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86 opere 4,214 membri 42 recensioni


A friend loaned me this book, highly recommending it. And even before I finished it, I knew it would be a 5-star for me. It is well-written and engaging, with an intriguing premise – the unexpected yet straightforward way God wants to use you to make a difference…loving one person at a time.

Kyle Idleman is a best-selling author and senior pastor who uses many examples from his own life. I found the book to be encouraging, thoughtful, and challenging. It’s easy to read because of the humor and conversational tone. It’s motivating and powerful. The biblical examples plus Idleman’s personal stories guide readers to a deeper understanding of how to share your faith. This is a book written for all followers of Jesus.

I recommend this, and if you like Max Lucado’s books, you’ll value this one.
PhyllisReads | Mar 27, 2024 |
Writing: 4.5; Theme: 5.0; Content: 5.0; Language: 5.0; Overall: 4.5

This is another great book from this Christian author. Modern Christians seem to think that idol worship is a thing of the past, but Idleman shares how this is a mistaken thought process. We have many idols that get in our way of worshipping God the way He desires and deserves. We have many gods and many idols. We have gods of pleasure, romance, sex, money, food, entertainment, achievement, and even family. All of these other idols in our lives are a result of the idol worship of ourselves- the god of "me.". God deserves and commands our duty to honor Him and serve Him in this way. The author gives valuable principles how we can accomplish this in a much better way. Highly recommend.

***June 15, 2023***½
jntjesussaves | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 24, 2023 |
revbill1961 | 5 altre recensioni | May 11, 2023 |
Not a Fan calls you to consider the demands and rewards of being a true disciple. With frankness sprinkled with humor, Idleman invites you to live the way Jesus lived, love the way he loved, pray the way he prayed, and never give up living for the One who gave his all for you.
phoovermt | 10 altre recensioni | May 5, 2023 |
unboxed: dvd (missing), leaders guide, journal
wrogers217 | 3 altre recensioni | Mar 1, 2023 |
wrogers217 | 3 altre recensioni | Mar 1, 2023 |
wrogers217 | 7 altre recensioni | Mar 1, 2023 |
Box: dvd, leader guide, journal
wrogers217 | Mar 1, 2023 |
no box: dvd, leader guide, journal
wrogers217 | Mar 1, 2023 |
A small group study. The book and journal are in the Family Library.
SITAG_Family | Dec 20, 2022 |
Heartfelt Book, Very much enjoyed reading this and is a helpful tool as to when I pray for Prodigals in my family.
RoosterNZ | Dec 17, 2022 |
This book is all about evaluating how idolatry invades our lives and how we can defeat those idols and live wholeheartedly in devotion to God
JourneyPC | 5 altre recensioni | Sep 26, 2022 |
We all go through challenging times; more than anything we need Godly scripture and people motivating us with a battle cry to pursue what is beyond our struggle rather just patting our back and consoling us through it.
JourneyPC | 1 altra recensione | Sep 26, 2022 |
I really enjoyed Idleman's writing style. He gives plenty of stories - and personal confessions - to help the material relate to the reader. This book would be more geared to a person that is already a believer in Christ.
This leads to a criticism I've read several make of the book, that Idleman is throwing grace and salvation to the wind. I think it could be addressed more, or more strongly, but it isn't at a level that it should be viewed critically because of it.
Another slight criticism I've seen is that Idleman's wit and humor obviously means this writing is geared more toward a younger audience. I don't see this at all. As we grow we are going to look back on our actions, thoughts, and decisions and to be able to move beyond them and forgive ourselves, we need a bit of humor. He just seem to naturally model this.
Highly recommended!
jdiggity83 | 10 altre recensioni | Jun 23, 2022 |
This was the Big Idea at my church. We've all read it and studied it on Sundays and in small group. The book is sort of repetitive. I agree with my husband who said we could have just watched the video series without reading the book. I learned a lot and appreciated the insights.
readingbeader | 5 altre recensioni | Oct 29, 2020 |
I was not crazy about the narrator, but the book was great.
crleverette | 3 altre recensioni | Oct 5, 2020 |
Yet again, I'm really torn with how I felt about this book. There were times I thought it was fantastic and everybody should read it, and other times not.

