Recensori in anteprimaMatthew William Frend

Pagina LibraryThing dell'autore

Dicembre 2022 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 27 dicembre alle 06:00 pm EST

The year is 2265 and Earth is a utopia populated by enlightened and contented people.

During this time virtual reality simulations of past events can be generated using unlimited computing power. One such project stems from the events surrounding a car accident in 1945 involving General George S. Patton. The simulation is used to see what an alternative world would look like without the General, who was killed in the accident.

The simulation shows the utopians our world, where humanity has continued along the same path of destruction it has taken for millennia and the Cold War dominates the latter half of the 20th century.

General Patton understood that communism preached world domination and the U.S.S.R. under Stalin would spread its tyranny throughout the post-war world. He wanted to defeat the Soviets while the time was right. Patton proposed a continuation of the war in Europe and said he could make it look like the Soviets had started it.

The simulation's revelations reveal that contrary to popular belief, it had taken the sacrifices of a war against tyranny for a perfect world to exist.

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General Fiction, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, Fiction and Literature
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MatthewFrend (Autore)
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pacchetto chiuso

Febbraio 2022 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 28 febbraio alle ore 06:00 pm EST

There's something you need to know - there's more to life than living. A road trip across the wilds of the Northern Territory, Australia, is a spirited ride through late-twentieth century Australian counter culture. Then an event occurs which gives an insight into the other side of life itself, and provides a message. A message which resolves the ultimate unknown - why are we here?

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General Fiction, Mystery, Religion & Spirituality, Suspense & Thriller, Travel, Fiction and Literature
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MatthewFrend (Autore)
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pacchetto chiuso

Vecchio omaggio di un membro Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 15, 2021 novembre alle 08:15 am EST

General Patton has been instrumental in the fight against the Soviets in Europe, but now a new communist threat has emerged in the Far East where General Douglas MacArthur had been a key player in defeating Japan in the war in the Pacific. A new global conflict; but the same old enemy - the evil of tyranny. A Probability of Evil continues the story of a struggle to end the ceaseless and crippling arms races between opposing ideologies, and of a war to finally liberate humanity from the madness of perpetual conflict. As with the first book in the series, our own tragic history is depicted from the viewpoint of a peaceful utopia that uses simulations generated with the aid of the limitless computing power and artificial intelligence of the future. Conversely, the main storyline in which General George S. Patton survived his car accident, continues to describe the events of a war against global communism, a path which ironically may be the only way for us to achieve a utopian human society based on trust and an absence of fear.
Fiction and Literature
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MatthewFrend (Autore)
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
pacchetto chiuso

Vecchio omaggio di un membro Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 23, 2021 aprile alle 07:06 am EDT

A free world or perpetual conflict? How much impact can one man have on the future? The year is 2265 and Earth is a utopia populated by free-willed and contented people. How did this perfect world to come about? Virtual reality simulations of past events are generated using the unlimited computer power of the day. One project stems from the events surrounding a car accident in 1945 involving General George S. Patton. The simulation is used to look into an alternative world. In this other world General Patton had been killed in the accident. The simulation shows a world where humanity continues along the same path it has taken for millennia. The Cold War dominates the latter half of the 20th century, but this had not occurred in the utopia’s past. Why? General Patton understood that communism preached world domination, and the U.S.S.R. under Stalin would spread its tyranny throughout the post-war world. He wanted to defeat them while the time was right. Patton proposed a continuation of the war in Europe and said he could make it look like the Soviets had started it. The events that occurred in the utopian world after Patton survived the accident describe a war against the Soviets, and the part played by a rogue Russian General, Andrey Vlasov. His Russian Liberation Army had previously fought against Stalin and would now play a major part in the war against the totalitarian state corrupting his homeland. The simulation’s revelations reveal that contrary to popular belief, it had taken the sacrifices of a war against tyranny for a perfect world to exist. EDITORIAL REVIEW LoveReading November 2020 "The Free World War is an interesting story that uses science fiction to explore Butterfly Effect themes, and how one person’s thoughts and plans could be all it takes for the perfect world to exist. In the futuristic world of 2265 which is very well built by the author, we see their ability to use technology that the reader will recognise to dive into history, and simulations that give insight into a parallel world that the reader may find familiar. I liked the creativity involved in the creation of this plot and I think it would be a good read for anyone interested in science fiction or alternate history. The concept did remind me of the iconic The Man in the High Castle by Phillip K. Dick, and I was thoroughly intrigued and entertained as the story developed. There’s also plenty of action to be enjoyed and a host of characters across the different timelines that we get to know along the way. A vibrant story that skilfully builds on the simple idea that one man’s actions could have consequences that could change the world."
Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
MatthewFrend (Autore)
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
pacchetto chiuso

