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A. E. van VogtCentro di assistenza

Autore di Slan

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Nota di disambiguazione:

(eng) born Alfred Elton Van Vogt

A Variant Title of the work The Rogue Ship is The Twisted Men. The Twisted Men is also the title of a Collection containing the above.

Many works by van Vogt were published with Variant Titles:
Abdication=The Invisibility Gambit
The Pawns of Null-A=The Players of Null-A
The Voyage of the Space Beagle=Mission: Interplanetary
The Weapon Makers=One Against Eternity
The Book of Ptath=200 Million A. D.
The House That Stood Still=The Mating Cry=The Undercover Aliens
The Mixed Men=Mission to the Stars
The Beast=The Moonbeast
Future Glitter= Tyranopolis
The Secret Galactics=Earth Factor X
Computerworld=Computer Eye=La Machine Ultime
Out of the Unknown=The Sea Thing and Other Stories
Monsters=Science Fiction Monsters=The Blal
The Book of van Vogt=Lost: Fifty Suns

Many short fiction and omnibus works were also published with Variant Titles. Please see listing in the Internet Speculative Fiction Database for more details.

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