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One at a Time: The Unexpected Way God Wants to Use You to Change the World

di Kyle Idleman

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251945,914 (4.5)Nessuno
How does God want to use you to have an impact? Most of us don't want to spend our lives being time-wasters, space-takers, binge-watchers, or game-players. We want to be difference-makers. But, how do we do it? By revealing the way, Jesus valued people, bestselling author Kyle Idleman, shows us the Jesus way of changing the world-by loving people one at a time. Influencing just one person at a time may seem insignificant at first look. But, as we better understand the surprising habits of Jesus, we unlock the power of small things done with great love and discover how God wants to use us to change the world one person at a time.… (altro)
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A friend loaned me this book, highly recommending it. And even before I finished it, I knew it would be a 5-star for me. It is well-written and engaging, with an intriguing premise – the unexpected yet straightforward way God wants to use you to make a difference…loving one person at a time.

Kyle Idleman is a best-selling author and senior pastor who uses many examples from his own life. I found the book to be encouraging, thoughtful, and challenging. It’s easy to read because of the humor and conversational tone. It’s motivating and powerful. The biblical examples plus Idleman’s personal stories guide readers to a deeper understanding of how to share your faith. This is a book written for all followers of Jesus.

I recommend this, and if you like Max Lucado’s books, you’ll value this one. ( )
  PhyllisReads | Mar 27, 2024 |
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How does God want to use you to have an impact? Most of us don't want to spend our lives being time-wasters, space-takers, binge-watchers, or game-players. We want to be difference-makers. But, how do we do it? By revealing the way, Jesus valued people, bestselling author Kyle Idleman, shows us the Jesus way of changing the world-by loving people one at a time. Influencing just one person at a time may seem insignificant at first look. But, as we better understand the surprising habits of Jesus, we unlock the power of small things done with great love and discover how God wants to use us to change the world one person at a time.

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