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Dancing Is the Best Medicine: The Science of How Moving To a Beat Is Good for Body, Brain, and Soul
Taking readers on an in-depth exploration of movement and music, from early humans up until today, this book shows the proven benefits of dance for our heart, lungs, bones, nervous system, and brain. Readers will come away with a wide range of dances to try and a scientific understanding of how dance benefits almost every aspect of our lives. -Dance prevents and manages illness and pain: such as Diabetes, arthritis, back pain, and Parkinson’s. -Dance can be as effective as high intensity interval training: but without the strain on your joints and heart. -Dance boosts immunity and lowers stress: it also helps reduce inflammation. Dance positively impacts the microbiome: and aids in digestion, weight loss, and digestive issues such as IBS. -Dance bolsters the mind-body connection: helping us get in tune with our bodies for better overall health. We’re lucky that one of the best things we can do for our health is also one of the most fun. And the best part: dance is something anyone can do. Old or young, injured or experiencing chronic pain, dance is for everyone, everywhere. So, let’s dance! Types of dance featured in the book: -Partner dance (salsa, swing dancing, waltz) -Ballet -Hip hop -Modern -Jazz -Line dancing -Tap dancing And more!
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Greystone Books (Editore)
(User: richardnash)
September 2021
Inizia il: 2021-09-07
Termina il: 2021-09-27
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Jungtinės Valstijos
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