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This book captured my heart as I know the difficulties Caitlyn faced being a single mom. Her adopted son has epilepsy which adds to her insurmountable debt and even though she can’t see it yet God has a plan for her and Henry if she opens her heart and lets people help her. I want to move to Bluebell Canyon and have neighbors that are so loving and helpful. Multifaceted characters that you will fall in love with and hope to revisit in future books. The storyline is engaging and makes you feel like you are a part of it. Sweet romance, faith, family, adoption, epilepsy, and service dogs makes for an all encompassing story. Make this your next quick read as you will not be disappointed.
I received a complimentary copy from the author. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 1 altra recensione | May 29, 2024 |
As the stress of the season descends on me, I have been gravitating to more quick, sweet reads and there is none better than Love Inspired. I am always a sucker for kids and dogs and Her Son’s Faithful Companion has both in the most charming package possible.

You can’t help but feel sorry for this sweet little boy. Here he is wanting to live a normal life and do normal boy things, but his mom is so incredibly overprotective, plus his medical issues have alienated him from children his own age, and this is a lot for his seven-year-old shoulders to carry. I have been guilty of being an overprotective mom, especially after my youngest was diagnosed with diabetes, so I could identify with Caitlyn’s worries on a visceral level, but her character was quite grating to me. Having a chronically sick child myself I understand to a degree but when you have someone right there willing to help you out, you’d think that she would be able to relax and be a little more pliable and not so stubborn, but sadly that growth doesn’t come for awhile. Logan immediately comes across as a sincere guy and I loved him, his family, and the small-town community so much.

I would’ve liked to have seen a little more substance when it came to the conflict but there are moments of tremendous heart that gave me pause. There is a precious scene between boy and dog that was one of the sweetest scenes I’ve ever read, and a stormy scene that was so real, especially with all the crazy weather we’ve had lately. It really grounded the narrative and gave the perfect balance of realism.

Just as I had predicted, this was a great, quick escape that was inspiring and kept my mind and heart occupied in the sweetest way.

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher through JustRead Tours. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own.
cflores0420 | 1 altra recensione | May 18, 2024 |
I really enjoyed this clean, sweet romance. I bought this at a local Goodwill store and I've given it a 5* rating. I was pulled in pretty fast on this romance. It has children, a puppy, and a lot of nice characters. It has a feel good ending. I really enjoy this author.
NancyLuebke | 7 altre recensioni | Apr 12, 2024 |
Their Inseparable Bond by Jill Weatherholt is a sweet story. I thought the story was well written with realistic, developed characters. I enjoyed getting to know Jake, Olivia, Myrna, and the twins, Kayla and Kyle. Callie was a delightful puppy. You would need patience to train her, but you cannot help falling in love with the rambunctious Callie. I liked Myrna’s comfortable home, and I could tell that the twins did too. I bet her home perpetually smelled of cookies. The romance progressed at a nice pace. We get to see how grief or loss affects people differently. We also see that there is more than one type of family. There are the families we are born into and the families we create. They can each be equally special and loving. Lost love, grief, family, empathy, second chances, and faith are the themes in Their Inseparable Bond. I enjoyed the humor sprinkled throughout the story. Their Inseparable Bond is a touching tale with tasty treats, a concerned granddaughter, a playful puppy, a grieving girl, tether trouble, and a chance at romance.
Kris_Anderson | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 25, 2024 |
Their Inseparable Bond is an endearing and uplifting story about love and loss, broken dreams and second chances, and how picking up the pieces and moving forward can possibly lead to everything you desire and more.

Jake and his children are dealing with the loss of their matriarch while Olivia is also dealing with personal grief of her own. Together, as their sweet relationship grows, they work through their emotions while also strengthening their bond not only with one another but with Jake’s twins, Kayla and Kyle, as well. Their story shows the importance of family and support, and that this too shall pass and could open the door to something even more amazing than you could imagine.

The characters are what really won me over with this sweet, inspirational romance. I am a sucker for adorable children, but when you add an adorable dog I practically swoon. All of the characters have a warmth and realness to them, which really endeared me to this story, and I loved being able to glimpse into their world for a moment. This was a much-needed escape for me and the perfect weekend read. My heartstrings were tugged in the best way possible and I cannot recommend this sweet read enough.

*I have reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher through JustRead Tours. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own.
cflores0420 | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 22, 2024 |
If you are in search of a small-town romance with adorable kids and a dog, Their Inseparable Bond by Jill Weatherholt is for you.

