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Nathalie Sarraute (1900–1999)

Autore di Infanzia: romanzo

43+ opere 2,202 membri 26 recensioni 5 preferito


Nathalie Sarraute has been an eloquent spokesperson and theorist of the new novel, as well as one of its most talented practitioners. In her essay on the art of fiction, The on The Age of Suspicion (1956), she condemned the techniques used in the novel of the past and took a stand beside mostra altro Robbe-Grillet as a leader of the avant-garde. The novel, she feels, must express "that element of indetermination, of opacity, and mystery that one's own actions always have for the one who lives them." Her works have now become known to an international public. Her ability to render fleeting awareness and the psychological states underlying articulate speech has won both praise and disdain. Janet Flanner has called Sarraute "the only one among the New Novel experimenters who appears finally to have struck her own style---intense, observational, and personal." Of her novels, The Golden Fruits (1963)---about the Paris literary fortunes of an imaginary novel of the same name---is "the most barren of extraneous decor, the most accomplished from the standpoint of her esthetic aims" (SRSR). Tropisms (1939), her earliest (very brief) book, contains "all the raw material I have continued to develop in my later works." Her "tropisms," she says, are instinctive "sensations," or even "movements," "produced in us by the presence of others, or by objects from the outside world. [They hide] beneath the most commonplace conversations and the most everyday gestures." She regards her novels as composed of a series of tropisms of varying intensity. Sarraute died at the age of 99 in Paris, France. 020 mostra meno
Fonte dell'immagine: Nathalie Sarraute foto: Jacques Sassier Editions Gallimard

Opere di Nathalie Sarraute

Infanzia: romanzo (1983) — Autore — 478 copie, 6 recensioni
Tropisms (1939) 327 copie, 8 recensioni
Il planetario (1959) — Autore — 289 copie, 1 recensione
I frutti d'oro (1963) — Autore — 181 copie, 5 recensioni
Portrait of a Man Unknown (1958) 155 copie, 1 recensione
The Age of Suspicion (1956) — Autore — 104 copie, 1 recensione
Do You Hear Them? (1972) 99 copie, 1 recensione
Martereau : a novel (1953) — Autore — 86 copie
The Use of Speech (1980) 84 copie
Tu non ti ami (1989) 59 copie, 1 recensione
Tra la vita e la morte (1968) 54 copie
Just for nothing (1986) 51 copie
"Fools Say" (1976) 47 copie, 1 recensione
Here: A Novel (1995) 44 copie
Collected Plays (1978) 23 copie

Opere correlate

Story to Anti-Story (1979) — Collaboratore — 13 copie
Profil d'une oeuvre : Enfance (1983), Nathalie Sarraute (2001) — Collaboratore — 1 copia


Informazioni generali

Nome canonico
Sarraute, Nathalie
Nome legale
Tcherniak, Nathalie Ilyanova
Data di nascita
Data di morte
Luogo di sepoltura
Chérence (France)
Luogo di nascita
Ivanovo, Russia
Luogo di morte
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Luogo di residenza
Ivanova, Russia (birth)
Paris, France
Cherence, Normandy, France
University of Paris (1925)
University of Berlin
Oxford University
Attività lavorative
French Resistance
Sarraute, Claude (daughter)
Sarraute, Anne (daughter)
French Resistance
Premi e riconoscimenti
Grand Prix national des lettres(1982)
Breve biografia
Nathalie Sarraute was born Natalia Tcherniak to a family of assimilated, intellectual Russian Jews and brought up mostly in Paris by her emigré father after her parents divorced. She wrote her first novel at age 12. She attended the Lycée Fénelon and graduated with a licence in English from the University of Paris-Sorbonne in 1920. She then spent a year studying history at Oxford University and six months studying philosophy and sociology at the University of Berlin. In 1925, she was awarded a law degree by the Faculty of Law in Paris, where she met Raymond Sarraute, also a lawyer. The couple married that same year and had three daughters. Nathalie Sarraute was a practicing member of the bar from 1926 to 1941, before dedicating herself full-time to writing. Her first book, Tropisms, a collection of 24 brief texts that appeared in 1939, marked a fresh direction in French literature. Soon thereafter, Nathalie Sarraute went into hiding under a false name to survive the Nazi Occupation of her country during World War II. She participated in the French Resistance. Later she became a leading member of the French experimental style "new novel" movement along with Alain Robbe-Grillet, Claude Simon, and Marguerite Duras. In 1964, she received the prestigious Prix International de Littérature for her novel Les Fruits d'or (The Golden Fruits). She was 83 years old when she had her first bestseller, her autobiographical novel Enfance (Childhood, 1983). In 1996, Nathalie Sarraute had the rare honor of having her works published during her lifetime in the classic Pléiade collection.



Romanzo in lingua originale
bibliotecaristofane | 4 altre recensioni | Aug 4, 2015 |
These 'essays on the novel' constitute the school of the C20th's 'nouveau roman's first theoretical manifestation. Sarraute exhibits designs which exert a profound influence on young writers: from Dostoievky to Kafka, Joyce, Proust and Virginia Woolf, Nathalie Sarraute scrutinises the works of the great precursors of the modern novel and examines their contribution to the 'romanesque' revolution of our day [JAS' trans. from back cover blurb].
JaneAnneShaw | Jan 9, 2011 |


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