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A sequel to The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, with additional strategies, tips and exercises to apply the 5 disciplines of learning organizations. You'll learn:
• The architecture, learning cycle, and core disciplines which make up the foundation of a learning organization;
• The fundamentals of systems thinking and how to instill that in your organization to a bigger, more holistic picture;
• How to cultivate personal mastery at both individual and team levels, to foster alignment and continuous learning and growth;
• How to uncover and challenge mental models (deeply-ingrained assumptions, beliefs, and images) to encourage new ideas and perspectives;
• How to build a shared vision that reflects collective goals/aspirations, and align/motivate people toward common goals;
• How to achieve team learning--to develop teams' collective capacity to achieve meaningful, exceptional results through collaborative problem-solving and innovation.
• How to apply the disciplines above to drive organizational learning and evolution.
Book summary at:
AngelaLamHF | 5 altre recensioni | May 1, 2024 |
systems theory section may be interesting...

probably too dated
pollycallahan | 5 altre recensioni | Jul 1, 2023 |
Cuando presentamos La Quinta Disciplina en nuestra colección, dijimos que era el primer libro de Management del siglo XXI, y no nos equivocamos. La obra de Peter Senge revolucionó el Management con la teoría de que la organización es capaz de aprender, y dio así un nuevo sentido y un nuevo contenido a la acción directiva.

La Quinta Disciplina en la práctica es un libro para la acción, para poner manos a la obra. El lector encontrará aquí una guía programática intensiva para convertir sus ideas en hechos, a través de experiencias, ejercicios, herramientas, testimonios, relatos, referencias bibliográficas y todo lo necesario para introducir los cambios requeridos y cultivar el aprendizaje colectivo.

Como su nombre lo indica, en la práctica, es un libro diseñado para convertirse en un instrumento útil en sus reuniones, el diseño de proyectos, la preparación de las actividades de entrenamiento, y cada uno de los procesos capaces de dar nuevas formas y nuevos contenidos a la organización.
carla.santana | 5 altre recensioni | Apr 14, 2019 |
> Babelio :

> Je recommande, cependant sans une connaissance approfondie de la "systémique des organisations" et de la "5ème discipline" du même auteur, il ne sera pas évident d'en tirer la substantifique moelle dans la pratique pour celui qui n'en possède pas l'expertise...
Cet ouvrage mériterait aussi d'être réédité..
Danieljean (Babelio)

> La danse du changement, c'est le jeu croisé des forces qui amplifient le changement et de celles qui le contrarient. Pour mieux la mener, les auteurs du best-seller La Cinquième Discipline vous apprennent à dompter ces forces. Toute organisation a un système immunitaire complexe dont le but est de préserver le statu quo. En se fondant sur de nouvelles approches du leadership et sur l'analyse approfondie de nombreux efforts pluriannuels de changement, il est possible d'anticiper, d'éviter et de surmonter les principaux obstacles au changement.
Idées clés, par Business Digest

> N'ayez plus peur des obstacles
Soyons honnêtes : combien de fois n'avons-nous pas entendu la réflexion : "ça ne marche pas votre truc " face à un effort de changement grand ou modeste que nous pensions sincèrement abouti ? Peter Senge et son équipe, tout auréolés qu'ils fussent du succès de La Cinquième Discipline, l'ont également entendu. Mais, en bons tenants de l'approche systémique, ils ont " rétroagi " sur cette phrase pour étudier, à fond, tous les obstacles à la mise en place du changement.
Et c'est passionnant. Cela fait maintenant quinze ans que, par le monde, des organisations apprenantes existent. Leur expérience est utile. Les gains que l'on obtient par des suppressions d'emploi, " reengineering " et dégraissages sont rarement durables alors que les gains d'un processus d'apprentissage en équipe, eux, sont durables, cumulatifs et auto-entretenus. Et les leviers les plus efficaces proviennent du traitement collectif des obstacles à la croissance que ce livre éclaire sans complaisance.
La revue Résumés

> La Danse du changement est véritablement une méthode de travail clés-en-main.
Cyril Demaria
Joop-le-philosophe | 1 altra recensione | Jan 2, 2019 |
This is one of my "go to" books when it comes to organisation performance and improvement. Although the book has been around for a long time, the lessons remain as valid today as ever.
memdin | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 31, 2017 |
Senge's best-selling The Fifth Discipline led Business Week to dub him the "new guru" of the corporate world; here he offers executives a step-by-step guide to building "learning organizations" of their own
GRUResourceLibrary | 5 altre recensioni | Oct 10, 2016 |
Okay, I read this book purely for research purposes, and my reading was heavily influenced by those purposes: I was on the look out for managerial nonsense-speak, rather than a deep story. But Kleiner tells a good story about, in essence, how one very small group of post-war researchers suggested that employees would be happier and work better if they were (made to feel that they were) involved in the running of a company. He tells it at something enormous length--this is really an essay masquerading as a book)--but there are occasional gems. The allegory he tries to weave through the book isn't all that convincing, but then, he needed to organize it somehow, and there's no obvious way to do it. On the down-side, from my perspective, he's extraordinarily uncritical and almost messianic in his belief that corporations (which are bound *by law* to act in such a way as to maximize profits) could be responsible public institutions. And he writes, not unclearly, but too much. Really only for those who are already interested in the topic, but not so interested that they'd like to read an actual history of managerial practices.
stillatim | 1 altra recensione | Dec 29, 2013 |
While you can quickly read this book, I find myself stopping often to reflect on the content and times in the past when I have often played the role of an organizational heretic. The history of management thinking over the last 60 years is also well laid out, better than any other attempt I have seen on how the various threads are inter-related both by key people leading the change in how management is conceived and the theories developed along the way.
rosswirth42 | 1 altra recensione | Sep 21, 2008 |
Biggest Corporate Lie Exposed

According to Art Kleiner “The Customer Comes First” is one of the core lies of corporate culture.

The director of research at consulting firm Dialogos says in every organization there are people who really come first, a core group that really matters. In each company the group differs. Yet every action taken by that group is undertaken with the goal of meeting the perceived needs and priorities of this group.

Kleiner says core groups are not inherently evil or dysfunctional. They are the source of the organization’s energy, drive and direction. The foundation of every organization is the decision. Some are made at the top; others are made at lower levels of the organization. Most are made in the midst of conflicting priorities, constraints competitors and constituents. Core groups play a critical role. By understanding who populates the core group, a collective organizational coordination is achieved.

Core Groups can be large or small. They have many identities; often the identity is mixed. Among them:

• A Bureaucracy – Bosses come and go; the core groups remains.
• The Too Nice Organization – No one wants to admit they have power, yet one or two people influence decision making.
• The Indigestible Acquisition – The deal is sealed but significant groups are not brought into the fold.
• The Hidden Cabal – Quiet influencers who know how to influence the direction of people’s decision making and covertly do it.
• Charismatic Rainmakers
• Stovepipes

To determine a core group’s character one must have insight into the mindset of the organizations people. Whose interests they consider when they make decisions.

This is an interesting book. For those who love to get things done, corporate intrigue or simply want to survive, this book will open one’s eyes to the reality of corporate culture.
PointedPundit | Mar 31, 2008 |
More or less a must-read for anyone interested in change, learning organisations, or any of the related field. Certainly influential in its day and still today - the concept of double loop learning will be with us a long time... The general idea is that change has to be systemic, that the organisation itself must learn, grow and change, or no change will be real.
tole_lege | 1 altra recensione | Feb 13, 2006 |
Organizational effectiveness ; Work groups ; handbooks
Biovitrum | 5 altre recensioni | Feb 11, 2019 |
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