally first received her eg (1), we have to encourage our students that it is ok to be your own person and not be like everyone else. When Sally said that she doesn’t think her chick is working out (1), and her teacher told her again don’t be difficult (1), this was still encouragement. Sally didn’t like the fact that her chick’s pictures (1), and feeding were all different from the class. The major turning point in the story was when Argus was missing and Sally was really upset about that. She grew to like Argus and like that he was different from the other chicks in the class. When the other (1), this was a good lesson for children that reassure them even if we are different you still have friends. (1), we need our mother’s and they are very important to us. This book reflects how important the mother bird is to the baby bird. Before the egg hatched (1), he knew that was his mom. I would recommend this book to beginner readers because the value of are mother is very important. We all need the nurturing of our mothers (1), smile (1), and be a princess (1), and dash away in utter dismay? At the end of the book (1), it does send a positive message that you are too tough to worry about the scary stuff. Students should read the book to show they are tough and to not worry about the scary stuff during Halloween; however some students might be scared reading this story. (1), an oatmeal raisin cookie (1), a book that shared the special activity they did (1), Fiction- I really enjoyed this book. There are many different lessons to be learned from this book. As children we always dream of being a princess and having a castle like in the fairytales. For instance (1), Pigmella and Priscella switched places by accident because Priscella’s mom had so much money she had 7 nannies to take care of her daughter. Pigmella’s parents were farmers who didn’t have much money and really wanted a child. When the princess and (1), live in a castle (1), it’s not always the best life. People who want children more so than others and are very involved usually provide a better life for kids (1), under the roots (1), no matter how much money they have. (1), I thought the book was good. Emma loved her dog and Dixie was like a best friend to her. They were always playing together and Dixie always wanted to be around Emma. One day (1), you can balance your time to make time for school and your best friend. (1), Folktale and Caldecott Honor- Rumpelstiltskin is a great classic for students to read. This folktale helps students understand good versus evil. Students should not be afraid of who they are and where they come from. We shouldn’t tell lies and pretend w (1), we get caught in lies and it becomes difficult to get out of the lie. I would recommend this book for students because not only is it a classic folktale but valuable lessons are learned. (1), CCSS- Sarah (1), Plain and Tall is always a great classic for students to read. The story's themes throughout the book are loneliness and abandonment. This book takes place in Kansas in the late 19th century. Jacob loses his wife while giving birth to their son Caleb. Jac (1), Jacob puts an ad in the newspaper for a mail order bride. After he meets Sarah (1), jumping over other bones and etc. The book also talks about what will you do; cry (1), the bones climbing up the tree (1), and if we are lost or away from home we always want to return home. (1), not all families are the same we are all different. (1), Multi-cultural- I really enjoyed reading this book about all different kinds of families. All families are special and unique; its important students understand the importance of what makes their family special. In Mrs. Mack’s class (1), she announced she was going to be a grandmother and wanted to hear about everyone’s families. Everyone wanted to tell their story good and bad. Everyone shared one by one of their unique story. Students had all different kinds of uniqueness in their fam (1), one lived with grandparents (1), dad who is at war (1), a parent died when they were young (1), two mom’s (1), and etc. In the class they also shared really joyous and really sad experiences that happened in their families. I would recommend this book because students need to be proud of the families they come from and everyone has a story. Everyone is unique as w (1), Fiction- I really enjoyed reading this book. For me (1), I think this would be scary to read as Halloween approaches. It also talks about the different animal bones looking at you (1), it brought back a lot of memories as summer is coming to an end and the thought of a new school year and making new friends can be very stressful. This book also reveals a great surprise at the end that should help students’ fears about going back to sc (1), Tortoise is really enjoying summer and he starts to become very anxious about the new school year. He wonders what if he falls down (1), the kids are mean to him (1), and he doesn’t like the lunch. Then he wonders what if it is fun and he likes all his new friends. At the end of the book (1), it reveals a great surprise that not only is students very anxious about the school year and meeting new friends but so are teachers. I thought this was a really great way to end the book. Students should read this book because even though they are really (1), teachers can be just as nervous about the school year. (1), this wasn’t my favorite book I read. The book was a Halloween theme (1), however; the book talked about stuff beyond trick-or-treating. The book discussed about different animal bones as the child trick-or-treating would see in a forest. As an elementary student (1), even though it is occurring more and more in society. (1)
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Nov 11, 2012