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I usually read the book first before a tv adaptation or movie adaptation to the book, this time however I had watched the whole series of younger to find out later that it was based of a book. I've had this book for a while and after binge watching the show for a second time I figured it's time to read the book.
I won't see here and compare the two except to say both were fun for me to watch and read.

In younger we meet Alice a forty something divorced mom who gave up her career that had barely begun to be a stay at home mom. Now divorced and her daughter living half way around the world Alice tries to get back to what she loved to do and that is work for a publishing company, however after being turned down numerous times her friend Maggie convinces her to let people assume she is young as she appears to be and just go with it and basically enjoy being in her twenties since she didn't get to do so the first time around at least not as a single career minded woman.

I enjoyed the book, as a mom myself also in my forties I could relate to a lot with the exception that I am not a stay at home mom. This was a fun and cozy read for the most part but also gives you moments of deep thought into your own life at least it was for me. It was cute and quirky.
Enid007 | 8 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2024 |
This sequel to Younger is a fast read. A clever guilty pleasure smoothly written filled with references to the TV land series based on the original Younger book. Younger dealt with a woman in her forties trying to reintroduce herself into the publishing world by pretending she is a twenty something millennial. The sequel follows the aftermath of revealing her true age as she approaches fifty. Won’t stick to your ribs but easy to digest.
GordonPrescottWiener | 2 altre recensioni | Aug 24, 2023 |
I won't lie - I read this book solely because I love the t.v. show and haven't been able to watch it. And very clearly, that was a bad idea.

If you're like me and want to devour all media relating to your favourite things, beware! Not every book to t.v. adaption will be similar, so you may be left disappointed (like I was!). The television show has expanded wildly on the plots and characters in this book, so you will absolutely be left disappointed if you wanted a beat by beat replay.

Either way, this book was still cute and a very quick read.

Alice is a 40-something year old woman who gets mistaken for a 20-something year old woman and plays it up. She gets her old dream gig, gets a sexy man and tries her best to keep this secret. She meets the absolutely wonderful Josh - a young guy with a passionate dream and a life. She also has a best friend (who is a lesbian) who is wanting some babies in her life, while Alice has a 20-something year old daughter living her best life. With all this in mind, Alice has to figure out what she wants with her life and needs to figure out if she can continue living with this lie.

I found this book heavily focused on lying and the portrayal of older women. Are women discriminated against? Yep, absolutely! But I found that this book almost made light of it in a somewhat negative way. The way Alice talked in her head sat wrong with me, because she was agreeing with the comments she didn't agree with. I think this book is a step in the right direction for discussing some of the major issues about women, society, ageism and fertility, but I think it could have been done a little bit better.

I really wanted a happily ever after sort of book, but this book is not the romance you might hope it would be. It's definitely more of a commentary on what women should look for in life. You don't always need to get the guy, you need to make sure you're living your best life and being an honest person. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Yes, it's important... but can't we get a little happily ever after sometimes? I felt like this book just made me more depressed about getting older than excited for the adventures age can bring. Maybe the book was intended to leave us wondering or making our own ending, but I didn't enjoy it.

Since I've ranted about what I don't like, it's probably time to list some of the awesome qualities of this book:
1. This book moves fast and has an addicting writing style. I enjoyed Pamela's voice and wanted to continue reading.
2. Josh is an absolute gem and is written to be an absolute dream boat.
3. I liked that a lot of women's issues was brought up in this book. The more visibility, the better.

Overall, this book was a nice read to get my mind away from reality for a while. It might have made me a little sadder about the world, but it could definitely be enjoyed by other readers.

Although, I'll still take the television show over the book any day of the week.

Two out of five stars.
Briars_Reviews | 8 altre recensioni | Aug 4, 2023 |
So I watched the show first, and I think that makes me quite biased. There are two TV shows I've watched in the last ten years and let's not talk about the other one and instead say it takes a lot to get me invested in something on a screen (seriously, how do you sit still?) So the book was already standing up against a good thing.

And it didn't hold up. It was novel, but I think it was novel due to having seen the show and finding the differences, but this almost read like someone was writing an overarching plotline and telling us what would happen. There were few real scenes with dialogue and momentum, and a lot more telling and explanation of how Alice felt.

I also made the mistake of reading the author notes and learning that the author decided to make Maggie a lesbian because that would be an easy way to explain her lack of husband and kids. Um... no. Lesbians can fall in love. Lesbians do fall in love. Lesbians have serious life partners and get married. Lesbians have kids. Just saying. Oh, how publishing has changed in 13 years; an editor would call her out on that today. I hope.

It was an extremely quick read though so there's that!
whakaora | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 5, 2023 |
When presented two options, which path will you follow? This is exactly what Liza is facing when she finds herself in a new city facing a new relationship. Does she want to return to the life before this - to everything comfortable - or take the riskier path?

