
Autore della serie: Garry Trudeau

103 Opere Popolarità 3,293 (3,070 Utenti) 14,015 Libri 238 Recensioni 4.1


Doonesbury di Garry Trudeau 204 copie, 7 recensioni0
Still a Few Bugs in the System di Garry Trudeau 203 copie, 1 recensione1
Even Revolutionaries Like Chocolate Chip Cookies di Garry Trudeau 95 copie, 2 recensioni1.1
Just a French Major from the Bronx di Garry Trudeau 85 copie, 2 recensioni1.2
The President Is a Lot Smarter Than You Think di Garry Trudeau 183 copie, 1 recensione2
The President Is a Lot Smarter Than You Think (Selected Cartoons) di Garry Trudeau 40 copie, 2 recensioni2.1
The President Is a Lot Smarter Than You Think di Garry Trudeau 36 copie2.?
Don't Ever Change, Boopsie di Garry Trudeau 84 copie, 2 recensioni2.2
But This War Had Such Promise di Garry Trudeau 197 copie, 2 recensioni3
Bravo for Life's Little Ironies di G. B. Trudeau 73 copie, 1 recensione3.1
I Have No Son di Garry Trudeau 64 copie3.2
Call Me When You Find America: A Doonesbury Book di Garry Trudeau 260 copie, 2 recensioni4
Guilty, Guilty, Guilty! di Garry Trudeau 226 copie, 3 recensioni5
What Do We Have for the Witnesses, Johnnie? di Garry Trudeau 215 copie, 2 recensioni6
Dare To Be Great, Ms Caucus di Garry Trudeau 223 copie, 4 recensioni7
Wouldn't a Gremlin Have Been More Sensible? di Garry Trudeau 229 copie, 3 recensioni8
Speaking of Inalienable Rights, Amy di Garry Trudeau 225 copie, 3 recensioni9
You're Never Too Old for Nuts and Berries di Gary B. Trudeau 196 copie, 1 recensione10
An Especially Tricky People di Gary B. Trudeau 228 copie, 3 recensioni11
As the Kid Goes for Broke di Garry Trudeau 214 copie, 1 recensione12
Stalking the Perfect Tan di Gary B. Trudeau 208 copie, 1 recensione13
"Any Grooming Hints for Your Fans, Rollie?" di Gary B. Trudeau 217 copie, 2 recensioni14
"But the Pension Fund Was Just Sitting There" di Garry Trudeau 212 copie, 4 recensioni15
We're Not Out of the Woods Yet di Garry Trudeau 183 copie, 4 recensioni16
A Tad Overweight, but Violet Eyes to Die For di Garry Trudeau 184 copie, 3 recensioni17
And That's My Final Offer! di Gary B. Trudeau 198 copie, 2 recensioni18
He's Never Heard of You, Either di Garry Trudeau 176 copie, 1 recensione19
Adjectives Will Cost You Extra di Garry Trudeau 38 copie, 2 recensioni19.1
Gotta Run, My Government is Collapsing di Garry Trudeau 27 copie, 1 recensione19.2
In Search of Reagan's Brain di Garry Trudeau 235 copie, 3 recensioni20
Is This Your First Purge, Miss? di Garry Trudeau 29 copie, 2 recensioni20.1
We Who Are about to Fry, Salute You di Garry Trudeau 18 copie, 2 recensioni20.2
Ask for May, Settle for June di Garry Trudeau 170 copie, 2 recensioni21
It's Supposed to Be Yellow, Pinhead di Garry Trudeau 24 copie, 2 recensioni21.1
Do All Birders Have Bedroom Eyes, Dear? di Garry Trudeau 12 copie21.2
Unfortunately, She Was Also Wired for Sound di Garry Trudeau 150 copie, 1 recensione22
Confirmed Bachelors are Just So Fascinating di Garry Trudeau 23 copie, 2 recensioni22.1
Dressed for Failure, I See di Garry Trudeau 18 copie, 1 recensione22.2
The Wreck of the "Rusty Nail" di Garry Trudeau 155 copie, 1 recensione23
A Farewell to Alms di Garry Trudeau 13 copie23.1
Sir, I'm Worried About Your Mood Swings di Garry Trudeau 19 copie, 2 recensioni23.2
You Give Great Meeting, Sid di Garry Trudeau 167 copie, 1 recensione24
Guess Who, Fish-face! di Garry Trudeau 14 copie24.1
The Thrill Is Gone, Bernie di Garry Trudeau 17 copie24.2
Doonesbury: A Musical Comedy di Garry Trudeau 95 copieMusical
Check Your Egos at the Door di Garry Trudeau 182 copie, 3 recensioni25
That's Doctor Sinatra, You Little Bimbo! di Garry Trudeau 190 copie, 3 recensioni26
Death of a Party Animal di Garry Trudeau 128 copie, 4 recensioni27
Downtown Doonesbury di Garry Trudeau 152 copie, 3 recensioni28
Calling Dr Whoopee! di Garry Trudeau 120 copie, 1 recensione29
Talkin' About My G-G-Generation di Garry Trudeau 125 copie, 3 recensioni30
We're Eating More Beets! di Garry Trudeau 120 copie, 1 recensione31
Read My Lips, Make My Day, Eat Quiche and Die! di Garry Trudeau 174 copie, 3 recensioni32
Give Those Nymphs Some Hooters! di Garry Trudeau 146 copie, 4 recensioni33
You're Smokin' Now, Mr Butts di Garry Trudeau 136 copie, 3 recensioni34
I'd Go with the Helmet, Ray di Garry Trudeau 103 copie, 3 recensioni35
Welcome To Club Scud! di Garry Trudeau 89 copie, 1 recensione36
What Is It Tink, Is Pan In Trouble di Garry Trudeau 103 copie, 3 recensioni37
Quality Time on Highway 1 di Garry Trudeau 82 copie, 3 recensioni38
Washed Out Bridges and Other Disasters di Garry Trudeau 95 copie, 2 recensioni39
In Search of Cigarette Holder Man di Garry Trudeau 92 copie, 4 recensioni40
The Doonesbury Nation di Garry Trudeau 90 copie, 3 recensioni41
Virtual Doonesbury di Garry Trudeau 118 copie, 3 recensioni42
Planet Doonesbury di Garry Trudeau 126 copie, 3 recensioni43
Buck Wild Doonesbury di Garry Trudeau 118 copie, 1 recensione44
Duke 2000: Whatever It Takes di Garry Trudeau 94 copie, 4 recensioni45
The Revolt Of The English Majors di Garry Trudeau 114 copie, 1 recensione46
Peace Out, Dawg! Tales from Ground Zero di Garry Trudeau 160 copie, 2 recensioni47
Got War? di Garry Trudeau 191 copie, 3 recensioni48
Talk to the Hand di Garry Trudeau 109 copie, 4 recensioni49
Heckuva Job, Bushie! di Garry Trudeau 90 copie, 3 recensioni50
Welcome to the Nerd Farm! di Garry Trudeau 61 copie, 2 recensioni51
Tee Time in Berzerkistan di Garry Trudeau 62 copie52
Red Rascal's War: A Doonesbury Book di Garry Trudeau 55 copie, 6 recensioni53
Squared Away: A Doonesbury Book di Garry Trudeau 35 copie, 2 recensioni54
The Weed Whisperer: A Doonesbury Book di Garry Trudeau 31 copie55

