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Per altri autori con il nome Geoffrey Knight, vedi la pagina di disambiguazione.

50+ opere 501 membri 55 recensioni


this is my first read from this author and it was brilliant. The settings, the story, the characters

Levi and Henry just made me wanna hug them both. And all the side and supporting characters just worked.

This was a great intro read for me for this author and will definitely be seeking out others he has written

SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
Cousins, taboo read but not? I wasn't sure if I would enjoy this but I did. It was emotional, heartbreaking and heart-warming all in one book.

I had tears at some parts and I giggled at others.

This was a well written book.
SharingTheBookLove | 4 altre recensioni | Nov 2, 2023 |
This was such an enjoyable read!

I giggled and laughed and was like doh!

And I want to visit (well maybe) Zsnovania cos Zorg would be an interesting side character to meet.

Oliver and Jake and their love story is sweet and cute.
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
Pretty much an 18 year old Dennis the Menace goes cock crazy story. Pure porn without any real plot.
Connorz | 2 altre recensioni | Jan 4, 2023 |
Reviewed on Hearts On Fire...

Scott Sapphire has three vices, French champagne, Belgian chocolates and hot men. He is also the greatest jewel thief of our time. Scott travels from Venice where he out smarted Jack Stone from the last adventure series Fathom's Five and captures the Devil of Kahna Toga diamond. Now Sapphire is after the priceless Emerald Orchid which is hidden deep in he amazon rainforest. Scott and his sister Sophie along with Artie are not your common crooks though. They have a Robin Hood streak running through them where all the proceeds from the jewel heists are sent to a worthwhile project to help the needy.
This was a fun and sexy romp across the globe as Scott chased down the Emerald Orchid while trying to keep the bad guys at bay. A cross between James Bond and Robin Hood, Scott Diamond is an intriguing and beautifully developed character. The secondary characters are all colorful and entertaining. Mr. Knight slowly reveals to the reader how Scott and his uncommon family came to be. The well written story is fast paced and packed with life threatening danger at every turn. The bad guys in this story are billionaire pharmaceutical magnate Oscar Hudson and his daughter Ella who want the green orchid which is in the same temple as the Emerald Orchid for evil purposes. The race is on with murder, mayhem and as much sex as Scott can get to see who will make it to the temple first. This is the first book in what seems to be a great new series. I recommend this sexy light read to anyone who enjoyed the old Bond movies.
Connorz | 1 altra recensione | Jan 4, 2023 |
This was a fun read from beginning to end. I loved the way Knight stuck to the lingo of the 20s. The characters were wonderfully developed and felt so real. Stella was great. Buck was a mess with no real foundation. He was flawed but was the perfect P.I. Madame Chang was another favorite character of mine. The ending was a surprise in several ways but I won't spoil it. This short gem is a must read.
Connorz | 1 altra recensione | Jan 4, 2023 |
I enjoyed Stella in Buck Baxter, Love Detective in her smaller part. Her step up to Buck's assistant was overkill and hurt the story in my opinion. I liked the ongoing romance between Harry and Buck. While entertaining, I did not feel that the secondary characters were very well developed. The surprise ending was really a shocker for both me and our favorite detective.
Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
Fun story but it ends with a cliffhanger. Heavy on the fantasy and slight on reality, this book delivers. It was nice to look into Dr. Fathom's past to find out what shaped him. The addition of both Gertie and Elsa added more dimension to the guys. Bravo!
Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
I love the way Mr. Knight writes! I will not go into a rant here about the societal pressure of in family sexual relationships other than to say that Jack and Hux weren't having children so they were cool. Screw social "norms". I found myself getting angry with Jack's waffling back and forth all the while hurting Hux.
Connorz | 4 altre recensioni | Jan 4, 2023 |
Reviewed on Hearts On Fire...

The Crimson Crown is a secret sect of the church that has committed many of the most heinous crimes imaginable. The artist Videlle was tortured and killed for creating a unique piece of art. The piece is a marble crucifix of Christ on the cross naked and depicted as a man and called The Cross of Sins. The cross has been cleverly hidden somewhere in the world and the hints revealing its location have been scattered across the globe. The church wants the cross found and destroyed at all costs while Professor Fathom and his five hot, hunky gay heroes want the cross out in the open. It's a hunt for the clues then a race to retrieve the cross with certain death to the loser.
This was a very entertaining and over the top story but don't go looking for anything deep because it's pure fun. I suggest that anyone about to read this engaging story go to the back of the book where Mr. Knight has provided a brief description or his five heroes and Professor Fathom. It can be difficult to keep up with whom is who for a while. If you are impatient, the five heroes are introduced slowly in their natural settings before the story really picks up speed. I found Professor Fathom to be an enigma and quite the father figure for men. The fact that the five came from very diverse backgrounds make them a good working team. I enjoy Mr. Knight's writing style and have fallen for his newest character Scott Sapphire who far surpasses Fathom's Five. The sex scenes steamed up my computer screen. Things just came a little too easily and were a little too convenient for Fathom's Five for me.
Connorz | 5 altre recensioni | Jan 4, 2023 |
This book just plain sucked. The characters just popped out of no whhere just when the author needed them. I did not read book one and will not. I'm all for the sex and fantasy but this book was just too unbelievable for me.
1 vota
Connorz | 2 altre recensioni | Jan 4, 2023 |
Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |
I just have to say this was a real struggle for me. Too many characters, introduced way too quickly, makes for a story that is hard to follow. And I also found much of this just a bit too fantastical, probably because there's not a solid exposition to set up the world in which this all takes place. Just didn't work for me.
crtsjffrsn | 5 altre recensioni | Aug 27, 2021 |
Well written, nicely handled taboo relationship (they are cousins who have grown up as best friends). But I really didn't like Jack as the story went on. I understand denial, shame and confusion in this situation, but Jack reacted badly not once or even twice, but three times. And when he finally got some backbone it wasn't his own strength he reached but truth his ex-wife have him. And Hux forgave him far too easily each and every time.
Hux was lovely and deserved better.
Lillian_Francis | 4 altre recensioni | Jul 26, 2021 |

