Recensori in anteprimaGail Grant Park

Pagina LibraryThing dell'autore

Ottobre 2023 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 25 agosto alle ore 06:00 pm EDT

Moira Gallagher has been conversing with ghosts since she was five. Now as an adult, she’s finally putting that ability to good use.

Moira’s ability to talk with the dead gives her detective agency, Gallagher Investigations, an edge in uncovering secrets the past has buried. With the help of her sisters, Nuala and Deirdre, she assists those unsettled spirits in finding peace by righting the wrongs done to them before they found themselves on the Other Side. The past collides with the present as these Irish sisters solve cold-case murders and mayhem through their dreams, paranormal visitations, and spunk.

If you enjoy a cozy mystery, ghosts of the friendly and not-so-friendly variety, or anything Irish, you’ll love We Are Shadows.

General Fiction, Mystery
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Gail.Park (Autore)
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