I found Liza to be very entertaining and the challenges she faces realistic (I mean we don't all live a Hollywood lifestyle, but life can certainly be full of risky life changes). I could picture this playing out in a movie in my head and it was one I'd see again and again.

Thank you for allowing me to read this and give my honest opinion.
Jynell | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 24, 2022 |
Cried at the ending! Wonderful escapism with a douse of realism.
AngelaLam | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 8, 2022 |
Review: Younger Younger is about a woman who is in her forties and wants to be younger.  I’m 30, but this book definitely hit home for me.
Alice wants to be able to get back into the publishing workforce.  She kept trying and they shot her down.  After her makeover she actually starts getting some attention from employers and guys.  I think the Satran did an amazing job of showing how age effects how others see you.  You are judged on your ability to do things and it works both ways.  Those that are younger seem like they don’t have a clue while those that are older don’t stand a chance in some situations.  I’ve definitely been on the receiving end of the young crowd.  I had a child young, and people assumed I wouldn’t be able to handle it.  Things didn’t work out with my child’s father and putting myself back out there was just as terrifying as the emotions Alice feels when she puts herself back out there as a “younger” self.  You wonder if you will be attractive because let’s face it, having a child changes your body.  Will anyone else find me attractive? Will they understand that you have other responsibilities besides dating? It’s freaking scary.  So many of the emotions that Alice goes through in this book, are ones that I have gone through as well.  I think the author did a fantastic job of making the problems Alice has relateable.
I did like the friendships Alice has with both Maggie and Lindsay.  Both play a role in her finding who she is, and helps her realize that nothing is wrong with being 44, and also having a life outside your children.  Especially when that child is grown.  I didn’t really care for Alice’s daughter, Diana.  She acts so bratty most of the time, and uses her parent’s divorce as an excuse.  It drove me crazy.  I also wish we had found out some things that happened with Diana and her sudden reappearance.
All in all, I think if you want to read a book that deals with the emotions of getting older, and trying to have fun at the same time, this is definitely a book that fits that.  I’m also super excited to see the show that will air on TVLand on March 31st.  I want to see how the book translates to television.
BookishThings | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 23, 2016 |
This is a really great pep-talk of a book, not didactic at all. Short easy to read essays by some Very Smart Cookies. I certainly appreciate it now that I am in my late 50's (OMG did I say that)! But I'm not sure if I would have been ready for this advice at 30.

I certainly picked up a lot of the financially able, independent, be true to yourself advice by myself, but if you want to save yourself some grief & hard knocks......

So if you are in your 30's and you are stuck, or even in your 40's..... Try it, you might like it & like prunes, the advice will set you free.
Auntie-Nanuuq | 2 altre recensioni | Jan 18, 2016 |
KatDes | Nov 20, 2015 |
This book (or audiobook) is chic lit at its best: funny, warm, insightful and with quirky characters. This is a cozy read so not detailed sex stories but still has a really fun love story. This is a twist on a coming of age story - at 44. I am not sure how much 20somethings would love it but any woman over 35 I think would really enjoy it. I watched the TV program of this story and I was surprised at the choices of things to change in the characters. It was a good interpretation of the overall story but description of Terry in the book is not very much like the one they chose to play her. Fun read!
jdyork74 | 8 altre recensioni | Oct 5, 2015 |
#186: Don't read this book, or if you do read this book, don't admit it, or if you do admit it, don't take all its suggestions slavishly. #96, "Torch Your Books," is obviously crazy talk. Thinking for yourself will never be old.
ljhliesl | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2013 |
This was a fun and quick read. Finished it already last night.
Deirdre's story was the least interesting. I always enjoy books like these where you get to learn a few women and there trials.
Marlene-NL | 2 altre recensioni | Apr 12, 2013 |
I wasn't very fond of this book - the reviews made it seem to be a lot more of "lessons" but it seemed more of a mini magazine turned into a book. There were a few things that made me laugh and take to heart but a majority of this book I struggled to finish.
rayneofdarkness | 2 altre recensioni | Nov 19, 2012 |
This is an engaging novel about unplanned pregnancies involving three women and the choices they made in three different generations. Interwoven is interesting information about the possibilities available to each at her time in the evolution of women's rights. The ending weaves together these women and their families in a surprisingly believable way.
pdebolt | 1 altra recensione | Mar 18, 2012 |
This novel, told from the points of view of three women in very different times in recent American history, tackles the idea of personal choice and the impact those choices may have not only on one's own life but on the lives of generations to come. Cait is a modern day journalist with itchy feet and a newfound desire to locate her birth mother after she finds herself with an unplanned pregnancy. In 1972, Billie (newly orphaned after the sudden death of her father) travels to New York to meet her heretofore unknown grandmother for the first time, and struggles to piece together her past while facing an unexpected and unwelcome pregnancy. And in 1916 Bridget, a young Irish immigrant finds herself a widowed young mother. Redmond moves easily from one storyline to the one that precedes it, weaving the three women's lives into a unified and related narrative.

