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Chaim Potok (1929–2002)

Autore di Danny l'eletto

39+ opere 21,456 membri 298 recensioni 109 preferito


Chaim Potok was born in New York City in 1929. He graduated summa cum laude (with highest honors) from Yeshiva University in 1950, and received an advanced degree from Jewish Theological Seminary in 1954, when he also became an ordained Conservative rabbi. After two years of military service as a mostra altro chaplain in Korea, Potok married Adena Sarah Mosevitsky in 1958. The couple had three children. Eventually Potok returned to school and received his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1965. Potok has held a variety of positions within the Jewish community, including directing a camp in Los Angeles, teaching at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles at a Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, and working as an editor on various religious publications, Potok's first novel, The Chosen, was published in 1967, and he quickly won acclaim for this best-selling book about tensions within the Orthodox and Hasidic Jewish communities. This and later books have been both critically and popularly successful. Many of them explore the meaning of Judaism in the modern era, focusing on the conflict between traditional teachings and the pressures of modern life. The Chosen was nominated for a National Book Award in 1967 and made into a successful film in 1982. Its sequel, The Promise (1969) was the winner of an Athenaeum Award. Potok is also the author of a nonfiction volume, Wanderings: Chaim Potok's History of the Jews (1978), as well as several short stories and articles that have been published in both religious and secular magazines. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno


Opere di Chaim Potok

Danny l'eletto (1967) 6,620 copie
Il mio nome e Asher Lev (1972) 4,433 copie
La scelta di Reuven (1969) 2,216 copie
L' arpa di Davita (1985) 1,457 copie
The Gift of Asher Lev (1990) 1,370 copie
In the Beginning (1975) 1,221 copie
Storia degli ebrei (1978) 1,069 copie
Il libro delle luci (1981) 997 copie
Io sono l'argilla (1992) 532 copie
The Gates of November (1996) 445 copie
Old Men at Midnight (2001) 388 copie
Zebra and Other Stories (1988) 154 copie
My First 79 Years (1999) — Autore — 140 copie
The Tree of Here (1993) 62 copie

Opere correlate

I Never Saw Another Butterfly (1959) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni835 copie
Storie e leggende chassidiche (1949) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni619 copie
As a Driven Leaf (1939) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni582 copie
Growing Up Jewish: An Anthology (1970) — Collaboratore — 124 copie
Coming of Age in America: A Multicultural Anthology (1994) — Collaboratore — 95 copie
The Jewish Writer (1998) — Collaboratore — 53 copie
Firstfruits: A Harvest of 25 Years of Israeli Writing (1965) — Prefazione — 44 copie
The Chosen [1981 film] (1981) — Novel — 27 copie
Het derde Testament : Joodse verhalen (1995) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni7 copie
Chaim Potok - Bzzlletin 235 (1996) — Collaboratore — 2 copie


Informazioni generali



April 2023: Chaim Potok in Monthly Author Reads (Mag 2023)


L'amicizia di Reuven Malter e Danny Saunders si misura sul terreno dell'amore per Rachel, una giovane anglista, e delle loro scelte di vita: mentre uno studia per diventare rabbino affrontando l'insegnamento sarcastico e devastante di Rav Kalman, l'altro rinuncia agli studi religiosi per diventare psichiatra (fonte: Google Books)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 27 altre recensioni | May 26, 2020 |
E' un anno cruciale quello in cui Davita a otto anni comincia a farsi un'idea del mondo: l'America si lascia alle spalle la crisi del '29 e i suoi genitori, intellettuali impegnati a sinistra, sognano l'avvento di una società più giusta. Ma l'affermazione del fascismo e del nazismo in Europa spegne ogni ottimismo (fonte: Google Books)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 11 altre recensioni | May 9, 2020 |
Stupefacente come Chaim Potok possa addentrarsi in temi complessi quali quello della religione, dell´ortodossia ebraica senza per nulla appesantire la narrazione o diventare oscuro. Bellissima storia di un´amicizia complessa, due diverse comunità religiose, due diversi modi di intendere la vita, lo studio, la fede. E bellissima è anche la descrizione dei rapporti -spesso difficili- tra padri e figli
1 vota
Alessandra_Cavagna | 92 altre recensioni | Sep 10, 2010 |


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