Essentially, this book is for Christians challenging them to be actual followers, not just fans of God. The rest of the book is built around stores from the Bible and personal testimonies that help drive this point home.

As strange as this sounds, I feel like this book was missing something. I don't know what, but I just couldn't get over that feeling. The whole book felt like about 13 sermons (which isn't uncommon for Christian books), but several chapters started repeating themselves. That isn't a necessarily a criticism of the book (as repetition isn't necessarily a bad thing), but something about it just didn't feel quite right (the organization not he content).

With that being said, every Christian should read this book. Though I wish it were more challenging, it makes a few fantastic points that have me reconsidering certain aspects of my life.
cgfaulknerog | 10 altre recensioni | May 28, 2020 |
Great read. Used as a bible study. Many eye-opener testimonies and teachings. There's also some humor included in the footnotes which showed the author/pastor to be an "approachable" type of person.
Headinherbooks_27 | 1 altra recensione | Oct 13, 2019 |
coldwaterchurch | 3 altre recensioni | Sep 5, 2019 |
✥Series/Trilogy/Stand-Alone,etc:Stand Alone
✥Release Date: 5/6/11
✥Format: Paperback
✥Page Count: 215
✥Setting: N/A
✥Genre(s): Christian, Non-Fiction
✥Date(s)Read: 5/15-5/17
✥Rating: Book: 3/5 Audio: 5/5 Narrator: Kyle Idleman

My Thoughts:


It was very easy to listen to Kyle narrate this book. He has that voice you like listening to. I don't know much about him beyond this book and definitely know nothing about his church, something I may look into soon.


(I get a bit long winded, so get you something to drink, a snack and read on)

When did I first learn of this book? Right around Oct/Nov 2011 at a church I was attending at the time and did the "Not a Fan" group. I did enjoy the group tremendously, it had me thinking and wanting to be closer to Jesus. Now, since then, I know I have fallen short quite a bit and my relationship with God & Jesus has dwindled but I can also say, it is still stronger than it had been in my teens and 20's. I still have a long way to go!

When I went to find the book at the library, I don't remember being able to find it. I do think I found the book else where but kept talking myself out of it because of the price and/or just wasn't feeling it at the time. Well, I guess I was meant to find it in a time of my life that I was meant to have it.

Now, I will be honest at this point, I tend to get a bit bored reading christian nonfiction, even fiction sometimes but I can find more fiction I can get through fairly easy over nonfiction. I am trying to get into them more because I know I need it for my spiritual life and to help me apply the scriptures better in my life in ways I may not always know the HOW of what to do. Some, may take issue with that statement because they are just so wonderful at doing it "on their own" but then there are the rest of us, they may need a little help along the way and that is why God put people in our path that can do that. Whether that be pastors/bishops, writers, friends, etc. I am one of the latter as I already stated. Maybe one day, I can "do it on my own" but sometimes, I feel like, I still need that encouragement from hearing someone speak and say something that I may be dealing with and that it's okay (I've had some have an issue with that too, but I guess that is where human difference comes in, some may be fine without it, while some of us sometimes need to hear encouragement in discouraging times, which is why gathering together at your place of worship and/or friends is a great thing).

Oh, the book....Ahem

What did I think?

Well, it had me wanting to go deeper into certain areas of the bible to make sure I am truly understanding some things. I understand the bible says things he spoke of but I know that what he is saying, can be taken out of context and people lose that balance. Interpretation can be a tricky thing for some people and that's when issues arise in churches (or any place of worship/belief systems) and/or families.


It gave me a lot to think about. This will probably be a book I try to pass around and give to people I think might want to read it and/or maybe they know someone who needs it or has been wanting to read it. I know, for me, I need to learn to be more than just a fan and be a better follower. I don't know what that entails for me personally but hopefully I will begin to figure it along this journey called life.

More thoughts & semi disclaimer:

Those who may have come on here who aren't believers, angry with God, or whatever your case may be, we all have the free will to believe or not believe, all I can ask is that you at least make a good attempt to believe and see what happens. If you can believe in oxygen, something you can't see but know it's there because you're here reading this. Air that you can't see but sometimes feel when wind comes along. You can take a chance.

For those who think "If there was a God, why is he allowing so much evil?"

