Recensori in anteprimaTony Candela

Pagina LibraryThing dell'autore

May 2015 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 25 maggio alle ore 06:00 pm EDT

Countless collector car owners are skilled at performing mechanical work, but for many of them, electrical work seems like a mystery, too complicated and too confusing. However, electrical upgrades are absolutely essential for a high-performance classic car or a modified car to perform at its best. With a firm understanding of the fundamentals, you can take this comprehensive guide and complete a wide range of electrical projects that enhance the performance and functionality of a vehicle. In this revised edition (formerly titled Automotive Electrical Performance Projects) brilliant color photos and explanatory step-by-step captions detail the installation of the most popular, functional, and beneficial upgrades for enthusiasts of varying skill levels. Just a few of the projects included are: maximizing performance of electric fans; installing electronic gauges; upgrading charging systems; and installing a complete aftermarket wiring harness, which is no small task. Each facet is covered in amazing detail. Veteran author Tony Candela, who wrote CarTech's previous best-selling title Automotive Wiring and Electrical Systems, moves beyond the theoretical and into real-world applications with this exciting and detailed follow-up. This Volume 2 is essential for any enthusiast looking to upgrade his or her classic vehicle to modern standards, and for putting all the knowledge learned in Automotive Wiring and Electrical Systems into practice.
Offerto da
CarTech Books (Editore)
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
pacchetto chiuso

April 2014 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 28 aprile alle 06:00 pm EDT

Converting from a carbureted fuel system to electronic fuel injection (EFI) improves the performance, driveability, and fuel economy of any classic vehicle. Through a series of sensors, processors, and wires, it gathers engine and atmospheric information to precisely deliver the correct amount of fuel to your engine. With a carburetor, you must manually adjust and change parts to adapt it to differing conditions and applications. Installing a complete aftermarket EFI system may seem too complex, but it is within your reach by using the clear and easy-to-understand, step-by-step instructions. You will be able to confidently install the correct EFI system in your vehicle and enjoy all the benefits. A variety of EFI Systems are currently available--throttle body injection (TBI), multi port fuel injection (MPFI), stack systems, application specific, and special application systems. Author Tony Candela reveals the attributes of each, so you can select the system that's ideal for your car. Author Tony Candela explains in exceptional detail how to install both of these systems. To achieve top performance from an EFI system, it’s not a simple bolt-on and plug-in procedure. This book takes the mystery out of EFI so it’s not a black art but rather a clear working set of parameters. You are shown how to professionally install the injectors into the intake system as well as how to integrate the wiring into the main harness. In addition, each step of upgrading the fuel system to support the EFI is explained. The book also delves into integrating ignition and computer control with these aftermarket systems so you can be out driving rather than struggling with tuning. Turbocharged, supercharged, and nitrous applications are also covered. A well-installed and -tuned EFI system greatly improves the performance of a classic V-8 or any engine because the system delivers the correct fuel mixture for every operating condition. Get faster starts, better fuel economy, and crisp efficient performance. In EFI Conversions: How to Swap Your Carb for Electronic Fuel Injection, achieving all these benefits is easily within your reach.
Offerto da
CarTech Books (Editore)
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
pacchetto chiuso