'The Possibility of You' was an easy read - once I sorted out in my head each of the three main character's timeframe and storyline, I had no trouble following the changing scenes and stories. There are no complicated plot twists, and honestly the characters themselves aren't wildly complex, although their dilemmas are certainly thought provoking. I sped through this novel, and am eager to read more from the author, whose work I haven't encountered before. I think Redmond tackles a very personal issue with grace, respecting the many possible choices her female characters might make and passing no judgement, only presenting their stories and consequences in a straightforward manner. I give this book 3.5 stars, I think it would make a great vacation read or book club selection.
1 vota
smileydq | 1 altra recensione | Mar 14, 2012 |
Always a good sign when a writer makes me laugh out loud. Fun and funny.
ReneeGKC | 2 altre recensioni | Mar 4, 2012 |
A quick, light read. This story follows four suburban moms over the course a year. They meet once a month for dinner and talk. The month we meet them they all decide that life has gotten a bit boring and needs a bit of a change. One wants another baby, another wants to resurrect her singing career, one wants to start a restaurant and the last one thinks about writing a book. Throughout the year all work on their goals but some decide it is no longer what they want.½
melorem | 2 altre recensioni | Sep 1, 2011 |
My suspension of belief can only go so far!
How a mid-40's woman would get a haircut , change her make up, and and would suddenly look like she is 27is really pushes the envelope for me!
Plus, in this fairy tale, she could get a job without filling dates of last employment, college graduation, etc. it sort of went beyond my "suspending belief" and was a waste of my time
sad, as i have had good luck with pamela, but this was just too much!
coolmama | 8 altre recensioni | Jan 4, 2010 |
Of course, only the old can truly appreciate this book... it had me laughing at loud as I read caricatures of behaviours and tongue-in-cheek advice on how to interpret and adapt to today's youth. Redman Satran makes no bones about this being her observations and "studies", yet they are incisive, hilarious (if not a bit cynical) and very complete - no topic is too taboo or unfashionable. My favourites : tattoos for the old and uncool ways to die. A great read to put your worries into perspective!½
Cecilturtle | 2 altre recensioni | Dec 26, 2009 |
Rating: C

There was way more to that summary about her telling her lies and will she get caught? Obviously. You know the climax going in. The only thing you don't know is, Why would I care? I picked this book up as an impulse buy at the store as I was browsing, I was hungry and the cake caught my eye, and I skimmed to the part about when she meets Josh (I thought the 44 year/25 year relationship was far-fetched) and wanted to see how it was written. Not well, but Josh was a nice character, so I picked it up. Josh is what kept me reading. I found I skimmed a lot of the rest of it (Are those the worst words an author can hear?), I didn't care about her daughter, kind of liked her friend (although I knew the outcome of all her baby-wanting before it even happened).

It was really formulaic and Alice was fine, but the pitch was just so-so for me. Maybe I wasn't in the target demographic. Being 30, I'm too old for the stuff about partying younger people, and too young for the stuff about the older generation. Maybe other people might like it, it just wasn't for me. (Plus, the oft-repeated references to how women in their 40's are at their sexual peak seemed like over-compensating to me.)

There was an interview with the author at the back of the version I bought that I read part of, and she said she'd been kicking the idea for this book around in several different forms. One of which was, "I saw Alice as a rich shallow woman on the brink of killing herself who decides to spend her last hour of life reading Vogue--and therin discovers a miracle-working plastic surgeon whom she gets to transform her into someone who looks young." Sure, it's surreal, but it actually sounds more innovative than this story was.

I've read worse, but I've read better... that gets you a C.½
heathernkemp | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 10, 2009 |
This book has been on my wishlist for a while now and I decided to try it out first by borrowing it from the library, as I didn't want to go in blind if I purchased it.

And how glad I am that I did!

Younger is the story of Alice, a divorced 44 year old with a 20-somethings daughter. After a New Year's Eve night out with her best friend, Maggie, she wishes that she was younger.

They then go out and she meets Josh, a man in his mid-20s and he believes that she is also young like him.

Throughout the book Alice has to fool much of the supporting cast (her bosses and co-workers and Josh included) that she is in fact in her 20s as well.

Younger was a nice book, but one that I probably wouldn't want to pick up again, at least very recently after I finished it (a must for books in my library).
miamismartgirl09 | 8 altre recensioni | Aug 19, 2008 |
This book got good reviews on amazon, but I didn't really find it useful. There are a lot of websites out there with as good of lists of baby names as this book. Save your money.
kevinrossen | 1 altra recensione | Jul 22, 2008 |
This book is a little slow starting, but once you get into it, it isn't too bad. The characters are not people I can identify with and seem to be sterotypes of certain personalities. But it was a pretty easy read and the overall story was pretty good.
picklechic | Feb 25, 2008 |
Sweet quick reading chick lit and the story of 4 suburban moms and how their lives change over one year.
coolmama | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 1, 2008 |