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Lacy WilliamsRecensioni

Autore di Heart of Gold

97+ opere 856 membri 80 recensioni


Have the characters ever heard about a thing called talking?
I am still confused about the plot point of Fran and the vase. If the story was fabricated, why did she know about it?

3 Stars

libraryofemma | 1 altra recensione | Apr 18, 2024 |
A quick read....maybe because it was so short and somewhat lacking in character development. However, it was a nice, wholesome story about how first impressions aren't always accurate. And I do enjoy wholesome. I admit it. But that Charlie...boy, he loves to use the word "darlin'" - maybe a little too much there toward the end. It's great for someone who doesn't have a lot of time to read and enjoys G-rated western romances. No graphic scenes or foul language in this book. Like I said...wholesome. And I liked that about it.
clamagna | 8 altre recensioni | Apr 4, 2024 |
Wild Heart’s Haven is book four in the Wagon Train Matches series by Lacy Williams. This story continues as the previous ends so it is best to read this series in order. The wagon train Rachel was with, was attacked and only she and her brother survived. He was later killed and she is all alone and expecting her first child. Owen took her to their wagon train and struggles to look out for her when all she wants to do is go home.

This is an inspirational story that is well written and enjoyable to read. It is fun to follow along with the wagon train and Owen’s family. We see the changes that come over Owen and Rachel as they get to know each other and go through their personal struggles. I enjoyed seeing how Owen changed after the baby was born. It is easy to see the strength they both have as they lean on God and their faith.

I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book from the author ,this is my honest review.
eccl | 1 altra recensione | Feb 14, 2024 |
Wild Heart’s Haven is the fourth wonderful addition to the exciting Wagon Train Matches series! After finishing the third book in the series A Trail Untamed, I began looking forward to reconnecting with the wagon train “family” and discovering Rachel and Owen’s story. I was not disappointed! I love protector hero Owen and emotionally scarred Rachel and how their relationship develops through difficult and dangerous circumstances. The fast-moving plot kept me reading with anticipation. The characters in this series are amazing with very diverse personalities and experiences which result in strained and sometimes explosive family relationships. I appreciate the faith thread that is woven into the story so naturally. I highly recommend this book and series especially for fans of inspirational western romance. Note: Each book in the series can be read as a standalone, but I recommend reading them in order for a more complete reading experience.
I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Joycar_1 | 1 altra recensione | Jan 29, 2024 |
A Trail Untamed, by Lacy Williams is book three in the Wagon Train Matches series. This story follows after the second in the series with the same characters and references incidents from the previous stories. The author does a good job of filling in background information. The couple featured in this story are August and Felicity. August is a very caring person and looks out for others. His brother wants him to marry a newcomer to the wagon train, but he's not sure. Felicity is still struggling with healing from the injuries from the storm that hit the trail earlier. Yet, she is there to help others and care for a young girl they find along the way. I enjoyed the growing friendship between the two and enjoyed how they interacted with the young girl.

This is a well written, easy to read story. I enjoyed reading of Felicity's sewing talent and how she makes things for others. I also enjoyed the suspense and mystery surrounding the danger on the trail. This story shows the dangers that some of the wagon trains had to deal with. This is a fun story to read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author, this is my honest review.
eccl | 1 altra recensione | Oct 13, 2023 |
A Trail Untamed is the exciting third addition to the wonderful Wagon Train Matches series. Once again, we join the trek of the Oregon Trail wagon train reuniting with old friends and meeting new ones. I love August and Felicity and how they helped each other overcome the struggles with old hurts in their individual lives. A fast-paced plot, an authentic western setting, richly created characters, sweet romance, and inspiring faith lessons combine to make an entertaining, uplifting read. I highly recommend this book and series especially for fans of inspirational western romance. Note: This book can easily be read as a standalone, but I recommend reading the books in order to gain background information and just because they are all so good!
I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Joycar_1 | 1 altra recensione | Oct 12, 2023 |
Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres, so I try to review as many in this genre as I can. Heart of Gold is a story involving Ida, who wants more than anything to have a quiet at home Christmas this year. But this Christmas turned out to be anything but. Her U.S. Marshal brother brings home a visitor, someone Ida is not so sure she wants to see again. But he is here, nonetheless.

I enjoyed this interesting Christmas story with prisoner Tom Seymour’s visit with Ida’s family. Author Lacy Williams creates compelling characters that are wonderfully created and engaging. Ida had trust issues, which I could relate, and trusting Tom didn’t come easy. The romance is sweet and a long while coming. I enjoyed this history, and historical setting of Hearts of Gold. In the end, Williams weaves it all together into a satisfying ending. I encourage anyone who loves historical fiction to give Hearts of Gold a try. The story is pretty short, but it’s packed with lots of action and drama that will keep you turning the pages. This one is getting Five Stars from me.

