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Opere di Matthew Perman


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Excellent, Gospel-Rooted approach to productivity and workplace culture. We read this book as a part of our church staff and found it to open many doors of conversation in how A)each team member thinks and operates B)understanding our own inefficiencies and C)discussing possible improvements. Many of Perman's recommendations are practical and useful; although depending on one's own personality you may find it to take it or leave it. A good book to read with a group of co-workers.
gingsing27 | 4 altre recensioni | Jul 8, 2022 |
This book arrived to me at a perfect time in life. Was struggling with priority of tasks, trying to improve myself, and struggling with goals. It's tough to find a good gospel centered productivity book but this certainly delivered. Will return to it often
bradweber1982 | 4 altre recensioni | Jan 18, 2020 |
A really helpful book on personal productivity. Perman does a good job of applying the gospel to the realm of productivity and task management. In my opinion, the book earns 5 stars because its treatment of "gospel-driven productivity" is comprehensive and refreshing in that it points readers to place service to God and others as the most important principles of personal effectiveness.
codyacunningham | 4 altre recensioni | May 9, 2016 |
This is the best book on "Getting Things Done" because it helps you clarify which THINGS need to be be done, done next and done well. We live in an age of productivity and distraction. We easily can be productive at things that ultimately do not matter. Perman helps us from a Biblical perspective think about what the most important things are to us and how we can get them done. He is honest about his own shortcomings and work-a-holism. Those deficits lead him to help others avoid the traps and snares he found himself in.

I am grateful for the wisdom contained in this well written and well organized book. I will return to it's pages often to relearn the wisdom found in it.
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azolibrary | 4 altre recensioni | Nov 27, 2015 |

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½ 4.3

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