Collezioni e selezioni

A Doonesbury Selection: Box Set di Garry Trudeau 5 copieOmnibus 1-3
A Doonesbury Selection - The President Is a Lot Smarter Than You Think; Don't Ever Change, Boopsie; Just a French Major from the Bronx; Even Revolutionaries Like Chocolate Chip Cookies; I Have No Son; di Garry Trudeau 12 copieOmnibus 1-2, 3.2
DOONESBURY CLASSICS (4 Volume Set) Dare to Be Great, Ms. Caucus ; As the Kid Goes for Broke; "Any Grooming Hints for Your Fans, Rollie?" ; Stalking the Perfect Tan di Garry Trudeau 11 copieOmnibus 1-4
The World of Doonesbury [Box Set of 5] di Garry Trudeau 16 copieOmnibus 4-8
Doonesbury Redux: Duke 2000 and Revolt of the English Majors di Garry Trudeau 41 copieOmnibus 45-46
Doonesbury: The War Years: Peace Out, Dawg! and Got War? di Garry Trudeau 56 copieOmnibus 47-48
Action Figure!: The Adventures of Doonesbury's Uncle Duke di Garry Trudeau 178 copie, 5 recensioniAnthology
Dude: The Big Book of Zonker di Garry Trudeau 64 copie, 1 recensioneAnthology
Joanie (Cartoons for New Children) di Garry Trudeau 53 copieAnthology
We'll take it from here, Sarge (Cartoons for new children) di Garry Trudeau 10 copieAnthology
Yuge!: 30 Years of Doonesbury on Trump di Garry Trudeau 232 copie, 10 recensioniAnthology
#SAD! Doonesbury in the Time of Trump di Garry Trudeau 87 copie, 11 recensioniAnthology
LEWSER! More Doonesbury in the Time of Trump di Garry Trudeau 53 copie, 5 recensioniAnthology
The Doonesbury Chronicles di Garry Trudeau 800 copie, 9 recensioniAnthology 1970-75
Doonesbury's Greatest Hits di Garry Trudeau 546 copie, 6 recensioniAnthology 1975-78
The People's Doonesbury: Notes from Underfoot di Garry Trudeau 409 copie, 3 recensioniAnthology 1978-80
Doonesbury Dossier: The Reagan Years di Garry Trudeau 444 copie, 4 recensioniAnthology 1980-83
Doonesbury Deluxe: Selected Glances Askance di Garry Trudeau 341 copie, 2 recensioniAnthology 1984-87
Recycled Doonesbury: Second Thoughts On A Gilded Age di Garry Trudeau 222 copie, 2 recensioniAnthology 1987-90
The Portable Doonesbury di Garry Trudeau 181 copie, 2 recensioniAnthology 1990-93
Flashbacks. Il meglio di Doonesbury dagli anni '70 ad oggi di Garry Trudeau 235 copie, 2 recensioniAnthology 1970-95
The Bundled Doonesbury : A Pre-Millenial Anthology di Garry Trudeau 181 copie, 3 recensioniAnthology 1995-98
40: A Doonesbury Retrospective di Garry Trudeau 166 copie, 1 recensioneAnthology 1970-2010
The Long Road Home: One Step at a Time di Garry Trudeau 138 copie, 7 recensioniWounded Warrior 1
The War Within: One More Step at a Time di Garry Trudeau 88 copie, 1 recensioneWounded Warrior 2
Signature Wound: Rocking TBI (Doonesbury Collection) di Garry Trudeau 40 copie, 1 recensioneWounded Warrior 3
Mel's Story: Surviving Military Sexual Assault (Doonesbury) di Garry Trudeau 21 copie, 1 recensioneWounded Warrior 4


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