Recensori in anteprimaBarbara Samuel

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July 2012 Pacchetto

Omaggio terminato: 30 luglio alle ore 06:00 pm EDT

An unforgettable romance in an unforgiving time.They’ll need love and courage to see the dawn.He's a hometown native, returning from the war, determined to change the world he'd fought to protect. She's the girl who's been his secret friend since childhood, now a beautiful woman. Her war-time letters kept him alive. But he's black, and she's white.In 1946 in Gideon, Texas, their undeniable love might get them both killed.Barbara Samuel is a multiple award-winning author with more than 38 books to her credit in a variety of genres. Her work has captured a plethora of awards, including six RITAs; the Colorado Center for the Book Award (twice); Favorite Book of the Year from Romance Writers of America, and the Library Journal’s list of Best Genre Fiction of the year, among many others. Visit her at
General Fiction, Romance, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Bell Bridge Books (Editore)
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