Book Facts

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Book Facts

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Feb 26, 2010, 5:15 pm

The book industry recognizes various parts of a book. A basic knowledge of the parts of a book and how a book is put together can help writers to envision the finished product. Most books will have at least a front and back cover, title page, and body text but usually there will be many more parts of a book design.

Book Facts

• Most children's books contain illustrations. Children's literature can refer to works for children age 0-18 but can be further sub-divided into the following categories below

• Picture books appropriate for pre-readers, ages 0–5. The illustrations in a picture book are generally an integral part of the work

• Early Reader Books appropriate for children age 5-7. These books are often designed to help a child build his or her reading skills

• Chapter book appropriate for children ages 7–11

• Short chapter books, appropriate for children ages 7–9

• Longer chapter books, appropriate for children ages 9–12

• Young-adult fiction appropriate for children age 13-18

• Series books the story continues in a sequel or number of books with similar themes