The General Slocum

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The General Slocum

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Giu 16, 2010, 1:03 pm

Here's a fresh disaster I'd never heard of before. 1,000 people dead in NY harbor just 100 years ago. Are there any books on the General Slocum?

Giu 16, 2010, 1:48 pm

I know I've seen mention of one. I'll look it up.

Giu 16, 2010, 1:49 pm

Found it. It's called Ship Ablaze. I make no promises as to quality though -- I haven't actually read it, just seen it in my book recommendations.

Giu 19, 2010, 2:12 am

I have Ship Ablaze, but haven't read it, beyond the 50 pages I usually read when deciding to buy a book.