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Drive Shaft (2010)

di Geoffrey Knight

Serie: Drive Shaft (Book 1)

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Jensen Rivers wasn¿t looking for trouble. As the new kid on the block at Clyde¿s Body Shop, all Jensen wanted was a job, a place where he could put his head down and ass up. Young and handsome, he was the kind of simple, honest guy who was happiest when he was working hard, with oil smeared across his chest and grease up to his elbows. But Dean `Hutch¿ Hutchinson plans on getting more than just Jensen¿s hands dirty! Reckless and arrogant, drenched in sweat and dripping with a masculinity that cannot be tamed, Hutch challenges Jensen to a series of perilous night races. The prize: sexual domination! Night after night, wheels burn, passions flare and the no-holds-barred lust between two testosteronefuelled daredevils ignites. But losing a race is one thing. Losing your heart is something altogether more dangerous. Will Jensen risk everything to find the love trapped behind Hutch¿s fearless façade? Will Hutch bury the secret tragedy of his past before he throws away his last chance at a future?… (altro)
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Fast cars, hot men, loads of sex and a HEA ( )
  Bramptonite | Feb 27, 2021 |
I decided to finish this after leaving it sit at 50% all weekend. This was really all porn, no plot guys. Not worth your time. I can't recommend it unless you WANT all porn and no plot. If that's the case, go for it, cuz that's all you'll be getting. ( )
  gigi9988776 | Aug 25, 2014 |
Long or short, Geoffrey Knight’s stories will bring you hot men loving each other. Drive Shaft was probably a little different from the previous stories I read by the same author because the setting was “smaller”, and Auto Repair & Body Shop in a small town in Southern California. No international adventures, no vip characters, but two young men who likes to get down and dirty, both in life than in love.

Jensen is a 20 years old from Texas who is not exactly running away from home, but almost; he has a distant relative, Clyde, who has offered him a job in his Auto Repair & Body Shop and Jensen took the chance at once. But when he arrives at Clyde’s he discovers that he is not the only young men working there, and Hutch is not exactly welcoming. As soon as Clyde turns away his shoulders, Hutch is ready to challenge Jensen on a speed contest, Jensen on his bike and Hutch on his car: the winner will have the other one for one night.

It’s clear that Hutch is drawn by Jensen, but he is trying to challenge not only Jensen but also all the world. Jensen is young, and horny, and he is probably not able to see that also Hutch is running away from something; when faced with Hutch bat temperament, Jensen will react as the hot-head he is. Only the help of someone with more experience, and who hearts for both of them, will help Jensen and Hutch to understand that, in this case, it’s not necessary to go far away to find happiness.
  elisa.rolle | Jan 20, 2011 |
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Drive Shaft (Book 1)
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Jensen Rivers wasn¿t looking for trouble. As the new kid on the block at Clyde¿s Body Shop, all Jensen wanted was a job, a place where he could put his head down and ass up. Young and handsome, he was the kind of simple, honest guy who was happiest when he was working hard, with oil smeared across his chest and grease up to his elbows. But Dean `Hutch¿ Hutchinson plans on getting more than just Jensen¿s hands dirty! Reckless and arrogant, drenched in sweat and dripping with a masculinity that cannot be tamed, Hutch challenges Jensen to a series of perilous night races. The prize: sexual domination! Night after night, wheels burn, passions flare and the no-holds-barred lust between two testosteronefuelled daredevils ignites. But losing a race is one thing. Losing your heart is something altogether more dangerous. Will Jensen risk everything to find the love trapped behind Hutch¿s fearless façade? Will Hutch bury the secret tragedy of his past before he throws away his last chance at a future?

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