Well, my always answer to that is "The rule is, there is an opposite to everything (that I can think of anyway)" & that "He gives us all free will to choose"

(You don't want someone to force you to do something do you? So why would you expect God to do it with others? You are given at least two choices in situations, it is up to you which you choose)

Where there is an up, there has to be a down. Where there is black, you have white. Where there is anger, you have happiness. To have good, you must have evil, how else will you know there is one without the other? God has given us free will to choose so it is not up to me to force anything on anyone. It is just up to me to share what I personally know and believe and allow you to make your decision from there. For the respect I show others, I expect the same respect in return. Also, all of that being said, I am in no way perfect. I screw up daily and I do mean daily. I have a temper, sometimes use language I shouldn't, yell at my kids when normal voice will do. God isn't expecting perfection, what he want's is you! imperfections and all. The imperfections are what keep you closer to Him. He will change your life but life is a constant progress, working, changing, slips, fails, etc but that's okay, get up, dust off and try again. Day by day, moment by moment, etc. Things will not be easy with him because life isn't always easy but to me, life is definitely much harder without him and the holy spirit to guide you.

Now, I know this is supposed to be about this book but I can't discuss this book without going a bit deeper. If you need a start, this is a great place to start. Just go into it with balance, come out with balance and go with what you know God is calling you to do. Not someone else!

If you've read this far! Thank you for your patience! lol
RamblingBookNerd | 10 altre recensioni | Jun 5, 2019 |
Rated: A
Great book for those committed to being, not just a fan of Jesus Christ, but a true all-in follower. I am not a fan.
• Fans often confuse their admiration for devotion. They mistake their knowledge of Jesus for intimacy with Jesus. Fans assume their intentions make up for their apathetic faith.
• Fans will try and make Jesus one of many. Some fans may even make Jesus the first of many. But when Jesus defines the relationship he make it clear; he wants to be your one and only.
jmcdbooks | 10 altre recensioni | Jul 21, 2018 |
The news of the bestselling author of Not a Fan spread widely when it was released, and I read and heard smatterings of people's opinions of the book. Other than that, Kyle Idleman was an unknown author to me. And because I sense that the concept of grace (after salvation) is an infrequent one among conservative Christian circles, I needed another reminder of it.

As the subtitle suggests, Idleman writes on "God's plan to overcome your past, redeem your pain, and rewrite your story". This is a big topic, and while not exhaustive, his Biblical details and experiences demonstrate that he has been shown how grace works through his own life. I love his chapter titles and how they contrast two character traits "More Forgiving Than Your Guilt" and "More Beautiful Than Your Brokenness", being the first two. Idleman writes in an informal lecture style and sets apart important quotes every couple of pages.

My favorite chapters dealt with grace and mistakes, brokenness, and regrets. Reading this book reminded me of when I read through Future Grace by John Piper, and while not as extensive, the content was encouraging. Idleman deals with other such topics as remorse, repentance, communities (of grace), forgiveness, obedience, repression, vengeance, gratefulness, and so much more. All backed by Scripture, personal examples, or testimonies of others who have lived, given, and received grace.

Idleman shows us how grace is greater, and how we all need it. He defines grace, explains its purpose, demonstrates its necessity, and gives grace through his writing. Grace isn't something we pay for, earn, hold back from others, or just forget about. We may not ever see examples of it around us, but we have a God of grace who daily showers us with it. We receive grace without asking, but for it to truly be grace received, it must be grace shared.

Favorite Quotes

Grace is only grace if it goes both ways. Receiving it from God but refusing to give it to others isn't an option.


People who repress resentment over hurts they've received tend to see everything through a negative lens.


...ultimately what matters most, what people need most, is God's forgiveness, not ours.


God's power is attracted to weakness. His grace comes running to those in need.


When a story has been spoiled, it's easier to follow and understand. We lose some of the suspense, but perhaps knowing how it will end allows us to not just endure the journey, but actually enjoy it.


God is good. Grace is greater.

*I received this book free from Baker Books through the Baker Books Bloggers program. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.
kcpstudent | 3 altre recensioni | Jun 16, 2017 |
Through 2 DVD's Kyle Idleman shares the Christmas Story in detail. He shows how God chose each individual in the Christmas story for a specific purpose.
SABC | May 20, 2017 |