A special thanks to the author/publisher for a copy of this book. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions here are mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
ibjoy1953 | 8 altre recensioni | Jun 11, 2023 |
Heart of Gold, by Lacy Williams is the 17th and final book in the Wind River Hearts series. While this is part of a series, it is also a nice stand alone story. I have not read the rest of the series and had no trouble following this story. This is a well written, easy to read story. It is descriptive and easy to imagine. This is a nice story of forgiveness and second chances.

I enjoyed reading this story. Ida is such a strong character and is part of a big loving family. Tom and his brothers are the famous outlaw gang, the Seymour gang. They are hardened criminals that are being search for to bring to justice. HIs brothers are the real criminals while he is their look our guy. This has been the only life he has known. When he is captured the marshal takes him home to be with his family for Christmas. This is an enjoyable story that shows the forgiveness of God when Tom seeks forgiveness. We also see the healing that takes place with Ida. Even while kept hostage by the gang, she tends to Tom's wounds and when he is captured, she takes his meals to him at the jail.

I was gifted the ebook from the author, this is my honest review.
eccl | 8 altre recensioni | May 29, 2023 |
Heart of Gold by Lacy Williams is a Christian Historical Romance. This story centers around Ida, her boisterous family, and Tom Seymour, who spends Christmas with her family as a prisoner. With three sons and a daughter, I could relate to some of the things Ida had to deal with from her brothers.

Tom only ever had brothers who abused and bullied him. So reading about his interactions with Ida and her family, who obviously love each other, drew me into the story. I loved the pace Lacy Williams moved this story along the raw emotions we were allowed to witness. Ida’s overprotective brothers reminded me of my own sons interacting with our daughters. I appreciate how Tom learned to focus on what truly matters and received a second chance at life and love.

So if you enjoy Christian Historical Romances, check out Heart of Gold by Lacy Williams for yourself.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 8 altre recensioni | May 22, 2023 |
Although this is part of a series I was able to read as an enjoyable stand-alone. It is a quick read but has a lot of action and romance packed into the setting of the old West. Miracles still happen at Christmas and this redemptive story shows that no matter how far we go we can still choose to do the right thing. Choices dictate destiny and Tom has a destiny he couldn’t imagine but God has a plan. I loved Ida and her boisterous family. A well rounded read that you can read in one setting.
I received a complimentary copy from CelebrateLit. The honest review and opinions
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 8 altre recensioni | May 18, 2023 |
This is not only a story about second chances but of redemption. I loved the setting and how the author gives us a glimpse into the way it was when outlaws were ready to rob, steal and harm innocent people. Ida has been through a harrowing experience and just wants to be back home with her family. She can’t forget that she was saved by one of the outlaws. Now she finds herself facing this man in her own home.

Tom has done a lot of bad things in his life but now he faces prison unless he can figure a way out of the mess he is in. He is shocked that he has been brought to the house where Ida is until he can get transferred to jail. There were times I really felt sorry for Tom. He has longed to have someone care about him even as a young boy. He puts on this bad guy attitude around Ida but inside he is desperate for someone to accept him. Can he convince others that he is a changed man?

I liked how the author slowly gets Tom to start opening up and little by little we see that he wants to change. The story is a quick read but packs a powerful message of redemption. I loved the ending and how the author delivers a nice clean story.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 8 altre recensioni | May 17, 2023 |
The Trail of Secrets, by Lacy Williams, is book two in the Wagon Train Matches series. This story does follow after the first book in the series, with the same wonderful, caring characters and events. This is a nicely written, easy to read story. The story also contains mystery with the dangers surrounding members of Stella’s wagon, why they are disguised and why they are on the trail.. It also contains suspense with the dangers that happen on the trail with the shootings and the weather.

I enjoyed reading this story, with just 250 pages, it can easily be read in a weekend. I enjoyed reading of how Collin and Stella worked together and cared for each other. I also enjoyed the relationship between the family members and how they changed during the travels.