After the loss of his wife, Jake Beckett’s priority is his twins, but caring for two children—especially a little girl—is tough. Thankfully, he has help in the grandmotherly Myrna. Olivia Hart is determined to bring Myrna back to Florida with her. Jake hopes to prove that, despite her physical challenges, Myrna can live independently with the help of a service dog.

My favorite part of this book was how Oliva understood and connected with Kayla and how much Jake adores his children.

Weatherholt explores the topics of grief, family dynamics, and changing dreams. The journey that Jake and Olivia take is worth the read.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive or negative review. All opinions are my own.
Suzie27 | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 21, 2024 |
There is not anything you will not love about this story from the adorable cover to the heartwarming story within. I love the characters and how they each were dealing with grief but for different reason. Jake and his children have lost a wife and mother, his older friend Myra is losing her eyesight, and her granddaughter has lost her marriage and the hope of having children. Throw this all together and you will shed a tear or two and smile a lot when God deals with hearts and lives and gives beauty for ashes. It is a story that has you engaged in from the beginning and turning pages quickly to find out what happens next. This book gripped my heartstrings and gave a few yanks along the way as emotions take unexpected turns. I recommend curling up with a blanket and settling in as you won’t want to quit once started.
I received a complimentary copy from the author. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 21, 2024 |

Searching for Home is a beautiful second-chance romance story! I loved how it addresses adoption, guilt/shame, conditional vs. unconditional love, family dynamics, and God's overarching plan! There were so many good things incorporated into Meg and Luke's narrative (it's also the triplets' story, too, of course!)

​My only complaint is a little one and that's that I felt ​like the conflict between Meg and Luke was spread out over a bit too much time. It all could've been resolved super quickly (with Meg reading the letter), but instead, we had quite a large portion of the book just with Meg and Luke having a stand-off. I think it would've been better if there had been more tension or a bigger misunderstanding or something else that's exciting and makes readers doubt a happy ending. I totally understand this isn't Harlequin Romantic Suspense, and the incident with *spoiler!!* (Tucker being in danger was exciting, but that incident passed so fast that it just made me wish there was more to it).

However, the story started very well and the ending was super good, and I do think that made up for what I didn't like! Hence the 5 stars.

Please note that received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts above are completely my own and I was not required to leave a positive review.
BooksbyStarlight | 7 altre recensioni | Oct 25, 2022 |
I really enjoyed this book and, it is my first time reviewing this author. I love it when old loves return home and rekindle old relationships! I loved that Meg took over to raise her sister's triplets but I hated her sister when both parents left Meg high and dry and left her with a B&B that needed more attention than she had money.

I loved that Luke had come back to Meg, retired from bull riding and chased after Meg like crazy as he had left before ,and he would not make that mistake again.
HOTCHA | 7 altre recensioni | Aug 18, 2022 |
I stayed up way to late reading this one as it was an emotional roller coaster for me. I was pulled in from the beginning between a struggling independent bookstore and adoption I was a goner. I loved these characters and could identify with the struggles they were facing. I was taken with Derek and his persistence in trying to help Molly even though she hasn’t forgiven him for something that happened in their past. A beautiful story of forgiveness, making family from broken pieces, and trusting that God has a perfect plan for us. I highly recommend.
I received a complimentary copy from the author. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 7 altre recensioni | Aug 8, 2022 |
What a beautiful story of finding healing from emotional and physical trauma. What better way to do that than finding a second chance at love after 14 years when your high school sweetheart walks back into your life. I was reminded of this verse when reading. Isaiah 43:18 -19 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!...." As Joy and Nick navigate through the what ifs of their lives and find the place of healing your heart will break with them. I love the twins and Bella as they bring joy to the story. I really enjoyed traveling through the ups and downs of this story to find the place of healing. A great story with characters you will love.
I received a complimentary copy from the author. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 5 altre recensioni | Aug 8, 2022 |
I just realized that I had forgotten to review Jill Weatherholt's second book. I had read and reviewed Second Chance Romance, and although I was not used to reading Christian Romance, I loved the book. The question for me was "can Jill pull it off again?"
Yes, she did. A Father to Bella pits a young widow against a handsome realtor when they both want (no, need) to buy the old inn that Faith manages. Faith's young daughter Bella knows a good man when she sees one, but it will take Faith much longer--through plot twists and turns. I enjoyed the read enormously and am hoping for the TV movie version SOON! Loved this book!
LuanneCastle | 1 altra recensione | Mar 5, 2022 |
If you enjoy reading books that include first loves getting a second chance, a set of triplets, and more, this book captured my attention. Meg Brennan finds herself a mother of triplets and a bed and breakfast. Her first love, Luke Beckett returns to town to recover from a bull riding accident.

