Immagine dell'autore.

Jamake Highwater (1931–2001)

Autore di Anpao: An American Indian Odyssey

44+ opere 1,736 membri 11 recensioni



Opere di Jamake Highwater

Anpao: An American Indian Odyssey (1977) 579 copie, 4 recensioni
The World in 1492 (1992) 201 copie, 1 recensione
Myth and Sexuality (Meridian) (1990) 128 copie, 1 recensione
Rama: A Legend (1994) 35 copie, 2 recensioni
Songs for the Seasons (1995) 30 copie, 1 recensione
Moonsong Lullaby (1981) 27 copie
Kill Hole (1992) 25 copie
I Wear the Morning Star (1986) 15 copie, 1 recensione
Fodor's Indian America (1975) 15 copie
The ceremony of innocence (1985) 14 copie
Poems 5 copie
Dark legend : a novel (1994) 4 copie
Four Essays 1 copia
KIDWA INDIAN ART (1979) 1 copia
Untitled poem 1 copia
Amazing Bats 1 copia
Løftet til Solen (1989) 1 copia

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Informazioni generali

Nome legale
Marks, Jacky
Altri nomi
Marks, Jay
Marks, J.
Markopoulos, Gregory J.
Highwater, Jamake
Data di nascita
Data di morte
Luogo di morte
Los Angeles, California, USA
Luogo di residenza
New York, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
North Hollywood High School (graduated 1950)
Breve biografia
May or may not have had Native American blood. Most of his claims about birth parents (Indian heritage), education, life experiences, etc., are in dispute and unverifiable, or certifiably false.



Highwater collected stories of Anpao from many different Native American tribes and edited them into a flowing narrative. It's a fun and fascinating read, with all of the qualities of a good myth story. Recommended.
electrascaife | 3 altre recensioni | Oct 10, 2020 |
The lengthy Hindu epic of the Ramayana doesn't necessarily lend itself to being condensed into a short novel told in the language of traditional Western fairy tales - but this is what Highwater attempts in this volume.
Overall, the result isn't bad. I would say this book wouldn't be essential for those who are already very familiar with Indian and Balinese mythology, but for those who aren't that familiar with it (like me!) this is a quick and enjoyable read, serving as a basic introduction to the story.… (altro)
AltheaAnn | 1 altra recensione | Feb 9, 2016 |
Native American myths collected and told in a novel format. Plains and Southwest Indians.
Salsabrarian | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 2, 2016 |
A sad & compelling story told by a "young" (we're never quite sure of his age, nor is he) boy who has been left at an orphanage by his mother. He never fits in. He remembers the stories his grandmother would tell him, and they create a world for his imagination. Eventually his older brother arrives at the orphanage also, and is his protector for a while. They both have issues about the father who abandoned his family. They are later taken under care by their mother's lover, but it turns out to be an abusive care.
I haven't read the first 2 books of the series, but felt this was a strong enough book that I do want to find the other 2 to read. This book stands on its own very well, with none of the need to catch up on the background that some series require. From the summaries, it appears the first 2 books deal with his grandmother's and his mother's lives--factors that would help us understand their actions in this book but not necessary to empathize with the main character, Sitko.
This is marketed as a juvenile book. I did read it aloud to my youngest son, who also lives in his imagination and has a protective older brother, though I did bowdlerize it somewhat for the "hells" and "damns" that showed up as the boy entered his teens & his stepfather cursed at him. I think it is also entirely appropriate for an adult audience.
… (altro)
juniperSun | Sep 15, 2014 |


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