I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this story, this is my honest review.
eccl | 5 altre recensioni | Mar 29, 2023 |
I was blessed to read book two in the Wagon Train Matches as it picked up where book one left off and I didn’t have to let these characters that feel like family go. Although it could be read as a stand-alone I highly recommend reading in order as the characters carry over and you get background stories. I admire the bravery that Stella shows by her disguise and how she protects her sisters. Collin discovers and keeps her secret while keeping his own secrets. It is a lesson on honesty and family ties with faith expertly woven in. I love how it depicts life on a wagon train and what that would entail. You can feel the exhaustion at the end of the day and yet having to keep watch, cook a meal, etc still had to be accomplished. I was enthralled with this story and then a curveball gets thrown in and you have a sense of danger added that you didn’t see coming. All in all an interesting and exciting read. I look forward to reading the next installment.
I received a complimentary copy from CelebrateLit. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 5 altre recensioni | Mar 29, 2023 |
I have always enjoyed wagon train stories, be it watching a movie or reading a book, which I prefer. I find that Trail of Secrets is a very nice story with lots of secrets in the mix. I really enjoyed the historical parts of the story, which was basically all of the book but some parts are better than others. I loved the detailed scenes all throughout the story. It was interesting to follow the wagon train on their journey. There’s a lot of hard work involved in traveling so far. In a way I would have loved going on one of their journeys, but then I’m not sure I would want the loss and everything they go through.

Trail of Secrets by Lacy Williams is getting Five Stars from me! I want to read the.first book in this series, and I can’t wait to see what Lacy Williams has for us next.

A special thanks to the author/publisher for a copy of this book. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions here are mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
ibjoy1953 | 5 altre recensioni | Mar 29, 2023 |
What I think you should know:
Trail of Secrets, a Christian Historical Romance by Lacy Williams is the second book in the Wagon Train Matches Series. It is best read after the first book as it follows directly after the first book in the series and continues to follow the wagon train west. I would not recommend this as a standalone as the story is not complete in this book, while the author does give some storylines a sort of resolution there are even more characters whose storyline does not start or end in this book.

What I think about this book:
This book was even more exciting than the first, This book follows Collin whose older brother was featured in A Trail so Lonesome. It also features Stephen, who is actually Stella as well as introducing new characters to us. Stella was such a fun character and made me wonder how many women disguised themselves as men or boys to give their family a chance at a better future out west. Collin is a natural protector who struggles to realize he can’t control the choices of those around them or be responsible for them. I love this series and can’t wait to see what happens next on the trail west!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit, this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
DonnaC83 | 5 altre recensioni | Mar 26, 2023 |
Trail of Secrets by Lacy Williams is a work of Christian historical romance. Stella and her sisters are on the run, and Stella is traveling west disguised as a man. She and her sisters fear the men they are running from and constantly are on the lookout for them.

With a massive horse that overpowers her, Stella constantly has to work to control the spirited horse. Collin Mason and his family also travel west on the same wagon train, and Collin has secrets of his own. When he discovers her secret, Collin works to ensure her family’s safety.

I love how the characters connect from the first book in this story, along with the new characters introduced in this book. As the storyline developed, things I believed I knew about the characters and what I believed would happen, but the author took some twists and turns that I really appreciated.

So if you enjoy stories set in the west on wagon trains, check out this book for yourself. I definitely recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 5 altre recensioni | Mar 25, 2023 |
Thus was a Big Library Read. Why? Needs editing. Silly story. A waste of my time.
cathy.lemann | 10 altre recensioni | Mar 21, 2023 |
I liked how the author is able to make readers feel like they have traveled back in time when wagon trains were in abundance. The roads were dusty, long and lonely. I can’t imagine going for days being bounced around as you try to keep moving forward with anticipation. The weather was dangerous at times and caused many on the wagon train to lose everything.

Stella is quite a determined young woman who has secrets that she hopes will not come out. A great lesson in the book is trying to deceive others thinking that everything will turn out good. I understood why Stella did what she did but when we try to hide things, God has a way of bringing them to the surface. She finds herself in danger along with her sisters which brings Stella to a hard decision.

Collin is a welcome addition to the story and for some reason has his doubts about this person who always wears their hat low and hardly makes eye contact. I liked how he felt compassion for Stella’s situation. Instead of being angry when the truth comes out, he gives a helping hand.

There are minor characters in the story which make for misunderstandings. Collin’s family relationship is shaken at times when he confronts his brother about something. I think the reason I liked Collin so much was because he gave grace to others and was always there to help those in need.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 5 altre recensioni | Mar 20, 2023 |
A Trail So Lonesome by Lacy Williams is a work of Christian Historical Fiction. Family secrets and danger to another family force two families to head west. Leo Spencer knows his family needs a fresh start, so he heads west with his two brothers and one sister. Evangeline carries a secret that sends herself, her father, and someone everyone believes is Evangeline’s sister heading west as well. Initially, sparks of an unpleasant variety fly between Leo and Evangeline. But when Evangeline’s father is injured, they form an unlikely alliance. From there, the relationship develops further.