I loved the interactions between the triplets and the others around them. This book made me laugh and enjoy the antics of the children. I definitely recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own
PattiPeanut1992 | 7 altre recensioni | Jan 31, 2022 |
Author Jill Weatherholt has done it again! Great characters, sweet romance, and a faith-filled message of trust and forgiveness---all of these make Searching for Home a book that you will want to read and savor. As I read it, I felt such a wide range of emotions. Sorrow that Luke Bennett had been deprived of a loving, nurturing environment when he was growing up; sadness that Meg Brennan believed that he had left Whispering Slopes because he didn't love her; and regret that she had never read the letter that Luke left behind. That unread letter could have changed both of their lives!
Searching for Home has all of the feels! It will tug at your heart strings, stir your emotions, and leave you cheering for Meg and Luke's reconciliation. There are also adorable six-year-old triplets in need of a loving home, and Tia, Tilly, and Tucker may be the keys to a happy future. Will these two hurting adults get a second chance, or will Luke return to the rodeo life that took him away from Whispering Slopes so many years ago?
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. There was no obligation for a positive review. These are my own thoughts.
fcplcataloger | 7 altre recensioni | Jan 29, 2022 |
For a Relaxing, uplifting read, this is the perfect book!
The cover image gives one a good idea of what is contained within the pages of this book.
Searching for Home is very predictable, yet it is so well written and uplifting, it is a story many of us just enjoy reading for relaxation and to brighten one's day or night.
This is a familiar tale of a lack of communication between a man and a woman. Each feeling rejected. It is also a tale of a single woman having to put her own plans on hold, in order to raise her sibling's triplets.
It is also a story of how through life, many are forced to mature and look at life differently. Life "throws" many unexpected and difficult circumstances at us which forces us to reevaluate our priorities and re-plan our lives.
The characters all seem to come to life and the various scenes "pull the reader into the story". It all seems so real
Although the story is great, I didn't feel the emotions that were portrayed. I cannot say what was missing, I just couldn't totally connect.
However, it was so uplifting and entertaining, I totally recommend it when you are in need of a "pick me up".

*This book was gifted me with no pressure for a positive review. This is my honest review.½
LAWonder10 | 7 altre recensioni | Jan 27, 2022 |
Jill Weatherholt’s book Searching for Home will tug at your heartstrings while also reinforcing your faith in second chances.

Gina Petrino, Meg Brennan's sister, turns over custody to Meg after her husband abandons her and their triplets, Tucker, Tia, and Tilly. Then she, too, abandons them, leaving Meg to look after the triplets and her run-down B&B. In order to care for the kids, Meg has to leave her physical therapy career to relocate. To make matters even worse, Luke Bennett, Meg's ex-boyfriend and professional bull rider, arrives at the B&B while Meg is trying to renovate.

The triplets almost steal the stage with their adorable antics and sweet ways. They dub Luke "Cowboy Luke," which is an apt moniker for him.

Jill Weatherholt's works, including Searching for Home, are among my all-time favorites. A recurring story feature concerning a letter appears to slow things down and adds to the tension between the two major characters.

The mischievous planning of the triplets, the friendliness of the community, and the happily ever after will keep you smiling long after you've finished reading the book, not to mention wising to reside in this great town!

I received this book from Celebrate Lit. However, my review is voluntary, and all opinions are my own.
RobbyeFaye | 7 altre recensioni | Jan 21, 2022 |
This story is a look at second chances while dealing with the past. I absolutely adored the triplets . Children deal with loss different ways. These poor children were abandoned by both parents at such a young age. Tucker seems to be having the hardest time. He blames himself for them leaving. He thinks if he wasn’t so shy or maybe if he did better at things they wouldn’t have left. My heart went out to him as he carries such a big burden.

Meg steps up to take care of her nieces and nephew. Now she faces raising them on her own, running the B&B the parents abandoned and digging herself out of financial debt. I liked that she never once regretted her decision and shows the children unconditional love. Her plate is full and then someone checks into the B&B that will change everything. I’m sure she is not prepared for the new guest especially since it is someone from her past.

