Recensori in anteprimaSteve Rasnic Tem

Pagina LibraryThing dell'autore

April 2017 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 24 aprile alle 06:00 pm EDT

Available in PDF, ePub, and mobi formats. Steve Rasnic Tem and Melanie Tem are no strangers to the writing business. Between the two of them, they have published more than 600 short stories, 20 novels, and 10 short story collections. Not to mention numerous articles, essays, poems, and plays. They've won the World Fantasy Award, British Fantasy Award, and Bram Stoker Award. In this book they go over everything from the mechanics of writing, to how to find the time to write, to dealing with allthe paper writers tend to collect. They discuss plot, point of view, setting, characterization, and more, all in an informal tone that invites you to become part of their conversation. Learn how to find your stories because they are Yours to Tell.
Offerto da
Apex Publications (Editore)
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
pacchetto chiuso

March 2017 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 27 marzo alle ore 06:00 pm EDT

This giveaway is for the ARC edition of the book. It is available in PDF, ePub, and mobi formats. Steve Rasnic Tem and Melanie Tem are no strangers to the writing business. Between the two of them, they have published more than 600 short stories, 20 novels, and 10 short story collections. Not to mention numerous articles, essays, poems, and plays. They've won the World Fantasy Award, British Fantasy Award, and Bram Stoker Award. In this book they go over everything from the mechanics of writing, to how to find the time to write, to dealing with allthe paper writers tend to collect. They discuss plot, point of view, setting, characterization, and more, all in an informal tone that invites you to become part of their conversation. Learn how to find your stories because they are Yours to Tell.
Offerto da
Apex Publications (Editore)
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
pacchetto chiuso

April 2008 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 8 aprile alle 12:00 am EDT

Two interwoven memoirs of love, loss, and family with a haunted, frightening edge. In 2000, American Fantasy Press published an unassuming chapbook titled The Man on the Ceiling. Inside was a dark, surreal, discomfiting story of the horrors that can befall a family. It was so powerful that it won the Bram Stoker Award, International Horror Guild Award, and World Fantasy Award--the only work ever to win all three. Now, Melanie Tem and Steve Rasnic Tem have re-imagined the story, expanding on the ideas to create a compelling work that examines how people find a family, how they hold a family together despite incomprehensible tragedy, and how, in the end, they find love. Loosely autobiographical, The Man on the Ceiling has the feel of a family portrait painted by Salvador Dali, where story and reality blend to find the one thing that neither can offer alone: truth.
Fantasy, General Fiction, Horror, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Wizards of the Coast (Editore)
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
pacchetto chiuso