I loved seeing the way Lacy Williams developed the characters and the storyline. The other characters, including a man named Steven Fairbanks and Leo’s two half-brothers, really add to the story. It shows how, through time, faith, and situations, relationships can change and improve.

As I read this book, I believe the author has the opportunity to continue this story by telling the stories of others traveling on the wagon train and to further develop the story of Evangeline and Leo’s relationship. So if you enjoy sweet historical fiction with a dash of sweet romance thrown in, check out this book for yourself. I definitely recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 3 altre recensioni | Mar 1, 2023 |
What I think you should know:
A Trail so Lonesome by Lacy Williams is the first book in the Wagon Train Matches Series. The story starts in Independence, Missouri as a wagon train prepares to travel. This story features Leo Spencer who is traveling with his sister and brothers and Evangeline who is traveling with her father and little sister.

What you might need to know:
This book gives closure on some issues but leaves an overall cliffhanger for other characters.

What I think about this book:
I have been a sucker for the Western trails since I played Oregon Trail as a young girl and I have enjoyed several of Williams' past works so I was very excited to read this book. Evangeline reminds me of myself, I can imagine lugging a bunch of books across the country. Leo was a very interesting character, I really appreciated how he cared for Alice and his brothers. This was a very fun, quick paced adventure. I can’t wait to read the next in the series/

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit, this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
DonnaC83 | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 26, 2023 |
This is my first book by Ms Williams and also her first book in the Wagon Train Matches series. I found it interesting to see and feel what it was like to be a part of a wagon train and what all it entailed. It is hard to keep secrets and keep your guard up at all times and both Evangeline and Spencer are doing this. It makes for an interesting combination that has sparks flying not just with butting heads but with attraction. It’s easy to become engrossed in these families lives and figure it all out but you are given teasers into what will be storylines in the sequels and I can’t wait. An enjoyable book experience that held my attention from the beautiful cover to the last page.
I received a complimentary copy from CelebrateLit. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 21, 2023 |
I loved how the author wrote a story that captures a realistic look at what it may have been like on a wagon train . The long hours, restless nights and weather conditions all play a part in this incredible story. Whenever I read a story like this it reminds me of my grandfather. He traveled by wagon to Oklahoma to homestead his land. The stories he told about his travels were very intriguing.

Evangeline convinced her father to join the wagon train to find a better life. She wants to get away from all the gossip that is surrounding her and make a fresh start. She is hiding a secret that she thinks will cause others to turn their back on her. I thought her father was an honorable man who supported his daughter and wanted a good life for her. Her decision to move will cost more than she realizes as danger soon follows.

Leo is a great character who has a soft spot for Evangeline’s “little sister.” I loved how caring he was and soon was agreeing to help Evangeline on the trail. Their arrangement was interesting and I wondered how long it would last. Leo also has his hands full trying to help keep everyone in line while still keeping an eye on Evangeline.

The story is emotional and lets us get to know Leo and Evangeline better. Their interaction is tense at first because Evangeline is very stubborn and prideful. She is so worried that her secret will be discovered that she keeps everyone especially Leo at arms length. I loved watching these two slowly start to trust each other even though it does take Evangeline a bit longer. I’m excited that there will be more books coming in this exciting series.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 17, 2023 |
JevKim | 2 altre recensioni | Apr 22, 2022 |
How did one beg forgiveness for ending a man's life? Could Sarah Beiler forgive him after he'd taken away the man she loved?'

Are there some mistakes and actions that can't be forgiven? Author Lacy Williams shares an intriguing story that shows two differing views of a tragic accident and its consequences. Will there be grief that is overwhelming, never forgotten, and allowed to fester into bitterness, or can that grief be experienced and then channeled into something positive?

This is a touching story of making mistakes, seeking forgiveness, and being given a chance to start over. Williams reminds us that we are to forgive, as we are forgiven, and we are to help, and not hinder, those who have made mistakes. The Amish Outcast's Holiday Return is filled with sweet romance, family drama, and a strong faith element, including many heartwarming moments that reflect upon the miraculous story of Christmas. There are also some surprises that kept me turning the pages and longing for more! I recommend this book to all who enjoy Amish fiction and holiday-themed stories.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher via Celebrate Lit. There was no obligation for a review. These are my own thoughts.
fcplcataloger | 9 altre recensioni | Nov 18, 2021 |