Luke is a well known bull rider who has come back to his hometown to recover from an injury. The book goes into more about his relationship with Meg so I will leave that for readers to discover on their own. I like how Luke steps up to help Meg fix up the B&B and spends time getting to know the children. Tucker seems drawn to Luke and they form a special bond. I did worry what would happen when Luke decides to go back to Colorado.

I loved how the author lets us see what children go through when they lose a parent. For them it was hard to understand why their parents chose to leave them. These moments in the story are emotional and tug on your heart as the children yearn for a family. The faith element is good as Tucker continues to ask God for a family. The ending is sweet and shows how forgiveness heals broken hearts.

“Love is never complicated when you follow your heart.”

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 7 altre recensioni | Jan 21, 2022 |
What is it about second chance romances that we love so much? Perhaps the opportunity to relive what the characters once had? Or maybe not relive, but improve upon? Whatever the draw is, I’m here for them. Add in some cute kids, and I’m a goner. Those are only a couple of reasons why I loved Searching for Home by Jill Weatherholt.

Meg is juggling triplets, an in-need-of-repair B&B, and a parttime job when Luke walks back into her life. It’s been 17 years and a world of hurt and pain lays between them (and within the triplets). Weatherholt tugs the heartstrings with the hurting little Tucker. And his sisters are endearing in their own way.

This book is filled with hope in the forms of forgiveness, community, and family. I thoroughly enjoyed my return to Whispering Slopes and recommend you visit soon.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.
Suzie27 | 7 altre recensioni | Jan 8, 2022 |
This book has many elements that make a good story, including conflict, hearts in need of healing, and a sweet romance needing to be explored. A Dream of Family touches on children in foster care, and the hurts and scars that linger into their adult lives. Molly Morgan was one of those children, and the desire to own her own bookstore is fueled by the comfort that she's always found in books and reading. Is there any chance that Bound to Please Reads can compete against a large chain bookstore? Will a sweet little girl named Grace be part of Molly's dreams for a family?

Memorable characters and realistic situations make this a great read. I loved Molly, Grace, and successful businessman Derek McKinney, and I rooted for them to overcome all of the hurts that they had endured. A Dream of Family shows how past experiences can color our plans for the future, and author Jill Weatherholt completely captures the sadness and mistrust that often linger from these hurts. There are scenes that will have you reaching for tissues, and others that will leave you smiling with joy. I recommend this heartwarming story to all who enjoy contemporary romance sprinkled with faith and forgiveness!

I received a copy of this book from the author and Celebrate Lit. There was no obligation for a favorable review. These are my own thoughts.
fcplcataloger | 7 altre recensioni | Aug 10, 2021 |
A woman brought up in foster care and then jilted at the altar who later finds herself attempting to adopt a little girl in foster care brings up a wealth of emotions through the pages of the book. Molly Morgan wants to give Grace all the happiness and love she can manage. At the same time, she struggles to keep her book store afloat as she competes with a big-name bookstore chain, struggles to keep her life together.

Derek McKinney played a part in Molly being jilted at the altar due to circumstances in his own life. Now he finds himself opening a coffee shop next door to Molly. Through faith and courage, he attempts to assist Molly with making the bookstore profitable and to help Molly and Grace create a family.

The characters and storyline draw a variety of emotions and responses through the pages of the book. Perhaps my dreams through the years of owning a bookstore helped to pull me into this book. I have to say the ending fit the rest of the story perfectly. So check out this book for yourself.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but it in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiPeanut1992 | 7 altre recensioni | Aug 9, 2021 |
A struggling bookstore, a little girl who will steal your heart, and two people who carry deep hurts make A Dream of Family by Jill Weatherholt a heart-wrenching read. But also, one that ends in hope and happiness.

Molly’s childhood is filled with disappointments and more and now she’s about to lose not one but two dreams for her future—her beloved bookstore and her chance at adopting little Grace. This little girl stole my heart (as she did Molly’s) the moment I met her. And then there’s Derek. The man who had a hand in stealing another of Molly’s dreams two years previous.