Vecchio omaggio di un membro Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 23, 2021 aprile alle 05:27 am EDT

There’s something you need to know - there's more to life than living. Life Before Death is a road trip across the Red Center and the wilds of the Northern Territory, Australia. It is a spirited ride through late-twentieth century Australian counter culture. Then an event occurs which gives an insight into the other side of life itself, and provides a message. A message which resolves the ultimate unknown – why are we here? Many of the events in this book are based on true events that occurred in Australia in the late twentieth century. Life Before Death captures the character of the outback, and the resolute spirit of its culture. Foremost, however, it is intended to bring to light the high-spirited courage and levity of those people who dwell on the periphery of normal society. The rebels and free-thinkers who wish for little more than to live their lives without the oppression of unjust laws and the resulting intrusions upon their liberty. EDITORIAL REVIEWS Readers’ Favorite – 5-STARS "Life Before Death by Matthew William Frend is a paranormal fiction novel with a fresh take on the genre. It begins with a road trip across Australia, where characters are determined to live life to the fullest and make their dreams come true. It isn't often that people feel free enough or confident enough to live the life they really want. Society has too many constraints. But what if those constraints were bypassed? What if you went rogue and did exactly what your heart desired? This is basically an odyssey about these sorts of realized dreams and goals. It's for the adventurer inside most of us that yearns to be free but isn't quite sure how to go about it, or if we even should. For souls that are daring enough, read on. The travels and experience had by the characters are met by unexpected events, and you, like they, are left with questions that beg to be answered. These characters throw caution to the wind and challenge authority by pursuing a business venture, much like the youth of the Sixties. As you read, you will meet an eclectic, fascinating collection of people along the way. You will be educated, charmed, and enlightened. The author's style is light but serious, and he knows how to create flesh and bone characters that stay with you. You feel for them as they encounter one thing after another--homelessness, freedom, the elements, and more. You may find yourself vicariously experiencing new sensations, right along with the characters, and this is the talent of the author shining through. The glossary at the beginning of the book is especially informative. If you like stories about independence, survival, philosophies, and the fringes of society, Life Before Death by Matthew William Frend is a perfect choice." Literary Titan Book Award Winner September 2020 "People are always bragging about their rebel life. But, is one truly a rebel if they live within the confines of society? Has one really lived a rebel life until they have lived according to their own philosophies without caring about the conditions of the social construct? So many young men were tired of the way their lives were being directed and decided to live by their own rules. Unemployed and almost destitute, they set out to start a hash farm. They survived harsh conditions and overcame many difficulties to not only make their dreams come true but also to stay ahead of the authorities. Life Before Death is set in the twentieth century. Matt Frend has expertly captured the spirit and feel of that time. He has described the characters in ways that get the reader invested in the story and even willingly joining their sojourn. This book will appeal to the part of you that just wants to be set free. Life Before Death may be an interesting and entertaining piece of literature. However, once a layer is peeled you find therein lessons about life and living. You find lessons about friends and acquaintances. Thus it is aptly titled. It truly is a book about the journey of life between birth and death. It is a book about purpose and self-actualisation. The writer narrates this story with a certain bubbly spirit. You can feel the excitement reverberate off the pages, urging you to join in on the joy. All of this while also being thought-provoking. Matt Frend writing is simply executed with a sort of laid back tone. His descriptions of the scenery in the Australian countryside will thrust you right beside them with their special cookies and desire to be truly independent. This book in no way advocates for flouting the law for personal enjoyment. It does however let you see what it would be if the society lived under reasonable laws. This book is an enlightening and entertaining literary trip. The way the author uses the English language is absolutely delightful. The style of narration is beautiful and appealing. Life Before Death was enjoyable and deeply significant."
Fiction and Literature, Nonfiction
Offerto da
MatthewFrend (Autore)
Pagina LibraryThing dell'opera
pacchetto chiuso