Wizards school for wizards teacher lets demon out and student saves school then gets banished for un

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Wizards school for wizards teacher lets demon out and student saves school then gets banished for un

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Ago 7, 2010, 12:17 am

does anyone know the title or auther of this book, some more information is that the guy is failing at the school because he is doing everything the hard and difficult way, he starts off at a castle as a squire but when a magician does an illusion for the lord of the deep, the boy has a dream about the mage saving him from an invisable cell on a grassy hill, the boy then follows the magician and finds his camp

Ago 7, 2010, 3:42 am

You might want to include some more information, Mitchell. Both your title and your post feel like they're cut off. Do you have an idea of whenabouts you read this? (You might also want to pay more attention to your punctuation, so your post is easier to read. People are more inclined to skip over posts that takes them a while to figure out.)

At first I thought it might be A Wizard of Earthsea, but then I realised that I'd been reading the title all wrong. It's not, mind you, but still might be worth mentioning.

Modificato: Ago 7, 2010, 11:38 am

It's the first book in Debra Doyle and James MacDonald's series about Randal, Lys, and Walter. The series has a few different names (Circle of Magic, School of Wizardry, Tarnsberg) and some of the books have multiple titles too.


  • Book 1: School of Wizardry

  • Book 2: Tournament and Tower/Secret of the Tower

  • Book 3: The City by the Sea/The Wizard's Statue

  • Book 4: The Prince's Players/Danger in the Palace

  • Book 5: The Prisoners of Bell Castle/The Wizard's Castle

  • Book 6: The High King's Daughter

  • Book 7: Mystery at Wizardry School

  • Book 8: Voice of the Ice

Feb 23, 2012, 3:00 pm

touchstone fairy: School of Wizardry