Weatherholt gives readers a story of forgiveness, family (both the blood relations and the people who come around you to support you through life) and trusting God’s plan for our lives. My only complaint is that it ended too soon.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.
Suzie27 | 7 altre recensioni | Aug 5, 2021 |
A Dream of Family is a sweet, comforting story. Molly Morgan is a young woman trying to salvage her bookstore in the quaint town of Whispering Slopes and desperate to adopt a little girl named Grace. Derek McKinney is a successful business man who comes to Whispering Slopes to extend his coffeehouse franchise. He and Molly have crossed paths before, and Molly blames Derek for the unhappy turn her life took just a few years previous. Derek's excuse for what he did is a secret that he struggles to share. Can they bridge their troubled past to help Molly realize her dream of having a family?

Of course they can. That's the kind of romance novel this is. How they overcome events of the past to save Molly's business is the story here. How they work together to ensure that Grace will have a permanent, happy home is also the story here. I read A Dream of Family believing I knew how it would end, and I am happy to say I was right!

Jill is a deft writer, carefully detailing her characters until they get up and start walking around in your head. With Whispering Slopes, she creates a small town that anyone would want to live in, full of kind, sensible, and patient people. Where Molly and Derek are concerned, patience is definitely needed. Everyone else in Whispering Slopes feels the chemistry between the two of them, but patience is required by both reader and townspeople as Derek and Molly figure it out for themselves.

Faith is a value that Molly, Derek and even little Grace share. While I don't share their faith, I know people who do. I know people for whom faith is the guiding light in their lives. I appreciate that faith is part of this story and why it makes reading A Dream of Family a comforting experience.

I recommend Jill Weatherholt's A Dream of Family for anyone who wants to escape into a world where love, faith and forgiveness is abundant.
BaileyBrown | 7 altre recensioni | Aug 3, 2021 |
I can tell you exactly why I love this book so much. The characters are easy to like and their problems are what some of us may have experienced. Trying to run a small business is hard but when a big chain bookstore comes to town, Molly knows she is in trouble. Oh how I wanted to help her and tell her everything would be alright. She struggles with pride and rejection which I think stops her from believing in herself. Her childhood was filled with abuse that left emotional scars. The author does an excellent job of letting us see the financial struggle Molly goes through and her desperation to save her business. Molly expresses how important books have always been to her. As a child it was a way to escape the pain she endured and the characters became friends to her. I can relate to this and probably is the same reason I loved reading as a child myself.

Derek is hands down my favorite character because he is genuine. He and Molly have a past which does cause a little distance between them. What I liked about him was his sincere desire to help Molly. His ideas are wonderful and I did learn a lot about running a bookstore. I loved visualizing the children’s corner with its bright walls and inviting little rocking chairs that are perfect to give the children a more relaxed place to listen to stories. Derek tries so hard to help Molly but I think pride keeps sneaking in and pushing her away. Derek does have something that he needs to deal with from his past that has pushed him to withdraw from his family. Derek will face a hard decision that will be be a turning point in his future. Don’t miss this part of the story when Derek faces his past . Will he be able to forgive and move forward in his new venture?

There is another part of the story that really held my attention. It is no surprise that Molly wants a family of her own. She wants to adopt and give a child a place they can feel accepted and loved at. Grace is a very shy and reserved little girl which makes it difficult for Molly to build a relationship with. Here is where the story gets a little serious and the author tackles some sensitive subjects. She does it in a way that points readers to faith and forgiveness. I know you will love this story if you like realistic characters with flaws who find their way back to God. They learn to trust, forgive and find hope. I believe this is my favorite book that the author has ever written.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 7 altre recensioni | Jul 28, 2021 |
I enjoy Jill Weatherholt’s books so much. Her latest novel, A Dream of Family, drew me right in. I empathized with Molly Morgan because there were times growing up when I felt books saved my life too.

Now grown and owner of an independent bookstore, Molly is struggling to stay afloat after a big-name competitor moves in close to her little store. The last thing she needs is Derek McKinney, the person who caused her fiancé to leave her at the altar, walking through the door of her bookstore.

Weatherholt blends together faith, hope, forgiveness and romance into a story of second chances and redemption. Creativity abounds with concepts on how to adopt business ideas for the bookstore to draw in more customers and increase sales.

Navigating her new normal isn’t easy for Molly, and she doesn’t make it easy for Derek, either. However, if they both stay true to their faith things will work out fine.

I received A Dream of Family from Celebrate Lit. However, my review is voluntary.
RobbyeFaye | 7 altre recensioni | Jul 26, 2021 |
A beautiful, tender story about two broken people who reunite and find peace and healing together. Loved it!!
Lauigl | 7 altre recensioni | Jun 29, 2021 |