Guess Who’s Coming at Dinner by Geoffrey Knight & Ethan Day ★★
It's an okay story, I guess, just not my kinda humor.

Surviving Sin City by Ethan Stone & Daniel A Kaine ★★★
So. Apparently it's not the genre I have a problem with. I liked this story much better than the first one. :)

Ghoul’s Gym by TJ Klune & Eric Arvin ★★★
Jake was alright but I didn't care for Uly at all. The last sentence was too much for me.

All in all an ok book I guess. I wish I enjoyed it more. 2.5 stars.
NannyOgg13 | 1 altra recensione | Mar 27, 2021 |
Indiana Jones/Da Vinci Code it is not.
The book defies not only logic but also the laws of nature.
The writing style is not very impressive either.
Sorry, one star.
Mrella | 5 altre recensioni | Mar 8, 2021 |
Fast cars, hot men, loads of sex and a HEA
Bramptonite | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 27, 2021 |
Well written, nicely handled taboo relationship (they are cousins who have grown up as best friends). But I really didn't like Jack as the story went on. I understand denial, shame and confusion in this situation, but Jack reacted badly not once or even twice, but three times. And when he finally got some backbone it wasn't his own strength he reached but truth his ex-wife have him. And Hux forgave him far too easily each and every time.
Hux was lovely and deserved better.
Lillian_Francis | 4 altre recensioni | Feb 24, 2021 |
More! There must be more!
Bookbee1 | 1 altra recensione | Jun 23, 2020 |
Bookbee1 | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 23, 2020 |
Originally read 25/Jan/2012
After finishing [b:The Pearl|8597478|The Pearl (The Pearl Trilogy, #1)|Geoffrey Knight||13467246], the first book in this trilogy I was immediately compelled to begin this, the second book. Because these stories and the way they are written allowed for nothing else. They are beautiful and profound and wonderful!

And Billy Shakespear made me laugh out loud! His voice was too, too perfect!

Now I just have to wait until I can find book 3.

11/May/2014 (Re-read for the 2014 Re-Romancing Favorites Challenge) - Still love Billy! On second read, I did want to smack Jad upside the head once or twice! ;)

I still haven't been able to find book 3 on its own. I do resent having to re-purchase Book 1 and Book 2 in order to access Book 3, Firestick.
Bookbee1 | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 23, 2020 |
I'm really not a horror story aficionado. Really not! But every once in a while, now that I'm in my cronage, I crave a zombie story. I figure if it gets too bad I can just stop reading, right?

So, the first story: Guess Who's Coming at Dinner by Geoffrey Knight and Ethan Day, was my kind of zombie tale...light on the gore, a bit of humour and a bit of romance. I liked it.

Second came: Surviving Sin City by Daniel A. Kaine and Ethan Stone. A more classic zombie tale that had two interesting MCs coming together in order to survive the zombie horde. A good read.

And then there was story three: Ghoul's Gym by T.J. Klune and Eric Arvin. Way, waaaaay past my comfort zone, it was horrifying and gross and gruesomely...not sexy but sexual. And it was a love story. A love story that kept me hoping for a miracle right up to the very end. And even though I wanted to stop reading several times the need to know the fate of the MCs compelled me to continue. Did I enjoy it? I don't know. But I did feel it.
Bookbee1 | 1 altra recensione | Jun 23, 2020 |
Re-read the whole book but was really interested in finally reading the 3rd part of the trilogy, Firestick. There is still a real magic about this story, for me.
Bookbee1 | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 23, 2020 |
Originally read 25/Jan/2012
Illustrates the perfection that spare writing can accomplish! Absolutely wonderful!

10/May/2014 (Re-read for the 2014 Re-Romancing Favorites Challenge) - I still loved the writing style as much as the first much so that I dove right in to the next book in the series - same as on the first read!
Bookbee1 | 3 altre recensioni | Jun 23, 2020 |