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WBCLIB | Jun 12, 2024 |
Another one of my Net Galley wins was this latest book by Wanda Brunstetter. The Protector is an Amish fiction story about a family that must deal with a mysterious disappearance that shakes their faith. It is the first book in a trilogy and will be published on August 1, 2024.

The publisher's summary:

In book one of A Mifflin County Mystery series, after a night out with her boyfriend, Rosa Petersheim has disappeared from the Big Valley without a trace. Norman Petersheim always considered himself his sister's protector, and he can't believe she would have left home of her own accord. Clearly, he must have failed her. He throws all he has into helping the authorities search for Rosa, while trying to support his parents and siblings--who are struggling both mentally and physically. Salina Swarey loves Norman and hopes they are headed toward marriage, but his obsession with Rosa's whereabouts is driving them apart. Can Norman find peace and contentment, even if he never learns where Rosa has gone?

Initially I thought that the story would be about finding Rosa. Up until the end I expected her to reappear to her family. That did not happen though. The story is mainly about the fallout. While Rosa's mother and brother were actively searching for her, problems of their own came up that they had to deal with. Mom stopped eating and cried often but she was later diagnosed with an illness where the symptoms were similar. Dad, a bishop, only cared about his reputation with the church and did not like being married to someone who no longer served his needs. Norman and his mother spent so much time searching for Rosa that they stopped living for themselves. Rosa's two sisters dealt with the disappearance differently but their personalities changed significantly. There was a one year passage of time between Rosa's disappearance and the story's end. I think this is a normal period of time where most families in real life who must deal with a missing relative put their lives on hold.

The whodunit and whodunit of Rosa's disappearance was prominent to the story and brought plenty of mystery. I was disappointed that she was never found but this was a realistic ending.
Violette62 | May 31, 2024 |
This is the second book in this series, the Fischer brothers, and their relationship, or brother Samuel's.
As the story opens he has tragically lost his beloved wife, and now he is trying to take care of of his children alone.
We journey with Samuel, and his family, as life goes on, but he has made up his mind that he will always remain true to his wife.
He does meet someone, but he knows he can't have a relationship with another woman, and his life becomes so unsettled.
We are with this family as they pick up the pieces and try to move on.
I wondered when he would begin to really live his faith, keep reading!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Barbour, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | 4 altre recensioni | May 5, 2024 |
I know that I read this one years ago so I thought that I would try it again. I still enjoyed it and recommend it to those who like Amish fiction.

Tropes: love triangle

Content: car accident that results in death and severe injuries

4 Stars
libraryofemma | 12 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
Although this has a LOT of characters, I still enjoyed it quite a bit.

Content: nothing of note

4 Stars
libraryofemma | 11 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
Despite the fact that this one had a love triangle, I listened to it in one sitting. I just couldn't stop.
Although it is very uncommon in most Amish-centered novels, but this one discussed anxiety and panic attacks.
Also, I really wish that we knew what happened to the child that Katie found. Once she went to the police, the situation wasn't really ever mentioned again, leaving no closure.
I really liked how there was not much of a romance plot as much as a deep friendship plot.

Tropes: love-triangle, friends to more

Content: mentions of an accident that took the life of Katie's boyfriend, infant abondenment, anxiety

5 Stars
libraryofemma | 29 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
Overall, this was a solid ending to the trilogy. It was a bit over the top with all the love stuff (which was why I didn't give it five stars) but very clean and good for younger readers of Christian fiction. (I remember enjoying this one when I was 14.)

Content: nothing to worry about, maybe some kissing

4 Stars
libraryofemma | 8 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
I thought this was unread for my unread shelf challenge but it turns out that I read it years ago. I'm glad I reread though.

4 Stars
libraryofemma | 13 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
Surprisingly, I really enjoyed this one.

