SerieRivers of London

Autore della serie: Ben Aaronovitch

49 Opere Popolarità 1,376 (6,774 Utenti) 27,471 Libri 1,386 Recensioni ½ 3.9


I fiumi di Londra di Ben Aaronovitch 6,133 copie, 376 recensioni1
Moon Over Soho di Ben Aaronovitch 3,275 copie, 174 recensioni2
Whispers Under Ground di Ben Aaronovitch 2,773 copie, 129 recensioni3
Broken Homes di Ben Aaronovitch 2,392 copie, 122 recensioni4
Foxglove Summer di Ben Aaronovitch 2,082 copie, 101 recensioni5
The Hanging Tree di Ben Aaronovitch 1,829 copie, 73 recensioni6
Lies Sleeping di Ben Aaronovitch 1,366 copie, 58 recensioni7
False Value di Ben Aaronovitch 1,105 copie, 41 recensioni8
Amongst Our Weapons di Ben Aaronovitch 727 copie, 31 recensioni9

Short Stories & Novellas

The Masquerades of Spring di Ben Aaronovitch 9 copie, 3 recensioniNovella 0.4
Nightingale: London 1966 di Ben Aaronovitch 41 copie, 1 recensioneShort story, 0.5
The Home Crowd Advantage di Ben Aaronovitch 99 copie, 9 recensioniShort story, 1.5
Tobias Winter - Meckenheim 2012 di Ben Aaronovitch 28 copie, 1 recensioneShort story, 1.6
The Domestic di Ben Aaronovitch 7 copieShort story, 2.5
The Cockpit di Ben Aaronovitch 8 copieShort story, 3.5
King of the Rats di Ben Aaronovitch 19 copie, 1 recensioneShort story, 5.1
What Abigail Did That Summer di Ben Aaronovitch 546 copie, 30 recensioniNovella, 5.2
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Granny di Ben Aaronovitch 4 copieShort story, 5.3
Three Rivers, Two Husbands and a Baby di Ben Aaronovitch 1 copiaShort Story, 5.4
Reynolds – Florence, Az. 2014 di Ben Aaronovitch 26 copie, 1 recensioneShort story, 5.3
The Furthest Station di Ben Aaronovitch 1,070 copie, 45 recensioniNovella, 5.5
A Rare Book of Cunning Device di Ben Aaronovitch 193 copie, 12 recensioniShort story, 6.5
Favourite Uncle di Ben Aaronovitch 8 copieShort story, 6.6
The October Man di Ben Aaronovitch 784 copie, 45 recensioniShort novel, 7.5
Vanessa Sommer's Other Christmas List di Ben Aaronovitch 4 copieShort story, 7.6
Winter's Gifts di Ben Aaronovitch 269 copie, 14 recensioniNovella, 9.5

Graphic Novels

Rivers of London, Vol. 1: Body Work di Ben Aaronovitch 426 copie, 25 recensioniGraphic novel, 1
Rivers of London, Vol. 2: Night Witch di Ben Aaronovitch 301 copie, 21 recensioniGraphic novel, 2
Rivers of London, Vol. 3: Black Mould di Ben Aaronovitch 240 copie, 13 recensioniGraphic novel, 3
Rivers of London, Vol. 4: Detective Stories di Ben Aaronovitch 218 copie, 7 recensioniGraphic novel, 4
Rivers of London, Vol. 5: Cry Fox di Ben Aaronovitch 182 copie, 8 recensioniGraphic novel, 5
Rivers of London, Vol. 6: Water Weed di Ben Aaronovitch 163 copie, 6 recensioniGraphic novel, 6
Rivers of London, Vol. 7: Action at a Distance di Ben Aaronovitch 145 copie, 3 recensioniGraphic novel, 7
Rivers of London, Vol. 8: The Fey and the Furious di Ben Aaronovitch 131 copie, 2 recensioniGraphic novel, 8
Rivers of London, Vol. 9: Monday, Monday di Ben Aaronovitch 96 copie, 1 recensioneGraphic novel, 9
Rivers of London, Vol. 10: Deadly Ever After di Ben Aaronovitch 88 copie, 7 recensioniGraphic novel, 10
Rivers of London, Vol. 11: Here Be Dragons di Ben Aaronovitch 51 copieGraphic novel, 11
Rivers of London: The Graphic Novel Collection, Volumes 1-3 (Boxed Set) di Ben Aaronovitch 31 copieGraphic Novels, 1-3
Rivers of London: The Graphic Novel Collection, Volumes 4-6 (Boxed Set) di Ben Aaronovitch 8 copieGraphic Novels, 4-6

Collezioni e selezioni

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Altri nomi

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