4 Stars

Content: unwed mother, 2 death of spouse
libraryofemma | 11 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
libraryofemma | 5 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
I loved this wonderful Amish fiction filled with romance, love and abuse. I loved how this story based around a young mother who had been abused as a child is handled. I enjoyed getting to know Irma and her husband LaVern. I received a copy of this book from the publisher for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 9 altre recensioni | Apr 12, 2024 |
This is book three in The Friendship Letters series and I must say it is my favorite. The author handles the subject of abuse with finesse and tenderness. It is heartbreaking at times and made me weep, but with admitting you need help and prayer healing can come. I love how letters between friends in this series is so helpful and shows what genuine friendship means. I was thankful Irma had an understanding and loving husband. I loved the characters and felt extreme empathy for Irma. It was wonderful to watch the journey to forgiveness and healing. Even if you aren’t a big fan of Amish fiction I suggest giving this a try as it is well done and captures your heart. It shows how abuse has a ripple effect even to ones who are not the target of the abuse. I was saddened to see the author actually experienced abuse and wrote this from firsthand knowledge. I was blessed to read this.
I received a complimentary copy from Barbour Publishing. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 9 altre recensioni | Apr 3, 2024 |
This series has been very enjoyable but this book will always be my favorite. The author tackles a sensitive subject with compassion and opens the doors for healing from those who have been through a similar situation. I appreciate the candid look at child abuse and how it affects many. It was particularly emotional for me as I was a victim like Irma.

Irma was so easy to relate to because we have similar childhoods. Her abuse came from her stepfather but mine was from my father and older brother. Irma still has memories from what she endured but when she marries and moves away she almost feels free for the first time. Lingering deep in her heart is pain, bitterness and unforgiveness. She has carried this secret for awhile. Like Irma’s mother, mine stood silently by and did nothing. The pain of not feeling safe and protected by her mother is hard to understand at times. Irma can’t understand why her mother allowed this to happen to her and never once step in to stop it.

Irma’s husband LaVern is away from home a lot due to his job. He has no idea that Irma is feeling stress around the children. He is gentle and loving with his wife but he has no idea of the secrets she has been hiding. When a death in the family sends Irma back home there was definite tension between her and her mother. Irma’s mother feels guilty for what happened to her oldest daughter at the hands of her second husband. She tried to stop him but his anger turned to her. She hid bruises from everyone and I understand her feeling of helplessness. My mother did not step in at all for me and for a very long time in my life I was angry with her.

The story shows how Irma is becoming more angry towards her children and begins to abuse them. This broke my heart. I wanted to sit next to Irma and tell her that she needs to seek help right away. Her bitterness is destroying her life and causing her children to be afraid of her. I’m so thankful that her dear friend continued to send letters to Irma and encourage her to seek help. I will leave the ending of this story for readers to see what the outcome is.

As I end my review I will share a few personal thoughts. For many years I suffered through physical and emotional abuse by my father and oldest brother. For years I cut ties to my family. I was angry that the two people who should have kept me safe didn’t. They let me know that I was not loved by them and had never wanted me. As I finished reading Irma’s story I am thankful for the author for sharing this story. Abuse happens everyday. But there is freedom when we forgive and are forgiven. Please make sure you read the Dear Reader section at the end of the book. It will help you understand why this story is so personal to the author. I’m grateful for the author being transparent and helping me continue to forgive my parents and oldest brother everyday.

“Bitterness blocks healing and prevents the goodness of God from shining through in our life.”

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and author. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 9 altre recensioni | Apr 1, 2024 |
This third book in The Friendship Letters series is a memorable way to end the series. Letters are still being exchanged between three longtime friends but Irma's letters to Doretta have become cries for help. Memories of the physical and emotional abuse that she'd hidden since childhood threaten to destroy the life she's built with her husband and three young children. How does an Amish woman admit that she's repeating the same abusive actions that have haunted her for years?

Letters of Wisdom is an enlightening story about the long-lasting effects endured by the victims of abuse. I realize that it could be an emotional trigger for some readers, but author Wanda E. Brunstetter is never graphic in her depiction of these actions. She reminds us that abuse can be passed from generation to generation and that counseling is often needed to break the cycle. Irma's story illustrates that hurt and resentment can turn to hatred if allowed to fester, and it reinforces the need for compassion, forgiveness, and healing that can only come through faith and prayer. I was deeply touched by this story, and I applaud Brunstetter for her willingness to tackle this subject!

I received a complimentary copy from the author and publisher. There was no obligation for a positive review
fcplcataloger | 9 altre recensioni | Mar 30, 2024 |
Letters of Wisdom is the third book in the Friendship Letters series by Wanda E. Brunstetter. This wonderful Amish series does follow through as the series progresses, so it is best to read in order. The author does a nice job of giving background information, so this book is also a good stand alone story. This series follows three friends that go through personal struggles and reach out to each other for support through letters. This story focuses on Irma and her family. The story is so realistic and covers the topic of abuse. The author has delicately written a story that shows the struggles Irma has as she feels overwhelmed with being a mother, facing her estranged family after her abuser/stepfather passes away. With hopes of putting her past behind her and moving forward, Irma finds herself in an even darker place.

This story contains wonderful yet hurting characters. I enjoyed the way the author has written such an easy to read story as it touches on hard topics. The story is well written and easy to imagine. I appreciate the way Irma’s husband steps up to make sure she gets the help she needs and the family heals from this situation. I like how her mother and siblings come together after her stepfathers death and try to help each other. I admire her stepsister for trying to reach out to her to help her understand their mother better.

I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this story, this is my honest review.
eccl | 9 altre recensioni | Mar 18, 2024 |
This third book in the "friendship letters" series of Amish fiction ties together the lives of three Amish women. Friends as children, they now have gone their own ways as adults and stay in touch through a series of letters. These letters are a key part of the story, but do not form the main body of the novel. Common characters appear in these novels, but they can all be read as standalones.

In this novel, Irma finds difficulty coping with her active children, her husband's busy job that takes him away from home, and her tragic childhood past of physical and emotional abuse by her stepfather. She hopes that attending her stepfather's funeral will allow her to put these memories to rest. Irma's mother would like to re-establish her relationship with Irma, but things between them continue to be strained and Irma is unyielding. As Irma sinks into despair and continuing inability to cope with her life, she finds it harder and harder to deal with her children in a calm and positive way. Hopefully Irma will decide to seek help before things spiral out of control.

This is a work of Christian fiction, written by an experienced author in the genre. Themes include motherhood and marriage, physical and emotional abuse, family, and depression. The author addresses sensitive topics in a professional manner, and shows the Amish in a realistic way instead of "sugar coating" their culture and way of life.

I received this novel from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
LadyoftheLodge | 9 altre recensioni | Mar 13, 2024 |
Book 3 of this series carried a powerful message. It really touched my heart to see the silent suffering of those who were victims of abuse and how if continues to affect them years after the fact. Doretta is Irma's friend who shares her thoughts and feelings with Irma through her letters. Irma opens up to Doretta after her stepfather's passing, a man who abused her during her younger years. After marrying and moving away, Irma attends the funeral of her stepfather and this brings out her feelings towards him and her mother, whom she felt did not stop the abuse. As her feelings start coming to the surface, she finds it harder and harder to show loving discipline to her children, but rather responds in a harsh way. Sharing her feelings with her friend Doretta, Irma reads the suggestions that are shared with her.
It's a touching story that seems very realistic and you can feel the emotions that are shared in the story. I really was glad that I read the book. A moving story of love and forgiveness.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Sonja.Hoeke.Nish7358 | 9 altre recensioni | Mar 13, 2024 |
Letters of Wisdom by Wanda E. Brunstetter is the third book in The Friendship Letters series. It can be read as a standalone, but I believe it is best to read the series in order. This will allow you to know the characters and their backgrounds. I thought the story was well-written with realistic, developed characters. Irma Miller struggles to take care of her children while her husband is away auctioneering. She has three children, and the two boys are active. She looks forward to receiving letters from her dear friends, Doretta and Eleanor. They send words of encouragement along with helpful books. Irma had a pleasant childhood until her father passed away and her mother remarried. Her stepfather was abusive, and Irma never understood why her mother did not intervene. We get to see how a victim of abuse can become an abuser. Those who have suffered mental and/or physical abuse may find the story hard to read. There were portions that I was unable to read. Irma’s husband, LaVern, is a gem. It is obvious that he loves his wife and kids (and wants what is best for them). I like how the abuse was addressed. I was not aware that there were Christian counselors. Abuse, guilt, self-worth, bitterness, resentment, and forgiveness are themes addressed in the story. Letters of Wisdom is a character driven story. I liked how the characters told the story. I enjoyed catching up with the characters from the first two books. Letters of Wisdom is an emotional tale with an overwhelmed mother, helpful letters, a hardworking husband, energetic tykes, finding forgiveness, and a gracious God.½
Kris_Anderson | 9 altre recensioni | Feb 21, 2024 |
WBCLIB | Feb 9, 2024 |
WBCLIB | Feb 9, 2024 |